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What kind of English do you speak.


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I also am same as the rest of you with a "Twist" - my Pittsburghese!


Words like - youns, crick for CREEK, we say POP not soda, gumband NOT rubberband, etc etc


I'm from Pittsburgh too. :)... North Hills acutally.


Pop is the shizzle. :)


hahha.. Gum band.. Holy shit. I thought my MOM only said that! :eek:


Has anyone ever heard someone say "warsh".. as in .. wash the car? My friend from Chicago says that ALL the time and it drive me up the wall! His whole family does it too. Must be a Chicago thing? I dunno.

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Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

20% Yankee

15% Dixie

5% Midwestern

5% Upper Midwestern



Only 55% general american english. See what happens when you go to public schools in Southern Ohio.

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