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The things I remember from when I was a kid thread

V8 Beast

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Hacking into my first server

That damn tv show with the bad ass boat and the sweeper to catch ghosts or some shit

Asteroids. I loved that fucking game i would play it so much I would have so many extra lives I would just park my dude in the middle of the screen and go eat dinner and come back.

Beating ET.

My 7200 Atari (My uncle had me sent that i was getting a dirt bike).

My First nintendo

My first computer

First time i got into a fight and lost

Walkin to the store with the change i could find in the cushions and shit to get candy


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Flipping Defender on Atari

up up down down left right left right ba

Being Luke Skywalker for Halloween, plastic suit froze and broke (ah Minnesota)

making like 58000 jumps with a brick and a board on my bmx bike

having 4 channels on the tv

BJ and the Bear

MTV, when it had videos

Thunder Cats

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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
we were in NYC in 1986 for the 4th of July and a buddy of my Dad's was stationed on the USS Iowa we got to do a whole tour of the ship while it was on active duty pretty cool stuff


I was 2 months old then. Hahahaha. Love you Dave!

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Floppy disc's the size of a cd case.


My first computer the monitor, keyboard and tower were all one clump.


Video games came in bulky plastic cartridges that would have to have the dust blown out of them if the game froze.


Duck Hunt and the original Super Mario Brothers... knowing all of the secrets of the game.


Fraggle rock, School house rock, rainbow bright, Punky Brewster.


The Electric Company... Pre Sesame street. Educational show for kids.


Having to go home when the street lights came on.


Playing hide and seek, Tag, Kickball, baseball with the 20 other kids in the neighborhood.


Bundling together over 200 Sparklers with bread ties, b/c fireworks in Ohio suck, Having and "Adult" (someone else's parent) light them causing damage to our retinas.


Going for Bike rides with your friends all day on country roads with no traffic.


Camping in the backyard.


Drinking Mass amounts of Kool-Aid.

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Guest mitsumodder
I remember going for rides in my dad's 1970 camaro that he had touched up rust spots with black primer on a silver car. He would smoke "homemade cigarettes" that I now know were joints. LOL, good times. Think the trouble you would get in today for doing that.
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super nintendo, super mario world, game was the shit


nba live 95


chasing my dog around


walking to the udf to spend the 50 i found laying around


playing at the park


power rangers


putting cards in my bike to sound like dads gto


getting my ass whipped by my sisters

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Being able to stay up passed 8pm on Fridays to watch "Dukes of Hazard"


Friday Night videos before Mtv


Thinking Jack Tripper was the funniest mofo on the planet




Having an actual cable hooked to the cable tv box




Being in love with Lynda Carter aka Wonder Woman


Gopher & Issak


$.25 1 liter glass pops

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How hard it was to kill a dinosaur, but then how the whole family could eat for a week .....


Playing with my toy rocks and dreaming of the day when I would get my first grown-up rock ....


How everyone's favorite subject was History because the class only lasted a week .......


Laughing at Og when he invented fire and telling him it had no practical uses .....


How a bunch of us would mod our "wheels" and then argue about which ones were the fastest, coolest, most authentic ........


Hmmm. I guess times don't change that much.

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  Doc said:
How hard it was to kill a dinosaur, but then how the whole family could eat for a week .....


Playing with my toy rocks and dreaming of the day when I would get my first grown-up rock ....


How everyone's favorite subject was History because the class only lasted a week .......


Laughing at Og when he invented fire and telling him it had no practical uses .....


How a bunch of us would mod our "wheels" and then argue about which ones were the fastest, coolest, most authentic ........


Hmmm. I guess times don't change that much.


Oh my god it hurts I am laughing so hard hahahahaha

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Wow, stuff I haven't heard about in ages....




Stay over at friends and staying up all night beating NES games.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghost Busters, all those stupid TV shows on Nick


Legos, Pipe works


Being able to walk in that neighborhood at night


Baseball cards being worth something, and collecting them because you liked the sport.


Riding my bike to Clown Cone at Northern Lights for candy/ice cream.

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  Gas, Grass, or Ass said:
Atari 2600 Pole postion ftw


Intellivision River raid ftw


saturday morning cartoons that don't suck like Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, GI Joe Smurfs


nobody had cell phones or computers


almost everyone had saturday off and nothing was open on sunday


going camping at least twice a month




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