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so what are you giving this year


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xmas gifts to your family and friends that is..


i have so many parents, step parents, in laws and such to buy for its rediculous.


got most of the parents the same stuff.. just variations of it.

my dad i got him a new sirius starmate 4 and 3 months service, he travels alot and figured hed enjoy it as much as i do.


grandparents got some very nice brushed nickle door knockers with there last name on it.


hell cant rmemeber what we got other people lol.. wife does most the shopping.


and the wife.. well she is on the board so cant disclose that info

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ummmm got my dad a laser printer, my mom a gift card... the mother in-law we split the cost of a 20inch LCD with her dad, father in-law a shop vac... the kid, Wii, iPod, way to many other things.... the old lady, an iPod, clothes, jewlery, and an LCD tv
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havent started shopping yet lol, soo many people to buy for and so little money :(, prolly getting my g/f Bath & Body works stuff like usual and something else dunno yet, mom a iPod, dad a bluetooth device cause he drives alot and doesnt like answering his phone, niece whatever my brother doesnt get her (I spoil her) and whatever else I can think of for other people
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the wife and i decided not to do too much this year. we bought a flatscreen TV for both of us. since her b-day is the 24th, i had to get her some things though.


coach purse $400

kenneth's spa package $125


the rest of our relatives: various bullshit gift certificates to restaurants, movies, etc.

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Dad and Step-Mom: My brothers and I are throwing in to buy them a new dishwasher, since theirs hasn't worked in years. It's not like they couldn't afford to get another one...rather they have gotten used to doing them by hand. I'm sure I'll be the lucky soul that gets to install the damn thing!


- Mom: She wants bath-towels...ummm, ok.


- Sibilings: no idea.


- Grandma: Hmmmmm, no idea again.


- G/F: She gave me a nice list of stuff she would like, so I'll probably get a lot of that, and perhaps a thing or two not on the list. There is some cool stuff on my list I hope to get as well.


And I'll be buring DVD's for everyone. I mean, I could buy someone a movie or two, or burn them 10...guess which one people prefer!

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Good. Then come supercharge the Lade. ;) Look on vortech's site, the 07 kit on the Yukon was the truck we did.


That's all I need... I ran up on a curb yesterday on one of our side streets and hit a light pole :D only some paint damage, but quite a bit of my pride hurt.

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Too many people, not enough cash. Thankgod I dont have a GF she'd be getting a mop and bucket for christmas.


all in all, 4 neices and 1 nephew, parents, 1 neices bday was 12/3, 2 baby gifts for friends newborns. On top of that 4 siblings but they know Im not getting them anything.

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Same here. I close on the 13th and then have to move all my crap. Everyone's getting coal from me b/c I'm about to be poor for a couple of months.


THANK GOD I'm not the only one, lol, we just moved in last week and I'm stressing, but its all good, glad to finally own something.


We got small things for the family, but everyone knows how it is when you buy your first house let alone how much work we did in the past month, etc, so they're cool.

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My wife just got laid off from work about 30 minutes ago..... So im firebombing a retail store.(j/k but im pissed) So basically im broke now long as i can get my lil boy presents i dont care. I dont need anything i just wont disapoint him.
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THANK GOD I'm not the only one, lol, we just moved in last week and I'm stressing, but its all good, glad to finally own something.


We got small things for the family, but everyone knows how it is when you buy your first house let alone how much work we did in the past month, etc, so they're cool.


Lol same here. We just got moved in last week. It's nice to have your own home.

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I am just having a party with my close friends. We will all throw in on alcohol and drink away the day/night. Same plan for new years.... might even combine both parties as one.


My sister I am going to buy her some gift certs at her favorite store.

Same with parents.


I already bought my GF jewelry earlier in the year for xmas. Still going to get something special for her.


Everyone else can get a piece of my Italian sausage because I am broke.

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