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For You Liberal Hippies


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When the constitution was written it was assumed that rational thought would still be used through the years. None of the founding fathers would have ever thought of a guy want to marry a guy.


they never would have thought a white guy would want to marry a black girl either. :rolleyes:



doesnt mean we need an amendment about it.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


its right there, in clear english. its up to the states to decide if two dudes or a dog and a cat should be allowed to get married. not the federal government.

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Then you need to read up on Ron Paul.





If either he or Fred Thompson don't make it through the primaries, I'm voting Libertarian. All of the other candidates are terrible, on both sides.


Everything I've seen, read, or heard about this guy I've liked. Especially his stance on the spreading of democracy. "we should spread democracy through good diplomacy, not with guns"-Ron Paul


I thought he wouldn't make it this far but I've been hearing alot about him lately and he seem's like a really good candidate. Im sure there will be something about his platform I dont like but Im not going to agree with every candidate about everything. He did say something about creating a smaller Federal Government on John Stewart Show a few weeks ago, and getting rid of some government agencies. I would be afraid of the influx of unemployed federal workers if this happened but he didnt really get into specific's so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

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they never would have thought a white guy would want to marry a black girl either. :rolleyes:



doesnt mean we need an amendment about it.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.


its right there, in clear english. its up to the states to decide if two dudes or a dog and a cat should be allowed to get married. not the federal government.

And Ohio decided!!!

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After Reading his platform I really like this guy.


Here's what he said on the Patriot act: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/privacy-and-personal-liberty/


On Iraq and war in general: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/war-and-foreign-policy/


Imigration: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/border-security-and-immigration-reform/


Imigration is probalby the only concern I would have about his platform, while I dont illegal immigrants I do think they serve somewhat of a purpose in today's society. It sounds like what he is proposing is to not only close off our border's but deport all current illegal imigrants aswell.

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Who is going to clean the bathrooms if we deport everyone? I sure am not scrubbing the shit off the walls...


No really we can't afford to deport everyone. Lets focus on other things that have an higher importance.

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No really we can't afford to deport everyone. Lets focus on other things that have an higher importance.


so we should just let anyone who wants to come into our country illegally, take our jobs (whether they are good jobs or not), Live off OUR tax money and basically turn our cities into festering piles of shit? What should we focus on then if not our own home?

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well... they get the reproduction parts right


At the time the Constitution was written, a majority of people didn't consider blacks the same species as whites. Craniometry was one of the leading measures of ethnology and far into the 19th century polygenism was a very popular school of thought (Josiah Nott and George Gliddon were huge proponents). This went contrary to Darwin's theory of monogenism that all humans descended from one species and simply adapted or mutated to fit their surroundings. Saying that in colonial times would be equal to accusing some of beastiality.

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After the last two terms of the Republican spend'o'crat, we cannot afford to implement this. Period.


I thought the same and thats why i stayed far away form any candidate with an R next to his name. But then i read his views on govt spending and taxes: http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues/debt-and-taxes/ Of course this wouldnt be the first time a candidate has "lied" or bent the truth on his platform when campaigning.

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I fail to see a problem with this.


As i said, I really like this guy and his platform. Its that small little fact of deporting ALL illegal immigrants that I was undecided about. The only reason I dont like it is because there may be 30 million + illegal immigrant in the country, and yes most/all of them are a burden to our society in some way or another, but some of them do occupy jobs whether they be jobs no one else wants its irrelevant... their still jobs. lets say half of those people hold meaningful jobs, so your just gonna chuck 15million of america's workforce?


Then again, I hate the idea of giving them citizenship simply because their here and its just easier that way. Guess Im just looking at the logistics of removing a big chunk of America's blue collar workers.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZsBiZYocg&mode=user&search=

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As i said, I really like this guy and his platform. Its that small little fact of deporting ALL illegal immigrants that I was undecided about. The only reason I dont like it is because there may be 30 million + illegal immigrant in the country, and yes most/all of them are a burden to our society in some way or another, but some of them do occupy jobs whether they be jobs no one else wants its irrelevant... their still jobs. lets say half of those people hold meaningful jobs, so your just gonna chuck 15million of america's workforce?


Then again, I hate the idea of giving them citizenship simply because their here and its just easier that way. Guess Im just looking at the logistics of removing a big chunk of America's blue collar workers.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZsBiZYocg&mode=user&search=


I see what your saying, but if they are deported that will create 15 million job opportunities for Americans that are in need.

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At the time the Constitution was written, a majority of people didn't consider blacks the same species as whites. Craniometry was one of the leading measures of ethnology and far into the 19th century polygenism was a very popular school of thought (Josiah Nott and George Gliddon were huge proponents). This went contrary to Darwin's theory of monogenism that all humans descended from one species and simply adapted or mutated to fit their surroundings. Saying that in colonial times would be equal to accusing some of beastiality.

I guess Jefferson and others were guilty,IIRC

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As i said, I really like this guy and his platform. Its that small little fact of deporting ALL illegal immigrants that I was undecided about. The only reason I dont like it is because there may be 30 million + illegal immigrant in the country, and yes most/all of them are a burden to our society in some way or another, but some of them do occupy jobs whether they be jobs no one else wants its irrelevant... their still jobs. lets say half of those people hold meaningful jobs, so your just gonna chuck 15million of america's workforce?


Then again, I hate the idea of giving them citizenship simply because their here and its just easier that way. Guess Im just looking at the logistics of removing a big chunk of America's blue collar workers.

EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZsBiZYocg&mode=user&search=

Sometimes doing the right thing is painful. I would assume the immigrant problem drains more on our economy (Medicaid, public schools,crime, enforcement, so on), than it contributes.

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In addition, the Federal Reserve, our central bank, fosters runaway debt by increasing the money supply — making each dollar in your pocket worth less. The Fed is a private bank run by unelected officials who are not required to be open or accountable to “we the people.”-Ron Paul


Very true!! We need to go back to the gold standard and eliminate the Federal Reserve.


"Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever have,

to ruin commerce, oppress the honest,

and open the door to every species of fraud and injustice."

- George Washington, January 9, 1787,

in a letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island

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The job market is doing just fine and basically anyone that can't find a job at the moment doesn't want a job. Don't argue with me about that one check it out for yourselves. Really aside from the media attempting to scare people about the sub prime crap the economy is still doing great.



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