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This guys Rattle can skills > you.


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im starting to like kevins posts more and more as the days go on...good job


as for the vid, that is sweet. someone posted one a while back where the guy was doing something very similar, but it seemed to be strictly planets...ive always liked those, probably because theyre so simple. i even emailed the guy in the vid a while back to see about buying one or getting one made, since he sold em for like 50$ (i think) but he never got back to me...id like a couple for my appartment

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Guest Mushijobah
Ya, and I am going to ask everyone their cock size...ya know...just to know.


:rolleyes: :gay:



3 1/3"......good enough for ya? It's wide though, they call it the beer can! :gay2:

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Guest Mushijobah

Sorry for offending you guys. I'm into statistics. It didn't seem like a non-acceptable topic, especially for CR. Me dumb.


PS I lied about the 3 1/3", it's a solid (sometimes) 3" :(

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