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How has Ohio Riders affected you?


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I used to ride solo, happened upon this site randomly. Seemed like a bunch of cool people. I've gotten the chance to ride with a bunch of nice people, make friends, and who have been able to help me out with my bike, and let me borrow tools, etc. i definitely have to thank everyone!

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Met a few people and good friends that share the same interests, seen a lot of idiots and been able to become a better riding by rider with those people who have more seat time. Plus the networking on here is awesome. If you need anything or someone for a specific job, you can usually find it on here, or at least sine good leads.

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To me this site represents fulfillment of the promise of what technology can offer by helping to bring people with a common interest together in real life.

I've met so many great people and been on so many amazing rides that I never would have experienced without this tool to coordinate the meet-ups. Being able to keep in touch with those people between rides is icing on the cake.

Plus it's always nice to have an additional source of funny cat pictures.

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I absolutely love it, I'm kind of addicted... haha. I've only met Chris so far (chier2), but that's going to change tomorrow! I appreciate the knowledge & help everyone happily gives out, along with the comedy! Thanks for making this site, and I am very glad that I have gotten involved in it. Even as a "newb" I appreciate all that everyone offers & I look forward to becoming a 10k one day!

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To watch out for midgets on bikes with guns.

Actually, I have met a lot of supportive, kind, helpful, fun and loving people here.

I have learned a lot, laughed a lot and prayed a lot.

Thank you CBR girl

....and Casper.

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This place gave me new friends, met people with things in common, learning tools to apply in everday life, and if shit ever hits the fan I will miss you all.....unless you come for supplies I have, then I promise I wont miss you.....with every shot anyway:D

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I love this forum, My friend told me about it and i will always be on here. Ive gained some good friends and have learned alot of experience from riding with u guys. Being with a group just makes u feel wanted and frankly makes u feel good. Talk to u guys soon and safe riding

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I've met some great people and gained some great friends on this site, and the amount of info and support for new riders here is amazing, not sure I would have made it past my first year of riding if I hadn't found it.

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