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Do you believe in ghost


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I just read a 40 page thread on Offtopic.com about a guy who has been experiencing some weird things goin on in his house. The usual lights on and off, water faucets turned on, tv goin off without any warning and so forth. There have been acouple of videos posted in this thread which really freaked me out.



Shit freaks me the hell out, just wondering what your thoughs are on this subject. I alway believe that there is usually a good explaination for most of this but I also beleive of after life as well. I am a fairly big religious person, Catholic, and even though I know God would protect me against anything bad, I still would prolly freak the hell out if any of this ever happened to me. There are abunch of other videos on youtube that I couldnt even watch just because of the scaryness factor..

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I think Hollywood has got most people thinking everything ghost related is bad. Scary, yeah, it is. Because it's unknown to us and we always fear what we don't know. I have never encountered anything related, but it is very captivating to see what happens and try to understand it.
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Ghosts cannot harm you they also cannot flip lights on and off. Most ghost show up for a reason. Some just dont realize they are dead. Now spirits can harm you most likley they wont but they can flip lights and knock things over.


I ran into a ghost hunter and talked to him about it one day. Young kids are usually the ones who have the encounters.

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I just read a 40 page thread on Offtopic.com about a guy who has been experiencing some weird things goin on in his house. The usual lights on and off, water faucets turned on, tv goin off without any warning and so forth. There have been acouple of videos posted in this thread which really freaked me out.



Shit freaks me the hell out, just wondering what your thoughs are on this subject. I alway believe that there is usually a good explaination for most of this but I also beleive of after life as well. I am a fairly big religious person, Catholic, and even though I know God would protect me against anything bad, I still would prolly freak the hell out if any of this ever happened to me. There are abunch of other videos on youtube that I couldnt even watch just because of the scaryness factor..



Wow, Sam honestly I figured you to be unreligious. I'm not trying to rip just ummm yeah.


As per ghosts honestly I'm not sure what I believe my wife tells me I have a gift . I can talk to people and know if somethings not right even before they say a word. She says I do it well with animals and people. So ehhh I can say there are houses I've been in that I could tell emotions were there but not. Could just be something about the room that triggers that in me but I don't know. I accept there are things in this world That exist I don't know about so ehh.

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Wow, Sam honestly I figured you to be unreligious. I'm not trying to rip just ummm yeah.


As per ghosts honestly I'm not sure what I believe my wife tells me I have a gift . I can talk to people and know if somethings not right even before they say a word. She says I do it well with animals and people. So ehhh I can say there are houses I've been in that I could tell emotions were there but not. Could just be something about the room that triggers that in me but I don't know. I accept there are things in this world That exist I don't know about so ehh.


Its not a gift, it's called marijuana :D

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I am not big into the ghost scene, however I have read that the younger one is, the more likely one would "see" a ghost. That is because what the mind beleives, the mind sees(and vice versa), at a young age, we all beleive in ghost. However, as we age, we beleive less and less in ghost. Therefore, they could literally be right infront of your face and one would never notice.




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You sure can hide a lot of special effects with the night vision switch on the camera....


I don't believe in ghost.


Heres what i see...


A dog, walking and looking into a small closet room, like a laundrey room.. then an infrared sensor kicking on a light or set of lights outside. A shadow moving across the yard and into the woods. Then, the blinds being pulled up, then shut.


Now, someone couldve been running around outside... who knows, a child taking a short cut home. The blinds, could have been done from who ever the dog was looking at in the other room. I say this, because i didnt see anyhitng hanging in front or beside the blinds... like ALL cheap aluminum blinds do. Also, the dog was looking up at someones face, not bankly at the wall in front of it on its own eye level.

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