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please keep my wife in your prayers


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ok most of you know that we are excepting triplets (3 boys). Well Last night Autumn went into earlier labor (23 weeks) very very bad. Took her too St Anns and then was trans ferred to OUS earlier this morning. They have slowed the contractions down to a safe level but we are far from outa the woods. Ideally we would like to get to at least 32 weeks but as of right now the doctors are keeping a very slose eye on her and are keeping her pretty drugged up to slow the contractions down. right now we are just going day by day and hoping/praying for the best.


I'm not one to ask for anything from anyone till now, but if you could please keep us in your prayers and we can hope for the best.



Thanks everyone.

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Good luck man, I can't think of what'd that'd be like, the going into labor early part of the triplets! We wish you guys the best and pray everything goes good. My wife had to be induced into labor 10days after her due date and we've only got one little girl, she's a handful, but I guess the more the merrier, right?
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Keep your chin up man, I've been down this road, 3 yrs ago to the exact day a matter of fact. Just try your best to keep your wifes spirits up. They will hold the labor off and get steroids in the baby's lungs. The technology is amazing these days, I'm sure everything will be ok. It's going to be a long road and I wish you the best. If we can help with anything, please let us know.
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My prayers are with you.I went through a situation like that 4 years ago.My wife had H.E.L.P syndrome.We went to the Dr. Friday afternoon and everyhting was fine, all Friday night the Wife kept saying something isn't right.Saturday morning she decided we needed to go to the Hospital.After 6 or 7 Dr's got in the room they told us they were taking the baby.I said when?They said now we need you to leave.6 weeks for my son in the N.I.C.U,1 week for my Wife in the I.C.U. and $500k later they were both home with a large O2 tank and moniter for my Son.He went back to Childrens for a week in the I.C.U. but is healthy as can be now.Good Luck and God Bless.
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Since the moment i read about the triplet boys you are about to have, i have kept your family in my constant thoughts. I hope that the hospitals are taking very good care of your wife.


Please keep us updated if possible.

I wish your family many blessings in this hard and wonderful time.

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