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You think your weekend sucked.


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Had that happen too. Not same situation, but spent the weekend @ the workhouse atelast. You got lucky to get out, since usually the judge don't see anyone on saturday really. $15K seems a bit high, but they did try to nail you with an F5. Plea bargaining is the best way out. Just hope you don't go to the workhouse and have balogna sandwiches and milk :mad:
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Well I just found out that the bail bonds man keeps 10% of the total bond. So out of the 15K the bonds man keeps 1500$ of it. So after I pay my dad back for that and then the 2500$ attorney fees and then the fine, I will have had myself a 4k$+ night out at the club in which I didnt get any poon.


How could a good looking guy like you not score something in jail? :D

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I just read this MAn, so shitty I had somthing happen to me like this when I was 18 and not so lucky. As a joke me and a buddy decided to steal golfclubs from a teacher That we did not like, that lived near my GiRlFriend< it was a sat night and his golfclubs and garage where open at 12 At NighT< Prolly ready For the next day< HE grabbed The cluBs and put Them in the back of the car< I wAs just going to throw Them in his yard the next day> I never even left the car< Anyways>>>>>>> LONG StoRy Short



* MONThs later cops get a search warrent for my house AnD FIND nothing, the kid that did it narked me out< They ended up finding the golf clubs at some pawn shop , he never threw them back like he said, he pawned them off for 10$ The report said< anyways I EnDed UP getting a f3 AGG burglary < because the garage was attached to the house, and it was afTer 9PM< I EnDED UP DoinG 6 months in a PRiSoN FOR The MeSS> WoRSt TIME oF my life< I only had a SMALL JUVIE ReCord For dumb stuff like< LIKe underage drinking ect>>>>>>>



Btw my keyboard is mesSed UP

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^^^ That story doesn't not add up at all. You don't go to prison for six months for stealing a few hundred dollars worth of stuff. I had a friend who went to jail (not prison) for 60 days (served 52 days I think) for stealing about $12k worth of stuff, and I think he ended up getting an F4 or F5. There is definitely something you are leaving out.


Oh, and please do us all a favor and don't reply to this or any other post until you spend the $1.50 on a new keyboard.

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^^^ That story doesn't not add up at all. You don't go to prison for six months for stealing a few hundred dollars worth of stuff. I had a friend who went to jail (not prison) for 60 days (served 52 days I think) for stealing about $12k worth of stuff, and I think he ended up getting an F4 or F5. There is definitely something you are leaving out.


Oh, and please do us all a favor and don't reply to this or any other post until you spend the $1.50 on a new keyboard.



I swear on my life this is the story even how stupid it is, over 500$ is a felony, i was convicted you can even read my report online, ask anyone on here from marysville about it, ......its such bullshit but true.......i did 181 days in prison for it. i bet people from marysville even know the teacher or seen it in the paper. I did go to prison at MCI in marion. .........if your friend stole 12k worth of stuff, he prolly narked out some people to get that kind of time, i was supposed to sserve 18 months and was paroled in 03 after 6 months. I would not come online and make up some gay ass story like this, id aleast say i beat someone up or stole a cool car .


by the way my name is jason robert smith if you wanted to look at the report online, it has what i did and the coviction and date, and how long i spent . anyone that knows me on here knows im not a bullshitter.


even says i had a felony 3 and was dropped to f 4 att burglary.

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^^shit sucks man, even worse than the justice system is fucking rat friends. you go into something stupid with them and just to catch a clean break they narc you out. there's friends I will and won't do stupid shit with, just because I know there's a couple selfish bastards that only got their own back in a situation like that.
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^^shit sucks man, even worse than the justice system is fucking rat friends. you go into something stupid with them and just to catch a clean break they narc you out. there's friends I will and won't do stupid shit with, just because I know there's a couple selfish bastards that only got their own back in a situation like that.


i still feel stupid till this day for it, i was young and stupid, I had to deal with the wavers in the military ect, its so embarassing.

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Had that happen too. Not same situation, but spent the weekend @ the workhouse atelast. You got lucky to get out, since usually the judge don't see anyone on saturday really. $15K seems a bit high, but they did try to nail you with an F5. Plea bargaining is the best way out. Just hope you don't go to the workhouse and have balogna sandwiches and milk :mad:


Uh, I had the bolgna sandwich and milk dude. That was lunch..

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Damn that sucks....! $15k bond means that it was actually $150k. The time I got arrested the person who got me out had to pay 10% of the bond, which was like $1200. GEEZ! I wonder if they were in the control room like "look this this fool about to enter the gate"..
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Uh, I had the bolgna sandwich and milk dude. That was lunch..

Yeah, good ol county lunch/dinner etc... I'm waiting for the day marshall law goes into effect. I'll be judge and jury at that point :lol: I did get lucky, by the simple fact what I got busted for was semi excused. Judge let me pay court costs, no bail. Never the less, I've spent a few grand over my mess and that sure keeps me for the most part out of trouble.

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