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you know you are addicted to cr when...


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You know you are addicted to cr when...


You are at work and you tell your boss to wait til you make this last post.



When you reffer to someone by there s.n


When you post pics up on cr of what you did last nite



When somthing bad happens in your life you look for support here


When you reffer to winter time as your hibernating period


When you get angry cuz someone disagreed witg your opinion.


When you want other peoples opion that you have never met





If you can read pauls typing


If you hate someone because of their intro to cr


If you have ever been logged on more than one cpu so that you are on cr,photoshop, and photo bucket


If you get mad cuz someone neg. Reps you.


If you give negitive rep


If you have a thread made up about you post whoaring


If you make 1000 plus post in less than a year


If you think its ok to go to a party and talk about how shitty the party is, while still at the party


If linn has asked you to race


If brian asked for buttsecs


If hal has told you to kill yourself



If you make this thread... :D

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If you say "for the win" in everday conversation.


If you sell parts you need just to get parts that will make you faster once you can afford to buy what you just sold previously.


If you have ever met at an undisclosed place, at an undisclosed time, for an undisclosed activity, for $20.


If you are having a conversation and the word "dig" does not make you think of a shovel.


If everyone in your immediate family has a screen name.


If you own an F-body, or LSX... since all of them appear to be on the forum now!

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If you take a camera with u everywhere you go just to take pics to post on cr


If you are on cr so much you purchase your own area

If you have more post than anthony


If you are anthony


All the admins


If you get on cr to releive stress. So you feel the need to e battle everyone

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I used to walk across Iraq every day to get on cr


That means you have gained enough experience for a new set of balls! Please feel free to cash in this token whenever you feel the need.



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If you have ever been late to an interview because the topic is so intense you know that if you leave you will miss the funeh



If you go to verizion to get a phone that has real internet and then get pissed cuz ur bill is 190


When you put off eating to see that new video in the pics abd video second


When you make your gf get a sn just so you can spend more time with her


When you talk about post u have made to people who arnt on cr

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If you post anytime after 2pm


If you have ever made another sn just to fuck wuth someone else


If you fire someone and as you are doing so you are posting in the tech section


If your idea of a good time is sitting in a parking lot at the worst places to eat

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