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Craigslist Email I got today


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I posted the sunroof I have from the 94 parts car on craigslist and got a message from the guy:


Hello i'm Kelvin

I want to know if this your item is still available for sale??????????


I replied back and told him that I do still have it and gave him the asking price for it. He then sends me this:


Hello... I really appreciate your response to my mail.I want you to

consider the item sold, pls do withdraw the advert from craigslist to

avoid disturbance.I will also want you to know that i will be paying via

bank certified check, i would have loved to come and view and pay you in

cash for the item but my wife just gave birth to a baby Boy so i will be

very busy all through this week taking care of the mother and the baby.

So i will need you to provide me with the following information to mail

the check to you asap.


(1).Full name to write on the check

(2).Full Physical address to post the check

(3).Home & Cell Phone to contact you


....I will like you to know that you will not be responsible for shipping

i will have my mover come over as soon as you have cashed the check




Sounds pretty scandalous to me lol

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O hay guys, that was me, you no want big certified bank check from kenya, all you gots to do is cash and send me the extra. i would arrive in selfperson but mys wife just haz babi.....




I've had the same kinda shit, i actually told some of them to send me a check, i'm curious to see if they will, although none of them replied back after i said send that shit.

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Guest tbutera2112
who the hell actually does what they want anyway? Its like these guys use the same email, made by the same online english translator every time...for like the past five years or more


every time you sell something you get like 5 of em lol


see link i posted

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from that:


They met Rempel the next day with a suitcase. They said it had $10.6 million in shrink-wrapped U.S. bills. Rempel wanted more proof. His new friends pulled out one bill and “cleansed” it with a liquid “formula,” which washed off some kind of stamp. Rempel was told that process made the money “legal tender.”



“I was like holy crap, is that mine?” he said. “They said ‘yes sir, it’s yours.’ It all sounded legit.”


yeah sounds real legit... idiot.

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Respond with.


" I only take 1 dollar bills unmarked. They all must be made in 2005 or earlier. You must put them in a brown paper bag behind the tree in the "insert a park name here" park. Come alone and tell no one. My friends will be watching you."

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This post saved me and crused me:( I was really hoping I'd finally sold this damn thing:mad:


To me:


I'm highly intrested in your Pez painting and i want you to sell it for me,but due to my work i dont have chance to check it,but i believe is what you state on craiglist.i will pay you with cashier cheque and after the check clear to your account or you can cash it at cashing point my shipper will be comming to your location for the pick up of the item.pls get back to me with your full information so that the check can be send to you asap and your cell phone so that i can be able to call you anytime.pls get back to me asap.so that can forward it to my financial to issue the payment out to you as soon as possible.


am really intrested and am assure you that this is not a scam



Guess you're doing great.am sorry for the late respod my financial just contact me back that the payment had been sent to your address . I'm pretty sure you will get it by this week and the payment includes the shipping cost of the Pez painting and some other thing i but from your location to my place in carson city ,which implies that as soon as you cash the check, the excess fund included will be sent to my shipping agency so that they can come for the pick up.Im so sorry for not telling you this earlier, i just confrim this now that it was a mistake from my financial.and i have contact my shiping company manager to contact you for the pickup.pls respond to them so that everything can be go through and pls get back to me as soon you receive the payment and go ahead and cash it straight so that i can have my Pez painting .


Anyone looking for an expensive piece of art?



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If he does not purchase your item I will. I live in another country and have a client who would love your item. He will make the certified check out to you. It will be for an extra $100 for my fee. Please send the $100 with the item.


If you do not trust that option (I know the internet is a dangerous place)I have one other way. Just email me your name, address, SSN, mothers maiden name, and your bank routing and account number. That way I can just wire the money directly into your account!


Let me know what works best for you.


Thanks again!

yours truely,

Scumball scammer

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