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Ride on 8/3????


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So I know this comming weekend is Mid-Ohio, and I had originally planned on going but decided I should do the responsible thing and save my money this year since I just moved out and am trying to make ends meet with all my lovely new bills. Im sure most everybody is going to Mid-Ohio, but is there anyone that would want to do some riding this Sunday, August 3? we can meet anywhere and ride anywhere. I dont know of any real good roads but I have missed the last couple big Dayton rides and am itching to ride with a bunch of people again. So who is down for a ride this Sunday? Thinking about meeting around 10 am or so.....let me know

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awesome...we will have to figure out a good place to meet between north cincy and troy where I am (20 minutes north of dayton). Im afraid we might run into some cops on the look out for bikes driving reckless after the dayton ride this past weekend lol

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Hell yeah Nick. Im suprised you arent going to Mid Ohio. Or are you going a couple days later for track time in Keith Code's school?

Im still counting on you, Nick to be the fearless leader and lead the way haha. How ever many rode last weekend in the Dayton ride, I say we beat it by at least one. But that might be hard to do on Mid-Ohio Weekend.

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Dustin, If you could score those tickets we had last year with seats up with the racer's family (hott wifes) and the big wigs from some of the manufactures and sponsers, I would go to Mid-Ohio in a heart beat too. Those tickets were deff a once in a lifetime opportunity. I feel sort of crappy about not going since this would have been 5 years for me going to the races, but with moving out and getting ready to leave for FL for the wedding in a week and a half, I cant go. But I can deff make time to ride with some of the coolest people ever on Sunday!!! The weather is going to be great too.

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hells yes just picked up the tires on my break so im set getting everything back together anyone want to do something saturday evening bar party somewhere titty bar anything besides riding half way across ohio and other states like i have done the past 3 weekends in a row.... i miss my dayton ride.

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I probably will be riding sunday, where's the ride gonna be? I know some decent country roads around milton, troy, p-hill area. not a good as nicks roads, but there's some turns, and some straights for speed. let me know what going on guys!

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Hey 12, maybe we should have the Beavercreek, Centerville guys and 01929 from cincy to come up to our neck of the woods. I dont know of any good roads around here though...the ride we go on with nick is pretty fast paced and lots of corners. I like that. I gues we could hit up some back roads and maybe go towards Springfield area? There are a few nice roads over there but I was only on them once and got on them by accident. I just wanna ride some clean roads with enough twisties to keep me entertained. I need to get rid of my chicken strip on the left side of the tire. I got the right side all the way down but am having trouble with the letf. I am down for where ever peeps. Any suggestions?

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You'd be surprised. I suspect if they were used for hard riding all the time the life would be 8K or so...

When I lived in AZ after my truck was stolen that was my sole transportation to work, school, and Church so that helped extend the life some. However I've done a ton of canyon carving out there, plus some pretty good rides here and can't say enough good about them.

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