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OFFICIAL Weight Loss thread


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Take your blockers or you'll grow some knockers! ;) :asshole:






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Ditch the avatar!! :asshole:


Be careful about just cutting the entire food intake, if you start exercising you may not want to cut much of anything calorie wise depending on how much you're eating right now. It's what you eat.


I'm eating a lot more now than before and am still losing weight because I'm exercising so much, big difference is I'm eating 10 times better.


I am not exercising yet. I am going to work into this gradually.


Good first day for me so far! I still need to buy a scale for a weigh in. I DID buy some apples today and some chicken breasts to grill for tomorrow evening. I ate half a pizza today for lunch instead of my usual whole pizza(I know...I know), only drank 3 cans of pop instead of my usual 10 or more, 4 bottles of water, and a couple of apples. I am feeling confident about tomorrow too :)

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I am not exercising yet. I am going to work into this gradually.


Good first day for me so far! I still need to buy a scale for a weigh in. I DID buy some apples today and some chicken breasts to grill for tomorrow evening. I ate half a pizza today for lunch instead of my usual whole pizza(I know...I know), only drank 3 cans of pop instead of my usual 10 or more, 4 bottles of water, and a couple of apples. I am feeling confident about tomorrow too :)


You drink 10 cans of pop a day?

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Since a lot of us are around the 225 area I'll use this weight as an example..


Most people think they have to cut back all kinds of calories to lose weight which is not true. A person around 225lbs that is in the upper 20's lower 30's in age and about 6' tall should eat about 2200 calories (give or take 100) per day. If you are working out a lot you can actually take in up to 2700 calories per day and still lose weight. The problem with cutting too many calories is that your body doesnt have the nutrients to rebuild the muscles you are tearing up. You also will not be able to push yourself because your tank will be on empty. You may lose weight this way, but you'll gain it back quick due to your body thinking it has to store food to prepare for the starvation that some call a diet. People dont realize that when you work out it doesnt stop when you step off of the machine. Your body has to do a lot of work afterwards. The more you work out, the more active your body, the more weight you lose.



P.S. Most of you will lose 10 pounds alone from not eating before you go to bed...



I know most of you know this but I like sounding smart from time to time. It helps me with my self esteem.

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I'm in, although my goal isnn't necessarily to lose a lot of weight. I just want better overall fittness. I started a little over a month ago so:


JaSSon: 192/182/175


I've cut fast food 99.9% out of my life, and If I do have fast food it's a chicken sandwich with a side salad with low fat dressing. Absolutely no french fries, cookies, candy. I've also joined LFF and been working out 3-4 times a week minimum.


pussy :D



i'm at 253, i would like to be 225, when i graduated H.S. in 1997 i was 175 :D that last number wont happen till i die.

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If you guys who drink a shit ton of pop would switch to diet, you would same HUNDREDS, if not THOUSANDS, of wasted calories per day.


I Drink Coke. I cannot stand Diet Coke. However, Coke Zero helped me out a LOT. I have 1 at lunch, and 1 at dinner.





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Here's a really good way to track your diet. It's a little corny but it works.



Bottom line, when you're loosing weight the thing you need to be the most aware of is counting calories. There's a number you should be having every single day and no more.


Once you get the total calorie count down then you should start to focus on what foods make up those calories AND how many meals you're eating to get to your goal.


I have about the slowest metabolism of anyone on the face of the earth. Combine that with being Lazy and that's why I was pushing 300lbs in H.S. For me eating 6 small, balanced meals a day is the best way to keep my metabolism up and running at it's best.


As stated before, you still have to know your calorie limit and stick to it.



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For those that don't know:


1lb. = 3,500 calories


Cut 500 calories/day out of your diet (or burn it w/ excercise) and, in theory, you should drop 1lb./week.


Using that, Coca Cola has 97 Calories per 8oz. That is 145.5 calories per 12oz Can.


Some folks here say they drink 10 Cans per Day. That is an extra 1455 Calories PER DAY, JUST in pop!!! Or 10,185 Calories per WEEK!!!!! If he were to cut out JUST pop, he would drop 2-3lbs per week!!!





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Some folks here say they drink 10 Cans per Day. That is an extra 1455 Calories PER DAY, JUST in pop!!! Or 10,185 Calories per WEEK!!!!! If he were to cut out JUST pop, he would drop 2-3lbs per week!!!


I have cut pop out completely now. The last can was finished off last night by a buddy of mine :) I don't even want to drink diet pop. I just figure on getting rid of it completely. I don't need it anymore. I am dedicated to this weight loss.

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I have cut pop out completely now. The last can was finished off last night by a buddy of mine :) I don't even want to drink diet pop. I just figure on getting rid of it completely. I don't need it anymore. I am dedicated to this weight loss.


Awesome to hear.


I did really well on my first day. I also went shopping and bought lots of healthy food, although the fresh fish counter wasn't open that late(10PM) so I still need to pick up some salmon.


I am going into this with a different mind frame than ever before. Before if I were to slip up and eat bad, I would say that my diet is done and stop trying. Now I understand that a bad meal out of 3 or 4 daily meals is not the end of the world. I will just have to refocus my efforts and work a bit harder.


So far I think this has worked out great.




PS. Went to buy pine nuts for salads, small container was $11 :gtfo:

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How about us who want to add weight? 145/145/160


Thats fine. There are some on here with that goal. Since you need to focus on building muscle, it applies to us too. As long as you don't just want to add on lbs by way of eating, then you are welcome here. I will wait for your response before adding you.

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Thats fine. There are some on here with that goal. Since you need to focus on building muscle, it applies to us too. As long as you don't just want to add on lbs by way of eating, then you are welcome here. I will wait for your response before adding you.


eating drinking nor working out adds weight for me :(

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i just wanted to say, i started a diet few weeks ago and here is what i have done.


breakfast, something healthy not cereal, banana, oatmeal and a orange


lunch, multi grain totilla wrap, 2 slices of turkey, 2 slices of ham, and eat a apple or some grapes


dinner- eat normal but watch portions, no fried foods


at the gym i do the treadmill for 30-40 mins, then do the rest of my work out.


i joined http://www.gyminee.com and its helped me keep track of my exersize, weight, goals, challenges ETC and its free.


first week i was doing this i lost almost 10 lbs.


put me on the list. 318/308/280

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eating drinking nor working out adds weight for me :(


Then you aren't eating enough. Most people I know that are "hard-gainers" claim to eat a ton. Usually not true. Try eating when you aren't hungry just to try and keep the muscle mass that you have gained, then tell me about eating not helping you gain weight.

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I have cut pop out completely now. The last can was finished off last night by a buddy of mine :) I don't even want to drink diet pop. I just figure on getting rid of it completely. I don't need it anymore. I am dedicated to this weight loss.



I know exactly how you feel. At my work we have a free soda fountain. A few weeks ago I noticed that not only do I drink the soda highest in calories, but I usually drink 8 or more 8oz. cups of it a day. I have since dropped it completely and have just been filling the cup up with water. I was this same way at the begining of HS. I was fat, then realize that I was drinking over a 12 pack a day. I cut the soda out and I lost tons of weight. I went to the store and have decided to not buy or drink soda anymore. Water and Juice only.

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I have cut pop out completely now. The last can was finished off last night by a buddy of mine :) I don't even want to drink diet pop. I just figure on getting rid of it completely. I don't need it anymore. I am dedicated to this weight loss.


When I decided to cut pop out, I didn't have much trouble. Years ago, I was a hardcore mountain dew drinker, but that led to ulcers at 21-22 years old. I made my way to Dr. pepper, and drank that with most meals. Once I decided to stop, I just....did. I can't imagine trying that with smoking though.


Whenever you are out to eat, there's always water, but tea also won't hurt you too bad in the whole weightloss thing. That's the direction I go in now, and use artificial sweetener.


Even with dr. pepper, I still had stomach issues, where sometimes it felt like there was a hole burning its way through my stomach. Ever since quitting, I haven't had that pain once, it's been amazing. I'll never go back.

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I am good about drinking water throughout the day, and a diet coke with my meals when I need some taste.


I ate 2 whole grain slices toasted with smart balance butter and a banana for breakfast (11am)


just now at 4pm I had a spinach and field greens salad with blue cheese crumbles, chopped walnuts and rasberry pecan dressing.mmmmmmmm was it good and not bad for you either. (besides the blue cheese) fat free dressing and nuts and greens.


Not sure whats for dinner though.

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PS. Went to buy pine nuts for salads, small container was $11 :gtfo:


No shit, junk food is so much cheaper. My food budget has tripled so far.


I've been buying bananas, various melon, Total cereal, eggs, wheat muffins(with healthy add-ons), chicken, fish, applesauce, lowfat milk, sunny delight(tons less sugar than orange juice), meats, granola bars for the munchies, and water. On this alone my budget has more than doubled!! Also I've added a protein shake mix @ $35 for about a 2 week supply, vitamins @ $15 for a months worth.


Thing is I'm eating more than ever before, yet still losing weight and building muscle!!

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Yep, its expensive. 2 grilled chicken sandwiches at wendy's was like $6-7. I ate A large mcdonalds nugget meal with large fries, large coke and a double cheeseburger for 6.50 last week.


I also bougth apple sauce, fat free choc pudding for snacks.

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