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LoL It shows your intelligence by playing dumb, but I guess that is what happens when you must pay people to do work on your cars?

Yep, I paid Fast Forward Motorsports to work on my car. You're really showing that you know enough to be a Senior Member now.

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Brian, I've been over this. I am an ass in person too. Hell, Andy would've left another meet bleeding if people hadn't stopped me.

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I don't care about attention. If I wanted some I would drive around with a fart can like every other failure. Not everyone is beneath me, you are. You're ignorant. You lack any wit. You are proud to drive a pos under 200whp. You show up with all your faggot friends to a dyno day that you should have been embarassed to attend.


That being said, you are beneath even Phil.

I think its cute how you have brought up that dyno day more than once. You must have really thought I was cute or something to have remembered me that well. And with that being said, the fact that you remember someone that holds no value to you whatsoever is kinda strange dont you think?

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I think its cute how you have brought up that dyno day more than once. You must have really thought I was cute or something to have remembered me that well. And with that being said, the fact that you remember someone that holds no value to you whatsoever is kinda strange dont you think?

Actually no, do you know nothing about memory? I have no control over what my mind converts to long term memory. I remember that I thought your car was an embarassment. I stood there and made fun of it the whole damn time.

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Actually no, do you know nothing about memory? I have no control over what my mind converts to long term memory. I remember that I thought your car was an embarassment. I stood there and made fun of it the whole damn time.

Why,becasue you are afraid to do something different because someone might think differently about you. Just so you know, Its not supposed to be a fast car, Im not sure if you realized that or not yet. Its a daily driven 4 door that was cheap. And your mom thought it was cute. Yeah, thats right, back to the mom jokes!

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wow, maybe you should learn to spell before you even attempt to make a crack at some one else
S sorry, but when I learned how to read and wright I got a fucked up teacher that didn't teach me the right way. I've been fucked up since I learned the first time. Kinda sucks to have to relearn how to spell and read when you are in the 7th and 8th grade like I had to, but hey I'm good now and I miss spell a few things now and them. Thanks for pointing out something I can't help. :asshole:
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It would explain how you get money. Plus I heard you can get like 50k for them bitches.

I guess you've never heard me speak. Had I been castrated early enough, I wouldn't have near the voice I do. I should also mention, testosterone is needed to be able to lift immense amounts of weight. I have done that without the use of drugs.

Or maybe the fact that he is trying raise himself to another level above us with great gramer. I don't need a car with a lot of HP to make me sleep at night. I guess he does though.

I don't have to raise myself above you. I know where I stand. I don't have great grammer either. I can spell at a 3rd grade level at least. I don't sleep well at night because I know people like you are still allowed to roam free. Insomnia keeps me vigilant.

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Why,becasue you are afraid to do something different because someone might think differently about you. Just so you know, Its not supposed to be a fast car, Im not sure if you realized that or not yet. Its a daily driven 4 door that was cheap. And your mom thought it was cute. Yeah, thats right, back to the mom jokes!


not cool dude

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Why,becasue you are afraid to do something different because someone might think differently about you. Just so you know, Its not supposed to be a fast car, Im not sure if you realized that or not yet. Its a daily driven 4 door that was cheap. And your mom thought it was cute. Yeah, thats right, back to the mom jokes!

Different? No one else drives a car that has the setup mine does. I guess that's different. Just so you know, people don't mod and dyno cars that aren't supposed to be fast. Idiot.

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Hal you are really off your game.

I don't think so, I haven't even really started yet. Maybe if they could come up with a coherent or realistic arguement, I would attack a little more.

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I guess you've never heard me speak. Had I been castrated early enough, I wouldn't have near the voice I do. I should also mention, testosterone is needed to be able to lift immense amounts of weight. I have done that without the use of drugs.


That sounded likesome sort of queermosexual classified ad. Are you looking for a date? Blah blah i have a deep voice blah blah me so strong.

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S sorry, but when I learned how to read and wright I got a fucked up teacher that didn't teach me the right way. I've been fucked up since I learned the first time. Kinda sucks to have to relearn how to spell and read when you are in the 7th and 8th grade like I had to, but hey I'm good now and I miss spell a few things now and them. Thanks for pointing out something I can't help. :asshole:

You're welcome, not an excuse moron. I guess since we're on the subject of moms thanks to your friend, I will tell a short tale.


My mom got sick when my parents first got married. She couldn't read, write, or talk. She came back from that and got a Phd. Excuses are for the weak.

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