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What are you drinking right now?


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2 things-


1) It takes a LOT of energy for your body to digest, and absorb protein


2) You can only absorb so much, in one sitting. Much of which is dependent on what your body NEEDS at that time.



IMO- Working out wile on a stomach full of protein is fighting your body for energy usage. Also with the length of time it takes to get digested and into your system, I say 2 hours before is great. By then it will be ready for your body to use. Also remember your body does not use protein for energy synthesis, just to rebuild tissue than wont need to be rebuilt until a time after you make fresh tears int he tissue.


Carbs are absorbed quickly, and are easily digested-and used DIRECTLY for energy-hence why they should be the main part of your pre-workout. Just try to cut the protein down in your pre workout meal/shake-load up on carbs, and quick carbs like sugar, and see if you have a gain in explosive power in the gym.


Okay, I can kind of see where you're coming from, I just disagree a bit on some things.


My understanding is that different types of proteins have different absorption/digestion rates. For instance, whey protein is absorbed and digested relatively quickly, and certainly much more quickly than, say, casein protein, which has a much slower absorption/digestion rate. (This is why you eat foods high in casien protein - like cottage cheese - before you go to bed because you want the protein broken down/released over a longer period of time - that is, while you sleep - to help "fuel" your muscles for a longer duration of time.) Also, the amount of protein I use in my pre-workout shake (see previous post) doesn't amount to a "full stomach." Rather, it constitutes, consistent with what I understand to be prevailing fitness/muscle building standards, the proper amount of necessary ingredients (protein + carbohydrates) to maximize the building of lean muscle mass.


BTW, I'm not trying to get on some pedastal and preach about bodybuilding stuff. I hate people who do that (and we all know those meat-heads in the gym that are like that), so I'm definitely not trying to sound elitist. Just telling you what I know and have learned, and I'll be the first to admit that I don't know everything (and hence my curiosity in wanting to know your opinions).

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I am drinking starbucks coffee (the normal kind not the ghey crapachino) and also a large glass of ice water. I take a gulp of coffee then a swig of ice water. Then I eat ice then sip the coffee.


It is a vicious circle.

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