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How do you feel about CCW?


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Just curious as to you guys' thoughts on this subject?


How many of you actually carry? What do you carry? set-up, and things like that?


I've been researching it with the idea that when I eventually do turn 21 (July '06), that I will apply for mine.


What really got me thinking about it was that a friend of mine was mugged a few weeks ago, at gunpoint, by three young guys. Hearing this story from him fucking infuriated me. For awhile I got to thinking about what I would have done in his situation. Would it have been better to have had a gun and shot (hopefully) all three of their stupid asses. Or just let it slide, do as they say and give them your money, and pray to whatever God you believe in that they don't shoot your ass when they get what they want. In my opinion, and from what I've researched, you would be in full right to use deadly force.


How would you guys act in this type of situation? The more I think about it, the more I think I'd have gone in for the kill. Fuck them. Fuck the consequences. Fuck the sue happy relatives that would probably sue your ass if you DID shoot their worthless child.


Just looking to hear some insight. Let's try to keep this as civil as possible.

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if you would have reached for your weapon they would have shot you.



Forgot to mention I was told they were holding the guns upside-down. Accuracy would have been laughable.


Also, who's to say they wouldn't have shot you anyway?

I'm not arguing, just throwing out situations.

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Its all about protecting your life. If you need to pull your weapon to protect your life then so be it.


Honestly your friend was probably right in handing over the cash. Three armed people VS one, the outcome is obvious. Guns upside-down or not, at point blank it is not hard to miss.


If you shoot any or all of them, rest assured you will be in court in the next few months trying to explain why you did not flee, or had no other option but to shoot. Obviously in this scenario it would be best if there was only one side to the story.


If you have a short temper, you probably should not carry.


*Damn I wish I had a ZO6 at the age of 20 :eek:

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Forgot to mention I was told they were holding the guns upside-down. Accuracy would have been laughable.


Also, who's to say they wouldn't have shot you anyway?

I'm not arguing, just throwing out situations.



Accuracy is not as much of an issue when you are talking about multiple individuals all within a few feet, odds are, your screwed.


Unless the use of the Gun(s) and "they" were an accident.


I think you'd be much better off just co-operating than trying to pull a slick one and getting shot.

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I'm going to have to agree with Street Pilot and Beavis.


I am personally for concealed carry. I'm debating over getting it, but I probably would not carry. I would mainly get it to become a statistic of being pro-carry.


Take a hard look into Ohio laws before you ever decide to carry. If you shoot someone, there is very little chance that you can escape being convicted of something and thrown in jail, even if you do everything right. Last I heard, in Ohio you have the responsibility to flee, unlike states like Texas or Florida, which is where you hear about all the people that put their CCW to good use. What this means to you, is that you have the responsibility to remove yourself from the situation if at all possible, whether there is someone in your house or someone pointing a gun at you on the street. If you decide to pull a weapon, it's now your job to prove that you had no way out, and it was your last resort. The laws that state this makes it almost senseless to carry, its just not worth the headache, unless you constantly find yourself in areas where you feel that you may be harmed.


Your friend did the smart thing in his situation. Him pulling a gun would have only made things far, far worse. If this were Texas and he shot all three of them, he would have gotten a medal.

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I'm a licensed CCW. Yes, I carry often. Why? Because I can. It's true the Ohio laws suck balls compared to Texas and Florida, so you need to be prepared for that. Am I prepared to shoot and kill someone if I have to? Absolutely. You need to be sure too, before you carry. I recommend the class to everyone whether you go full-on and get the certification or not. You learn a lot about firearms, society, and yourself. But don't equip unless you are really ready to kill another human being.


I carry a Ruger P89 9mm most of the time, but it's a little big. Now that I'm having a silencer installed onto it semi-permanently it's no longer practical for day-to-day carry, so I'll be carrying my P90 .45 for a while. It's even bigger, but it will have to do until I can get a small ~3-5 shot .45. As for where and how I carry, sorry, that's a personal secret. I also don't carry just one gun some of the time. ;)

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I have a CCW license as well. P95 9mm is my carry gun at the moment. I would have to agree it is a little big for carrying all the time. In the very near future I hope to get a Springfield Armory XD sub-compact .40.


Really it is almost too easy to get your permit.


Silencer for the p89? Wonder if that would fit the p95... hook me up! Homemade?


*and you're right, enough with the gun talk. How does one acquire a Z06 at 20 years old? :)

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Hmmm, Chris made a good point, taking a mans life means taking all he got and all he ever will have. You are taking away someone's son, brother, father or husband. Someone said that a sure fire way to get shot at is to pull a weapon on them if they have one in their hand, there is a more sure way, and that is to pull a weapon and not be mentally ready to use it.


All that being said, Ohio's specifics about CCW are a pretty twisted mess. You have the right to carry a weapon, as long as you have completed the course and have the license, but the other laws that pertain to using a weapon in a crisis situation are still 100% in force. You have to take ANY out that you have before unholstering your wepaon, reguardless if you use it or not. You can only use like force, or the display of like force as a deterent. Meaning if someone trys to mug you, and they are not armed, you can't draw down on them legally, and if you shoot them it's a homoscide legally, because they didn't pose a threat to your life. So basically if you are being mugged by an unarmed person, you pretty much are legally bound, to fork over the money and not even branish the firearm much less use the firearm. I realize this is bullshit, but you will end up in from of a jury and if they are anti CCW then your ass is in a sling.


Another oddity of Ohio CCW, make damn sure that it's 100% concealed. If someone see's it, see's the outline of it under your coat or whatever, they can call the cops, and you will be arrested. The antigun wrote that shit into the law, and then have told EVERY bleeding heart anti gun fuck out there to call every time they see someone the THINK is carrying, because they will be arrested for it and have their firearm seized. This little loophole is total bullshit, but it's the way the law is written. Ask a cop sometime how many calls they get about that, or how many times that someone walks up and says that so and so over there had a concealed firearm. Also, be careful to read and FULLY understand the law as it relates to transportation of a firearm. If the firearm is not on your person then it need to be unloaded and locked in the trunk, per the laws relating to transportation if you don't have a permit. So if it's poking you in the side, and you put it over on the passenger seat, or anyplace else in plain site or not, and you are pulled over. You become a guest for 1 year at a fine state run establishment with bars on the windows and really strong locks on all the doors.


I am all for CCW, please don't let the things I have said here make you believe different. But Ohio don't have a CCW permit, they have a permit that opens you up to liability suits and jail time, and because you are required to be trained on the laws and sigh that you understand and will 100% follow them, there is NO leanency for people that screw up.


And remember for those of you that live in liberal leaning areas, with liberal sheriff's, the sherrif has final say, and there is no criteria for who gets the permit's only who doesn't. This means that you can be 100% elegible and still be rejected, so find out how many CCW permits that your local sherrif has issued before you ever bother to submit your paperwork.

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silencers huh????


Better go read this



And I would advise you, as I have others, to STFU about owning, modifying or having knowledge any of any class 3 firearms without proper paperwork in any public place. for God sake shut your howling screamer about shit like this.

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Researcing the ccw laws, planning to get the certificate this fall yet. I have heard there is a bypass for veterans with combat time that by passes the training time. Ill still do the class regardless. Weather or not I am carying, I hope no one ever needs to find out.
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supressors are not illegal.


I don't remember saying that they were. I at one time way licensed to posse DOT class B explosives. I can't now though. Automatic weapons aren't illegal either as long as you have the proper permits and paperwork from the ATF. So don't read more into what I said. I posted a link that specified firearms with silencers as a NFA class 3 weapon, that you can legally own as long as you have the permit for it.


Read, and this is from the ATF web site, they would know



Here it says that silencers are NFA class 3



Here it says that it's a $250000 fine and 10 years in a federal pen for having any NFA class 3 without a permit.


Like I said, don't put words in my mouth, it will only get you looking stupid.


Now, to give you an out and the benefit of doubt, I will say that gas porting a weapon, or installing a muzzle brake, is perfectly legal. But these are not silencers, they do nothing to mask or muffle the report of a firearm, only to control the direction of the recoil of the weapon. You may have been talking about flash supressors as well. Again, these are perfectly legal on most weapons. up to the point that the federal assault weapons ban expired, they were only legal on weapons that came with them, you could not legally install one on a weapon that didn't have one, but you could also not remove one from a weapon that had one installed by the manufacture. That ban has now expired and flash supressors are now legal to be installed on any weapon again.

So, now all you need to say to save face is that you didn't mean a silencer, you were taling about gas porting of a flash supressor and you will not look like a blabbering idiot. Well not really, anyone on here with have a brain knew what you meant and probably laughed as hard as I did at your silly assed statement, so learn from it and don't say stupid shit, someone on here, even as dumb as many of these shits are, may actually know something about what you are trying to talk about without any real knowledge of it.

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I don't remember saying that they were. I at one time way licensed to posse DOT class B explosives. I can't now though. Automatic weapons aren't illegal either as long as you have the proper permits and paperwork from the ATF. So don't read more into what I said. I posted a link that specified firearms with silencers as a NFA class 3 weapon, that you can legally own as long as you have the permit for it.


Read, and this is from the ATF web site, they would know



Here it says that silencers are NFA class 3



Here it says that it's a $250000 fine and 10 years in a federal pen for having any NFA class 3 without a permit.


Like I said, don't put words in my mouth, it will only get you looking stupid.


I didnt edit my message, you did. Think real hard. You said they were illegal before you edited your post to "repost" and then edited it again to what it is now.


real slick pal, who looks stupid now?:rolleyes:

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I didnt edit my message, you did. Think real hard. You said they were illegal before you edited your post to "repost" and then edited it again to what it is now.


real slick pal, who looks stupid now?:rolleyes:


Well gee your right, and wrong at the same time douchebag.

First off, yes everyone I said that silencers were illegal. And that's not 100% true.

Now, that being said.


Silencer for the p89? Wonder if that would fit the p95... hook me up! Homemade?


This doesn't exactly sound like a legal transaction of a NFA Class 3 weapon to me. "Hook me up?" I assume that you mean to say "Chris, I have a NFA Class 3 permit, I assume that you do as well, could you please provide me with your FFL or your NFA Class 3 manufactures permit so I can file the necessary paperwork to obtain a silencer from you." Obviously that is what you meant to say right. Since you are such a stickler for federal firearms laws and are so well versed on them, you would never knowingly violate them, right?


Keep digging doughebag, your a laugh a minute.

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Well gee your right, and wrong at the same time douchebag.

First off, yes everyone I said that silencers were illegal. And that's not 100% true.

Now, that being said.




This doesn't exactly sound like a legal transaction of a NFA Class 3 weapon to me. "Hook me up?" I assume that you mean to say "Chris, I have a NFA Class 3 permit, I assume that you do as well, could you please provide me with your FFL or your NFA Class 3 manufactures permit so I can file the necessary paperwork to obtain a silencer from you." Obviously that is what you meant to say right. Since you are such a stickler for federal firearms laws and are so well versed on them, you would never knowingly violate them, right?


Keep digging doughebag, your a laugh a minute.


evidently you have admitted you said silencers were illegal.


(it took you a book, but finally happened)


I said they were not.


Another book later, you now agree.


Where is the confusion? What part do you not understand? You act 12 years old, I am not going to lower myself to your level any longer. Feel free to keep arguing with the air "doughebag."

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I carry a glock 9mm. I can carry and use as I deem necessary. And if your going to carry, be prepared to KILL. You don't want to shot someone that can make up a different story from your. Think about it.....someone tries to rob you with a gun and you shot them in the shoulder, they are going to lie about ever having a gun and that you robbed them. But, shooting someone should be a life or death situation. I see no problem for anyone to get the CCW, but whether you carry is up to you. And it sucks that every establishment that you go into dosen't allow CCW.



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Hey Keith, go ahead and send them my name and address. They are more than welcome to come looking, hell I'll make them all espresso. I'll show them how my meth lab in the basement works, too. :lol:
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