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Ok, how many of you republican fuckers did it?

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Look people, the three left running are alot more alike to each other than the ones who dropped off the tickets already (thank god). So I say, any of the three can win and I'll be happy.


Its the first election where I sorta like all three. But thats never happened in my life where it's always seemed to be voting the lesser of the evils.


Thats not to say that they all don't have downsides. But nobody is perfect.


Just relax.

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Like Dems and so called "independents" didnt cross party lines and vote for McCain in the earlier primaries...McCain was barely an afterthought when his campaign began last year.


Repubs voting for Hillary is fair play.

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I blame the 5% that threw away their vote for Ron Paul. I am ashamed to live in Ohio. I voted for Obama.


i voted for obama too.


i really really would have liked to vote for ron paul, and if i didnt hate hillary so much, or if someone else was running instead of her, i probably would have.


but i knew paul has a snowballs chance in hell of winning, and id much rather have obama than hillary... so there ya go.

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It's amazing how much the Democratic party has screwed this up. They went from a shoe-in win to an election that's up in the air. The dems almost deserve to lose for such a screwup.


I hate politics.

I hate polititians.

I hate idiots.


A trifecta of distaste.

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we did. McCain has his spot and we decided to vote for who we feel he'd beat more easily....and if she were to get into the white house, at least she has a mind and experience. Osama can't speak his mind unless his team writes it down for him and he lacks any real world experience. Like him or not at least Wild Bill will be able to provide Hiltlery some insight.


Lessor of the evils I suppose. I personally don't want a universal health care system and side more with McCain on that matter. The Dems are going to ask me to yet again reach into the pocket of the haves to pay for the have nots. Bullshit!


I'm tired of taxes. If you want that coverage, then move to Canada or England and enjoy. There's no question costs are crazy and need fixed, but I don't want to pay into such a system....fix the real fucking problem already and don't ask me to give up my hard earned money to pay for someone else under a still broken system. I have enough responsiblities already and work hard for my money. There is no free fucking lunch people!!

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how do you say obama has no experience? he has 10 years of public service experience. 8 in the state senate and 2 in the us senate. bush had 6 as gov when he got elected (and no federal experience). hil-dog has been in the US senate for six years.


10 > 6



cant speak his mind unless his team writes it down for him? EVERYONE has speech writers. EVERYONE. there isnt one person out there that will get up on stage and wing it.



ps i dunno if you guys knew, but obama is a muslim and if he gets elected he will open the flood gates and have al qaeda members in his cabinet. :rolleyes:

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She trumps him on foreign relations and while he's a good talker, we'll see if the noob can navigate his way through DC Policy. saying you'll do it and knowing how to get it done are where his green side will show through.


I've seen in a number of times in business politics. Great guys and hopeful leaders with some true talent came on board only to fail because they can't execute.


Speech wise, sure they all have writers, but he's transparent about needing them. at least she can field the questions and not come through scripted as much as he does.


Besides, she's married to Billy Boy. A man who can leave a stain for the world to see, just about get impeached and yet walks away. There's some knowledge there to be had and she's likely taken notes. As much as he fucked up, we were his biggest critic either....SHE was...and she's not likely going to follow in his shoes fucking things up as much as him...although they all do to some extent. She'll play on his ability to help her and she'll make her own call on how to one up him.


Don't get me wrong, given the choices, I'm going with McCain, but between her or Osama....well, thankfully that's not what we're left with.


how do you say obama has no experience? he has 10 years of public service experience. 8 in the state senate and 2 in the us senate. bush had 6 as gov when he got elected (and no federal experience). hil-dog has been in the US senate for six years.


10 > 6



cant speak his mind unless his team writes it down for him? EVERYONE has speech writers. EVERYONE. there isnt one person out there that will get up on stage and wing it.



ps i dunno if you guys knew, but obama is a muslim and if he gets elected he will open the flood gates and have al qaeda members in his cabinet. :rolleyes:

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She trumps him on foreign relations

Where exactly did you get that? She's been doing it.... but she also sucks at it.


As for not writing his own speaches, or not speaking his mind? You missed the 2004 convention and his keynote speech. He has not trouble speaking his mind. He doesn't fly off the handle like Hitlery, he stays on topic and adresses what matters. He's a public servant, his opinion really matters very little.

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Public servant.... GET OUT OF HERE


Where exactly did you get that? She's been doing it.... but she also sucks at it.


As for not writing his own speaches, or not speaking his mind? You missed the 2004 convention and his keynote speech. He has not trouble speaking his mind. He doesn't fly off the handle like Hitlery, he stays on topic and adresses what matters. He's a public servant, his opinion really matters very little.

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how do you say obama has no experience? he has 10 years of public service experience. 8 in the state senate and 2 in the us senate. bush had 6 as gov when he got elected (and no federal experience). hil-dog has been in the US senate for six years.


10 > 6



cant speak his mind unless his team writes it down for him? EVERYONE has speech writers. EVERYONE. there isnt one person out there that will get up on stage and wing it.



ps i dunno if you guys knew, but obama is a muslim and if he gets elected he will open the flood gates and have al qaeda members in his cabinet. :rolleyes:



Read this: http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSN0132206420070801



The guy is a moron when it comes to foreign policy.

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Eric, please be sure I have this straight,


Your boy wants to bomb the shit out of pakistan, with or without their approval, when they are one of the more friendly nations to us.


Then, he wants to have talks with Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea and Venezuela, which are all countries that do nothing but threaten us and try to play politics against us.


Lets see....the leader of NK is psychotic and has no problem killing his own people to get what he wants, the leader of Iran ignores his citizens opinions, only wanting nuclear bombs (to throw our way), the leader of Venezuela is playing politics with us to drive up oil prices and make us look like we actually care about him, then gets denied by his own peoples votes the chance to be dictator, Cuba's leader is about to die, and his brother that he's passing the reigns to isn't much younger, and does Syria even have a government? I dunno, never hear anything about them.


I don't see the point. We wait out Cuba, before too long they will have a brand new leader that we can actually talk to. We MIGHT be able start some shit with Venezuela if they continue to try to start a war with columbia, but then again, do we really care? NK and Iran either need ignored completely, like a whiney little kid that just won't shut up, or they need bombed to hell. It's hard to have talks with crazy people that just want to put on a show. And Syria....again, who cares.


Eric, I have yet to see one concrete platform for this guy to stand on. Let me know when he quits spouting "change change change" like a homeless guy standing on high street, and actually comes up with something REAL to talk about.

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I figured it to be a smart move for the Republicans to vote for Clinton since McCain had his side locked up, I think McCain has a better chance of beating her for president than Obama.


I voted for Obama, they all have things I don't like about them but I think he's the least of all evil. McCain was saying somehting like we may be in Iraq for 100 years?? Are you fucking kidding me? At some point you have to let them go on their own, it would be like spoon feeding your kid until they were 18. Wether they plunge into a kind of civil war or whatever there's always going to be that risk.




we have been in korea and japan since WWII thats almost 100 years sometimes these things take awhile to sort out

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Guest Drew The Pirate
I "threw my vote away" on Ron Paul as well. It was either that or write in my own name. My conscience wouldn't let me vote any other way.
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I "threw my vote away" on Ron Paul as well. It was either that or write in my own name. My conscience wouldn't let me vote any other way.


Sums it up nicely. Will not vote for Hillary Care, will not vote for mr. illegal immigration advocate. All I can hope is a good independent will run for a change. I don't like a lot of Obama's views, but I would tolerate him over Hillary. I'd still prefer a good Independent though. This is quite sad for our country really -- two presidential elections in a row and we don't have a decent candidate to vote for. :(

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Sums it up nicely. Will not vote for Hillary Care, will not vote for mr. illegal immigration advocate. All I can hope is a good independent will run for a change. I don't like a lot of Obama's views, but I would tolerate him over Hillary. I'd still prefer a good Independent though. This is quite sad for our country really -- two presidential elections in a row and we don't have a decent candidate to vote for. :(


Sure you do VOTE MCCAIN!

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