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Hybrid Parking only- Are you shitting me?! DISCUSS.


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I came across this discussion on another board and it almost bothers me.. well actually it really pisses me off, to be honest.




Not only do the smug hybrid owners think they're something special because they're saving the world one day at at time, they get select parking?


If I see one of these, believe I will park my VW in that spot, locked with the engine running while I shop.



Small bit of irony though- look what's parked across from the spot lol.

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I'm one million percent sure that couldn't be enforced.....srsly. What if I was to park my dad's flex-fuel suburban there? Am I required to know better?


Well, aside from that, if you DID park there obviously knowing you didn't have a "hybrid" car, I'm sure they could tow you since it might be private property.. I doubt being ticketed, but maybe towed.

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I agree with that exactly as much as I agree with handi-capable parking.


I think it depends on the handicap. If someone is in a wheel chair and is a quadriplegic I have no problen letting them park closer. If they are just a fatass and have to use a scooter to go shopping inside meijer (which is mostly who i see parking there) then fuck them.

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I love the irony of a big SUV in the shot :D


I came across this discussion on another board and it almost bothers me.. well actually it really pisses me off, to be honest.




Not only do the smug hybrid owners think they're something special because they're saving the world one day at at time, they get select parking?


If I see one of these, believe I will park my VW in that spot, locked with the engine running while I shop.



Small bit of irony though- look what's parked across from the spot lol.

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I think it depends on the handicap. If someone is in a wheel chair and is a quadriplegic I have no problen letting them park closer. If they are just a fatass and have to use a scooter to go shopping inside meijer (which is mostly who i see parking there) then fuck them.


Or like my dad who is recovering from heart surgery AND 2 torn achilles tendons and refuses to use a motor cart....


interesting how the world works eh?

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I think it depends on the handicap. If someone is in a wheel chair and is a quadriplegic I have no problen letting them park closer. If they are just a fatass and have to use a scooter to go shopping inside meijer (which is mostly who i see parking there) then fuck them.




Why do we need 38 reserved parking spots at Lowes? Because 37 of the people are scamming the system.


My view is skewed. I had to pump "handicapped" people's gas at the Self-Serve price for 8 years. These same people that push-mow their lawns, walk around Walmart for an hour, BUT CAN'T STAND IN ONE SPOT AND HOLD A NOZZLE LEVER OPEN for 3 minutes.

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