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Whats up this is jordan with the white offensive S2000


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And yes please bring out your soon to be steeda'd out mustang, Ill be sure to bring the Hoosiers;)

Nelson Ledges. $1000? I will hit 140+ on the back straight, can you keep up?

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The car looks good IMO, but if I were you I would take down the picture of you trying to look like a badass while cocking a Pink .38 cal. towards your own body. Just a thought. Also why would you take off the turbo kit? Just put more money into the car and keep the turbo kit on it. Then you could lose to Hal in the straights and catch him on the turns to make it even, if your car is as bad as your making it out to be.


Just a little advice to a newb from a Vet CR member.

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Welcome aboard and nice intro. Dont take any of this stuff to heart.. I've seen a few straight line S2000's that were quick as shit. Are you strictly a turner?


BTW.... Pink guns are gayer than Hal when he tried to act like Marilyn Monroe and jumped out of a cake at my last birthday party :p

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The car looks car IMO, but if I were you I would take down the picture of you trying to look like a badass while cocking a Pink .38 cal. towards your own body. Just a thought. Also why would you take off the turbo kit? Just put more money into the car and keep the turbo kit on it. Then you could lose to Hal in the straights and catch him on the turns to make it even, if your car is as bad as your making it out to be.


Just a little advice to a newb from a Vet CR member.


Well, there you go. The car looks like a car. /thread ;)



Welcome to the site, man. I don't even give a shit if the wing is functional or not. I just don't care. And btw, there's a s2000 running around, black, I believe, with huge 20in chrome rims. (May not be actual size, but as big as they are, does it really matter?) It not only looks like it's lifted now, but sounded like shit at the time, too. Anyway, that one holds the "Ugliest s2000 in Cbus" for me. :D


And for the record, my wing is stock, tastefully done and is functional. :woowoo:

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Super gay wing check

Stickers (on the windshield no less) check

+10 Homo Points




Congratulations you have gained +5 cool points. You need 31337 more points to reach level " heterosexual ".




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Hey Jordan


I'll stop by downstairs sometime this week at work.




welcome jordan its larry from jegs. car looks great. it seems like last year i saw it and it was 100% stock.




If you got jacked for owning a Civic, wouldn't your s2k be a more noticeable target? :p

Fuck you all noobs. Stay out of noob threads.

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i love ricers who think that just because a wing or CF bumper inserts actually serve a purpose on race cars that they can get the same results.


newsflash numbnuts, you're not good enough a driver to actually take advantage of the extreme downforce caused by your aero effects. just cuz you can slap the same stickers, rollcage, and aero on your ricemobile doesn't make you a pro.

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I love ricers who think that a cheap-shit, generic, universal-fit, extruded aluminum bleacher seat is gonna give them the same downforce as a several-thousand-dollar, wind-tunnel tested, hand-laid, carbon-fiber wing designed specifically for a racing application...


But even before I saw the gag-inducing modification to what used to be a nice car, you already got neg rep for sloppy fire-arms discipline. Save your wing-money for a prosthetic toe, you dumbfuck.

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Welcome, how can so many people hate on a car, and drive what some of you making fun of him drive, it is so ass backwards, If anyone is going to be making fun of someone they should aleast have somthing better or nicer then another, then they can just be a asshole.
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Actually, if it wasn't for the lousy attitude, and the idiotic pose combined with the stupidity of pointing a fire-arm at his own foot with his finger on the trigger while pulling the slide...

I really couldn't care less. He could do whatever he wanted with the car.

But all those factors taken together, and he's obviously a moron.

Throw in the ugly car, and I feel no need for him to be here.


BTW, I usually don't feel it necessary to defend my opinion of someone.


EDIT, I also feel it appropriate here to state that regardless of my odd taste in cars, I take them seriously. Every modification performed on my car has been towards the end of either making my car faster(1.5 seconds faster than stock, ATM), or more comfortable to drive.

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welcome to the boards...but you don't need all that wing and crap to have a clean S2K...check thise one out..simple and clean






And that is not my car

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