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Spend time with those you love...


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I lost my Uncle last Sunday and now my Granny this past Friday.


Growing up in Hilliard with 90% of our Family from both sides living with-in 2 miles of each other was nice. It was the perfect Suburban childhood. I was the Chubby lil boy with a smile on my face always wanting to help my Grandparents. My Granny took me to the WWF events at the Convention Center Downtown (remember when that was the hottest thing in Columbus!) and I was blessed by having her live with us from the age of 11 to 18.


Then I started partying until I was about 20 and didn't go see her as much but could have. Then I met my wife and once again I should have spent more time with Granny. Then it was time to grow up. I had my son when I was 26 and once again I could have spent more time with her. Most recently I had a major surgery was laid up for a few months. Granny knitted me a blanket and I had several chances in the past 2 months to go see her but I didn't.


Thursday morning she had a massive stroke. I went to visit her that afternoon and up until I had arrived she was not coherent. I was able to get her to open her eyes, squeeze my hand and she was clearly trying to talk to me but couldn't. I know she heard what I was saying and I apologized about not coming to see her and to get my blanket. I thank God for this precious time I got to spend with her and I feel at peace now. It will still be hard to know that I could have spent more time with her over the past 12 years or so but chose not to.


She passed away exactly 22yrs to the day, after her Husband (same day Pearl Harbor was bombed). She always said she couldn't wait for the day she would go to Heaven and be with him again. The love they had for each other was stronger than no other. She is in a better place now and doesn't have to suffer any longer.


I miss you already Granny and you will never be forgotten.


Love you!


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If I ever get to bed, I'll keep you in my prayers before I lay down.


I know exactly what you mean regarding time. My father is pretty far up in years, not in good health, and I'm dreading the day I get a call......


Until then, I call twice a week and visit as often as my schedule allows. I want my kids to know their grandparents on my side before it's too late.

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