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600cc bike owners, WTF are you thinking???


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Okay, the liter guys I get. You're fucking suicidal nuts, and that's cool. When you die, it's because you layed the bastard down at 200 and turned yourself into a flesh and blood puree on the pavement. That is noble.


The clowns I don't get are these 600 guys, particularly the ones with old 600s. I mean, what is up with that? Do you enjoy the fact that the only danger you ever see is a minivan cutting you off?


Also, hello! This is Ohio, and it rains half the year and snows the other half. You guys have an orgasm the five days of the year you get good riding weather, and for what? Just to see me pulling away from you with the A/C on and a girl sitting COMFORTABLY in my leather passenger seat? Don't go giving me that open air nonsense, either. I've got the targa top going, and I can put it back on when the Ohio weather turn to shit like it always does.


Now, I know you're going to bring up girls. Here's the deal -- you guys are the omega males of the bike world. The white trash chicks are on the Harleys, the hotties are on the liter bikes, and you guys are left with the fatties who slow your already slow bikes down even further. Heaven help those of you who couldn't spring the cash for an R6, because once you get your woman on the back, Kias are pulling you.


Help explain to me the purpose of a 600. Thanks.

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Several things wrong here.


Targa top? Please. If you ever find the balls to ride any kind of motorcycle, you ancient, loafer wearing, receding hairline pansy, you'll understand why there is a difference between "targa top ( graemlins/gay.gif ) and a motorcycle.


This summer in ohio has seen at least thirty or fourty ride-worthy days, which is alot more than "five or six"... and I know you never embellish anything.


I ride an old Six because I'm a poor, soon-to-be college student, and this is my first bike. Would I have loved to have had the skills and money to purchase a new liter?" Of course. But I wanted to find something that was both cost effective and a bike to learn on that wouldn't kill me. My bike satisfies both conditions.


Lastly, I don't need a vehicle to get bitches. Just ask Morgan or Rigsby about that one. I know you might come back at that one with "well in Sigep we hired some male strippers that LOOKED like girls..." but please spare us your homo-erotic stories so we can all sleep tonight. Thanks.

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I do NOT have a receding hairline.


A Vespa or a moped is also cheap, won't kill you, and is equally embarassing to be seen on. Why a 600 again? Help me out there.


Also, I am very impressed with your tales of conquest from the Jenny Craig convention. I recommend the large ladies of Phi Sigma Sigma (also knows and Phi Pigs) to you during your stay at camp OU. While I am not personally familiar with their affections, there were many tales from drunken fraternity brothers testifying to their hunger for love.


You got the story wrong, I am afraid. The pretty boy Pikes are the ones who dressed their pledges up as girls. I can't understand why you'd want to go through that, but I can understand why you are already jealous enough to slander us. Wait until I tell you the GOOD stories... ;)

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I guess my problem with the whole 600cc bike thing is the fact that half the guys that own one, want a liter bike. Its just a shame they can't ride a 600cc bike like it should be ridden(sp).


(Its just a shame I can't spell)


Edit: But Mark sure does where loafers! ;)

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Neither a moped nor a vespa will even approach speeds of 150 mph, nor do they have nearly the amount of power that a 600 has to entice females. Do you think girls give a damn about engine size when it comes to two wheeled machines? Nope.


Don't try to lie to all of us about your fat chick escapades. While 125 lbs is my limit, I'm sure that your standards are much lower, given your appearance and personality (or lack thereof). When you come through with some conclusive evidence, I'll let this topic slide.


Dressing up like girls, eh? I'll be sure to plan a "fuck a sigep's girlfriend" night this year, just for you. The only problem will be raising enough money to buy all of the beer it will take the Pikes to get drunk enough to even begin talking any any of the skanked out crackwhores that would have sex with the sigeps.


The ball is in your court, Sweetcakes. In fact, I'll even throw you an extra one. You'll need it.



Off Topic: Best flame thread yet?

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by SupraGlue:

The clowns I don't get are these 600 guys, particularly the ones with old 600s. I mean, what is up with that? Do you enjoy the fact that the only danger you ever see is a minivan cutting you off?

600s are plenty fast. I think even an "old" one will run 11's. They have roughly half the displacement, but these are bikes not cars, this isn't like comparing an LS1 to an Ecotec.



Also, hello! This is Ohio, and it rains half the year and snows the other half. You guys have an orgasm the five days of the year you get good riding weather, and for what? Just to see me pulling away from you with the A/C on and a girl sitting COMFORTABLY in my leather passenger seat? Don't go giving me that open air nonsense, either. I've got the targa top going, and I can put it back on when the Ohio weather turn to shit like it always does.



All of that has nothing to do with 600 vs 1000. tongue.gif Bikes aren't meant to be all-year-round vehicles, or even practical. I'm sure the 600 guys have other modes of transportation as well. You'd think somebody with as many vehicles as you would understand the idea of having a fun bike to cruise around... it could go in the garage inbetween your dyno queen and drag car.



Now, I know you're going to bring up girls. Here's the deal -- you guys are the omega males of the bike world. The white trash chicks are on the Harleys, the hotties are on the liter bikes, and you guys are left with the fatties who slow your already slow bikes down even further. Heaven help those of you who couldn't spring the cash for an R6, because once you get your woman on the back, Kias are pulling you.



Most chicks don't know the difference between a 600 and a liter bike, they are all just fast crotch rockets. I don't think you do either, an R6 is a 600... R1 is a liter, is that what you meant?


Originally posted by SupraGlue:

Help explain to me the purpose of a 600. Thanks.

Happy medium. They have smaller bikes like 250s. We could compare this to an SRT-4. Entry level, sort of fun, but really slow. Then you have the mid-level bikes, like a 600. We'll compare it to hmmm, how about a MKIV Supra TT like you have? Alot faster, nicer, better chick magnet, etc. And then we have the liter+ bikes. These would be like an exotic car, Lamborghini Diablo or something.


Now Mark, why didn't you get a sweet ass Diablo instead of the Supra? Surely it wasn't the price. I mean, when you were car shopping you could have bought ANY car you wanted, right? I bet it was bang-for-the-buck. Why waste all that money on a Diablo when you were content with the performance of the Supra. Not to mention you'll still get hot chicks, they like Supras, it's the car from TF&TF!!! You're not going after supermodels or anything. Oh, and the Supra is a popular car, great starter into the sports car world. Most people just don't start out learning to drive with a Lamborghini as their first car!


I think you get the idea. btw, I don't even have a bike or ride, yet. Someday, and I'll probably get a 600. tongue.gif

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Mark ever racing his car against a bike..... http://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/lol.gif. I never seen more of a waste of a single supra. Then Mark ever getting a girl... http://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/smilielol.gifhttp://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/smilielol.gif


Damn this just made my day...

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gayest flame ever.


first off you have 9 out of 12 months to ride (least i do).

bike is the ultimate convertable. targa top is nothing like riding the bike, nor is a convertable. Its just you and the road, no gadjets.


600's have plenty of power even old ones. How many stock cars can run 11's with the tire they came with from the factory too.


and why is it all about speed. there is nothing like taking a curve, fighting the curve in a bike the sensation cannot be expressed by words. Lets see a car keep up with a 600 in the twisties, provided that they can ride.


If i wanted i could get a 1000cc, (an R1 perhaps) but i like my 600cc better, the way i can control it the way it fits me, i even like the way it looks better. and the way it takes a turn.

sure the liter bikes are faster, but ive killed hyabusas on the dragstrip lots of times, even with experianced riders, you just got to be better then them. only a second and a half faster doesnt leave to much margin for error.


next thing you roll up in your car, somebody rolls up in there bike, the bike alsways gets more attention. I garentee more woman will want to ride the bike then your car, and when they do ride on a bike they hold on to you they dont do that in a car.

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Originally posted by Hoosier Daddy:

Now Mark, why didn't you get a sweet ass Diablo instead of the Supra? Surely it wasn't the price. I mean, when you were car shopping you could have bought ANY car you wanted, right? I bet it was bang-for-the-buck. Why waste all that money on a Diablo when you were content with the performance of the Supra. Not to mention you'll still get hot chicks, they like Supras, it's the car from TF&TF!!! You're not going after supermodels or anything. Oh, and the Supra is a popular car, great starter into the sports car world. Most people just don't start out learning to drive with a Lamborghini as their first car!

I don't even particularly like this guy, but I have to concede this is one of the best responses/arguments to anything I've ever read on CR.


Originally posted by Republicant:

Off Topic: Best flame thread yet?

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I have a Ninja 750R, but any modern sport bike will walk all over it in every performance catagory you could come up with (from gas mileage to acceleration, braking, handling, top speed, etc.).


IMO, a 600 is a safer bike than a 1000+ bike. Lighter, easier to handle (and handle better if all other things equal), not as an agressive of a power band. Bikes are not nearly as forgiving as cars, and when you wreck, they are even LESS forgiving. Ask how many guys here that ride have ever dumped a bike. I'd bet 95% have...I know I have. Yet car wise, other than someone hitting me, I've never wrecked (had those same cars hit me on my bike, I wouldn't be typing right now).


Unlike many here, I prefer my car over riding a bike. I enjoy the speed more, and overall enjoy it better. Hence why I need to get to fixing/selling my bike; I just no longer have much of an interest.

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Originally posted by DramaQueen:


600's have plenty of power even old ones. How many stock cars can run 11's with the tire they came with from the factory too.


and why is it all about speed. there is nothing like taking a curve, fighting the curve in a bike the sensation cannot be expressed by words. Lets see a car keep up with a 600 in the twisties, provided that they can ride.


If i wanted i could get a 1000cc, (an R1 perhaps) but i like my 600cc better, the way i can control it the way it fits me, i even like the way it looks better. and the way it takes a turn.

sure the liter bikes are faster, but ive killed hyabusas on the dragstrip lots of times, even with experianced riders, you just got to be better then them. only a second and a half faster doesnt leave to much margin for error.



First off I don't see too many 600's running 11's stock, I know of one that couldn't out run a low 13 sec mustang on the freeway.


Second why is it that everyone calls bullshit on a 11.00 mustang beating a busa yet, you say your 600 can beat one.

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Originally posted by QWK90GT:

First off I don't see too many 600's running 11's stock, I know of one that couldn't out run a low 13 sec mustang on the freeway.


Second why is it that everyone calls bullshit on a 11.00 mustang beating a busa yet, you say your 600 can beat one. [/QB]


I have a buddy with an FZR 600 (1993) with a pipe and a jet kit that ran 11.32 @ 117 MPH


On the flip side, I rode my ZX-9R Ninja to an 11.08 @ 131 MPH..


What does this mean? I'm not a bike drag racer. I love to ride, but I'm no Rickey Gadson. A 600 can be a seriously fast machine if ridden properly. Said FZR was also completely smoked on the freeway by another friend with a bone stock 02 GSXR600. New 600 technology allows these things to make ~100 rwhp and weigh 350-375 pounds... You do the math. No, they don't have the power and torque of a literbike, but unless you ride like a moron, who'll miss it? I bought mine because a 600cc bike that runs well with a 150lb rider doesn't work nearly as well with a 300lb rider.

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I have a friend who weighs about 120-130lbs, hes the one guy I would think NEEDS to ride a 600, but he will not have less than 1000. I feel the same way.

If its about learning to ride thats B.S., anybody who jumps on a bike and goes WOT and knees down a curve their first day is an idiot. Around town driving you're not going to feel a difference, once you learn to handle the bike you'll realize you outgrew your 600 already. Honda CBR1000RR is my dream bike at the moment, when i get money i will buy it...and nothing less

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Originally posted by Powered By Geo:

I have a friend who weighs about 120-130lbs, hes the one guy I would think NEEDS to ride a 600, but he will not have less than 1000. I feel the same way.

If its about learning to ride thats B.S., anybody who jumps on a bike and goes WOT and knees down a curve their first day is an idiot. Around town driving you're not going to feel a difference, once you learn to handle the bike you'll realize you outgrew your 600 already. Honda CBR1000RR is my dream bike at the moment, when i get money i will buy it...and nothing less

Can I have your stuff when you're dead? Seriously.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

Mark ever racing his car against a bike..... http://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/lol.gif. I never seen more of a waste of a single supra. Then Mark ever getting a girl... http://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/smilielol.gifhttp://forums.corvetteforum.com/images/smilies/smilielol.gif


Damn this just made my day...

If I'd only been invited to join Team Vette, my life would have been so much more full. :(



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Originally posted by QWK90GT:First off I don't see too many 600's running 11's stock, I know of one that couldn't out run a low 13 sec mustang on the freeway.


Second why is it that everyone calls bs on a 11.00 mustang beating a busa yet, you say your 600 can beat one.[/QB]

definatly not the bike just the rider. about all 600cc's now days can at least run 11's stock even the B-classes. most can hit tens with a good rider.

Ive had mine go 11.19@123 in the heat, im looking for high tens once it cools down. Bone stock.

A hyabusa is harder to control and easy to mess up on, you hit it to hard the front will stand straight up and whe you have to put it down and go again the race is already lost. I have beat alot of hyabusas with my R6 be cause of their stand ups or wheel spin, but when they do get it down its an instant 9 second time slip stock.


if you get some guy on a bike who isnt a noob the car has to be dang fast to keep up with him

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Originally posted by little devil98gt:

I had a 600cc bike I liked it a lot. And Im a girl, and I know the difference between the bikes...lol just had to add that in there.


I still want my little busa.. but ANYHOO.

get your car fast first


and for everyone posting in here you are fucking lame, i gaurantee mark understands why people get 600, but just doesn't agree, but he obviously throws this topic out for flame bait, and you retards give him good logical reasons for owning a 600, this is the FLAME room, you are supposed to flame him back not be a queer and be smart and stuff, that kind of posts belong in the rest of the board, you shoulda said something like mark you over the hill bastard, your old ass probably isn't allowed out of the assisted living housing project to understand why someone would ride a 600, or damn can't really hear you over your car being dynoed, when was the last time you raced it again??


come on now, prove tj wrong and make the flame room worthy of the name


[ 05. August 2004, 11:34 AM: Message edited by: Car Enthusiast ]

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