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when did this happen??


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i thought is was like an unspoken rule that if you had a bike you could park almost anywhere, on the sidewalk, in non parking spots, in front of a resturant?? i went to tuttle, and got booted for parking in the lined area in the front . you know right before the 1st parking spot where they line off a section. security came and said cant park there. thats some BS. i dont want to park my bike in between cars so someone thinks its an open space and rams into it. anyone else have this problem? :? :?

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Had trouble on sidewalks before, but never in the end'o line striped area. Sounds like Barney Fife Security Dude needs a life.....

When forced to park in the regular space's, I put my bike at the rear of the space sideways, so it is CLEAR that it is a taken space.

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I've had problems at a lot of different places. A lot of mall security doens't like motorcycles parking in the lined areas and will say they'll call the police. When I worked at a resturant in college they didn't like me parking on the sidewalk, even though it was totally out of the way of everything, and it was a blacktop parking lot, so I had to grab a beer can for the side stand.

Some places will bother you about it, some won't. :moo:

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the only time im ever on a sidewalk is at a house. out in lots, i park at an angle (not fully sideways) towards the opening of the spot. you can clearly see the bike driving up and down the isle. dont part too far out, or completely sideways as someone might clip you backing out of their spot.

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