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GM...would you?


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This is the money they took from the gov't. I mean if you can borrow "X" billion and get rid of "X" billion times two, you win. GM's employee base hurts them very very bad. With the way they have retirement package set up, they are tryng to shift liability from the operations to the union/retired workers.
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Hell yeah I'd take it, get out now while they're giving you stuff. If you hang on you may get nothing!


What I want to know is if people have always said that car-makers dont make 300 mpg cars and alternative fuel cars and such because of oil company kickbacks...why the hell isn't exxon-mobil helpin a brotha out right now.

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$20k is it? that would suck IMO. and a voucher for only $25k towards a car that's going to lose 20-30% value the day you take delivery and is backed by a company that's struggling? better than a stick in the eye, but that wouldn't get me excited....at least Chrysler folks get a bit more. At least their world goes from really bad to just bad.
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You say that like there are jobs at a surplus right now. Jobs are being lost at 100K a week. Just today Panasonic dropping 15k. That $20K won't last long UNEMPLOYED.


I saw that one coming :rolleyes: <former manager with Panny>


They are finally feeling the hurt too.

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The gov't shouldn't have gave GM a penny.


Instead, they should have just gotten rid of the UAW. Made all UAW contracts null and void.


Few strokes of a pen are far cheaper than 13 billion, and would actually be a HUGE factor in fixing the issue. GM then pays the workers a reasonable wage, and if they don't like it, then leave. Other failing companies are doing wage cuts.....

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yes, that would have been a BRILLIANT idea :rolleyes:

GM then could drop everyones pay to 7 dollars an hour, and gotten rid of all health care benefits.


Having worked at GM, and most of my family works/retired from there, i am well aware of the innards of the system. Its not perfect, by any means, but the UAW DOES HELP.


If you have NEVER been a part of the UAW, you have no room to talk about what you know nothing about.


I however do agree that the UAW should be slapped in the face for not bringing ways to help the the auto manufactures get better. A pay cut of some sort is definitely needed, and there is no reason why the employees cant pay for a good theier benefits.


HOWEVER, if you think the union is the only thing holding these companys back, then you are a fool.

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