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So far so good had subway today for lunch and I dunno about dinner I still need to hit the gym tonight...


I have not been eating breakfast wich is really bad.


What do you all eat in the morning. I ussually gotta get up early and I sleep late as possible so any quick fixes are a help.






+1 for everyone stayin on track.



However on New Years eve Im letting loose after work..lol

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Another good day today. I drank a glass of milk this morning and water the rest of the day.


I have noticed that I never really eat breakfast. I would assume that it would be good for the diet to always have breakfast right? My lunch was just half of a frozen pizza (4 small slices) and water. Dinner was a bologna sandwich and water lol. I had an apple earlier too.

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Breakfast is important, gets the metabolism going and burns the food you eat to help give you sustained energy throughout the day.


Toast is an easy, good meal. Brownberry bread is awesome. I had a banana and 2 slices of toast with smart balance butter. Took 2 minutes to make, 1 minute to eat lol.


I had grilled chicken and rice and some chips and salsa.


Doing good, not going to kill myself until I get 2 solid weeks under my belt, then I can start being anal about what I eat.


And as you said, New Years will be filled with beer, and bad food, alont with the day after hangover aid food. But my total caloric intake will be hugely down, even when eating bad, I just wont eat AS bad.

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Still in progress. I didn't drink last night (still recovering from the flu), have been eating lots of fruit and drinking my water. I'll post my weight on Sunday.


Just a suggestion for everyone, try to weigh yourself around the same time every time. Believe it or not you weigh a little less in the morning so for the sake of being consistant try and pick a time of day to weigh in and stick with it.


Also something that I hate about eating better is that it gets boring. I can eat a Bananna and toast for breakfast for about a week then I get sick of it. So maybe people can post up what they eat so others have options. I eat a fruit cup (no or Low sugar) and scramble up an egg.

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hey guys i just got back from the gym and they have a pretty good deal goin on right now. its 39.99 down and then jus 10 bucks a month. check out http://www.planetfitness.com

the one i go to is on indianola between cooke and north broadway


Should have went a couple days ago. I got no money down and $21 a month. That is the one I go to everyday. I am usually the only black guy there!

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^You must of taken one bigass dump last night to drop that much!!


Honestly no. When I weighed myself last night I was wearing socks, sweat pants, and a white T-shirt. This morning I was in my boxers. There is no way in hell all of that added up to 5 pounds.

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Ok, well I got lighter again-fuck.




158/158/165 @ less than 10% BF


BF (electronic hand held) was at 7.1, so lets say between 7 and 9%


Just flat benched today since I was sore, only on 2 days off-215x9 225x7 265x3. Did 90x10 dumbells for a warm up. Power is down a bit


No lift, no spot. I didn't trust any of the mongoloids around me, or the girl I brought to spot me. I got hurt pretty bad 2 years ago from a bad spot, still feel it to this day...



My honest goal is to get back to 300 Bench clean, no spot, no lift, no "boosters." we will see if my shoulder is up to it.

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just started last night.


anyone want to make any friendly wagers??


we can throw in $10-20 each, and have 1st/2nd/3rd prizes for the most percentage of your starting weight lost--that way its fair for everyone. we have to figure out a time frame to stop the competition. obviously, this will be somewhat of a gentleman's contest, as there is no way to truly verify everything. you can take a picture of the scale, but that can be manipulated.

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I need to make a correction...my weigh in is 328 :D Last night I was 333, but this morning I was 328. One night of sleep = HUGE weight loss! At this rate I can probably meet my goal in 20 nights.


Like I said, you weigh less in the AM. I'm guessing it's like your curb weight, Before you fill the fluids/ your body.

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Also something that I hate about eating better is that it gets boring. I can eat a Bananna and toast for breakfast for about a week then I get sick of it. So maybe people can post up what they eat so others have options. I eat a fruit cup (no or Low sugar) and scramble up an egg.


Protein Pancakes. (no cum jokes please)


1/2cup of Oats, 1/2cup Cottage Cheese, 4 egg whites, vanilla extract (capful), 2tsps of cinammon, 1-2 packets of sweetner (ive always left this out and couldnt tell the difference). Blend it all until a batter like consistancy then cook over hot skillet. They cook VERY fast. A little spray butter and natural syrup and its a really delish breakfast, it basically tastes like cinamon flap jacks. I Fucking HATE cottage cheese but its loaded with protein and you dont even taste it. This is also a really good meal to have post workout.

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