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Columbus Ohio, Beware of this guy


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IPS. Approximately 10:45pm. Lots of people are gathered. A small group of guys are standing off to one side. They're mostly the west side guys - Shawn, Davis, a few guys on Busas, and Linn is amongst them.


In rolls some Mustangs guys - amongst them being the infamous "Stock LX." He drives a yellow Mach 1. If any of you have been in the scene for longer than a year, then you've seen this guy cause drama/start fights/act like a complete moron at a meet before. In fact, if I recall correctly, it was about a year to the day that he caused a commotion at Hooters (out east) at the last NMRA gathering. But I digress...


Stock LX parks and makes his way over the group of guys and Linn. True to form, Stock LX starts right in with the mouthing off and what not. In the process, he gets up on Linn, pokes him in the chest, and says, "You wanna race?" Linn reacts forcibly: he shoves Stock LX, saying, "Get the fuck away from me." Stock LX gets back up in Linn's face, Linn shoves him again. Stock LX again gets in his face, and Linn shoves him while kind of holding on to him so as to kind of drag him around. This is where it starts getting really good.


I've noticed this from about 10 yards away. As I'm running over, Linn is in the process of kind of dragging Stock LX around - you know, they're kind of jockying for position. So, I run up, and, impulsively, I yell, "Knock him the fuck out, Linn!" At the same time, Davis - another of our friends - is screaming, "Beat his ass Linn, beat his ass!" And, nearly on cue, Linn unloads with a left that drills Stock LX in the eye. Stock LX kind of drops down, and Linn catches him with a couple more lefts to the side of the face.


Now Stock LX is hunched over - apparently in some pain - and Linn is leaning heavily on him. Now they are kind of wrestling, with Linn periodically giving Stock LX body shots as they move around. Stock LX isn't really doing much other than holding on to Linn's waist and trying his hardest not to go down.


Linn muscles Stock LX around for a bit more, then gives him a knee to the face. Seemed to catch Stock LX flushly. Then, Linn gets a good grip around Stock LX's waist and, in what was probably the best part of the entire fight, he slowly muscles Stock LX up off of his feet and then - BOOM! - fucking power slams him on to the concrete. It was like in slow motion - Stock LX going up, up up - pause - and then him getting fucking drilled into the pavement. When Stock LX got slammed, the entire crowd was like, "OOOOOOH!!!!"


The slam must have taken the last little bit out of Stock LX, since, after that, he kind of gave up. Linn backed off, let him get up, and squared off with him. Stock LX gets up, and that's when we all get a great look at his fucked up eye - swollen shut and cut wide open. Must of been the first shot Linn caught him with - and it was a good one. So, here's Stock LX, bleeding, woozy, looking at Linn, with Stock LX's blood on his shirt. And Stock LX in a bizarre moves asks, "So, you want to race or not?" :confused: We're like, "What the fuck?" Linn doesn't answer. Stock LX asks again, "So, you want to race or not?" Linn answers this time: "No, I want you to get the fuck away from me." Stock LX then proceeds to walk to his car, get in it, and drive off. Cheers go up, and Linn got a healthy round of applause from the 100 or so people that were there.


The next 10 minutes or so were spent watching with delirious glee the video that Austin got of the fight - and replaying over and over the part when Linn powerbombs Stock LX. I've already got dibs on that being my new avatar. :cool:


So, the video should be out soon. In the meantime, assume the following equation to be true: Linn + left hook + powerbomb > Stock LX + poking finger into chest

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and drive off. Cheers go up, and Linn got a healthy round of applause from the 100 or so people that were there.


hahaha, I started, "the clap" just to be funny then everyone decided oh shit maybe we should applaud Linn.


my hats off to you Linn, made my night interesting.

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hahaha, I started, "the clap" just to be funny then everyone decided oh shit maybe we should applaud Linn.


LOL - that's great. My impression was that a lot of people were more than happy to applaud in collective appreciation for Stock LX to get what's been coming to him for a while.

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