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Went snow mobiling for the first time today.

Trouble Maker

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Man that shit is fun. Me and 3 other coworkers rented 2006 Arctic Cat Z570's. 570cc fan cooled w/ ~60hp. Nothing special but more than enough sled for our first times.


Rode from 9am to 5:30pm, ~180 miles, saw a top speed of an indicated 90. Probably saw 100+mph winds because on the way back across the lake we had a 30-40mph cross wind and saw ~80mph. That now means that my main coat (this time) and jacket (sky diving about a month ago) have seen 100+mph winds.


We rode from Baudette up to an Island off of the Northwest angle called Oak Island, ate there and rode the trails on the island. Left from there and tried to ride to the Northwest Angle. Took at wrong turn at Albuquerque and ended up ~15 miles into Canada. Turned back around and found the right way. Rode the trails on the Angle and went back.


About 20 miles into the trip we decided to stop and fuck around. I was turning pretty hard at a fairly slow speed (up on one ski) and braked too hard and threw it onto it's side as I jumped off. Did not damage it at all. Saw a decent amount of air quite a few times.


First time I've really ridden one. I have tooled around on them a few times but I've never really had a chance to ride one.


These things are a blast, I'd recommend anyone in a snowy state during the winter with a free day do this. Just remember to bundle up!

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We have a bunch of 1980's 440's (JD's and a yamaha). They arent that fast, they go about 65, but they are a lot of fun and cheap to fix.


I would have been pissed if we could only go 65. Buadette to Oak Island is 46 miles across a river and a lake. That ride sucked, so boring but none of the trails on the mainland have had enough snow to be groomed so they are basically un-rideable. 65 is more than fast enough for most trails though from what I've seen.

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That's cool Jesse. I haven't been on one sense I was a kid. Maybe we can check them out in VT.


That would be a blast, but as sore as I am from riding it yesterday, I'd rather focus on wearing myself out skiing. That and any pass to any ski resort is much cheaper than a snowmobile rental. But it's always a possibility.


How's the trail system up there?

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i rode one when i went to Vail and in Whistler Blackcomb... at Whistler we went all back country and ridge lines and stuff, and that was pretty fun. Vial was better though... we basically took a trip all around the resort. The best part was going balls out from bottom to top up a blue run :D
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State of Minnesota has thousands of miles of trails that the state maintains. When you are 12 you can get your snowmobile lic. Imagine 12 years old and are just as mobile as anyone. My ski-doo 300 didn't go very fast, but it could go anywhere.
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I am talking about water water. Standing water. The not frozen kind.

Oh noes, I broke the sarcasm meter again. I'm in Minnesota right now. Can you even find a body of standing water that's not frozen in Ohio right now?


If you can find a drop of unfrozen water from Baudette, Mn. to Canada up through the Northwest Angle, I'll buy you a box of cookies.


The most we would have seen is some 'shallow' standing water around the pressure ridges. On very rare occasions instead of a pressure ridge forming a gap will form, but we went all over that lake and only saw pressure ridges.

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If anyone has an extra snowmobile for me to play with, my parents have a place we could use on Indian Lake. I was up there Sunday afternoon and there were probably about 15 snowmobiles, 10 icefishing huts, and a few quads out on the lake. It looked about 12 inches thick under the boat lift.
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