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Why do you have a problem with my race gas?


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Why do people complain about race gas and pump gas during racing or Dyno numbers?


Why wouldnt someone put something in there cars to get the most out of there motor.








I had my ass almost kicked last year for agreeing to a 80-180 race and pulling out my jug of race gas to get my car ready. Guy flipped out on me and the race never happend.

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thats dumb you should go into a race thinking the other persons got n20 or race gas ect if your worried about such things then negotiate when when agreeing to a race. if it isant specified when agreeing them thats your fault for not asking.
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He wanted a *race* and then got upset when you pulled out *race* gas? Lame. Not worth your time. He probably wouldn't have payed up when you won anyways.



Well his old setup beat Sams car saposedly . But I called Sam and he said no. So I figured I had this all locked in.



But allot of the time people get angry and or not happy I have rac gas.



Allot of the people I meet out at night always ask or they factor that into the negotiations.


However I guess I bitch and moan and complain to make my car seem like it has a disadvantage of well:D



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Well his old setup beat Sams car saposedly . But I called Sam and he said no. So I figured I had this all locked in.



But allot of the time people get angry and or not happy I have rac gas.



Allot of the people I meet out at night always ask or they factor that into the negotiations.


However I guess I bitch and moan and complain to make my car seem like it has a disadvantage of well:D



well i hate to kick you in the nutts, but it your dumb ass falt for not having race gas in the fucking tank.


if your not already in kill mode when your trying to race, why bother. :bangbang:

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Why do people complain about race gas and pump gas during racing or Dyno numbers?


Why wouldnt someone put something in there cars to get the most out of there motor.








I had my ass almost kicked last year for agreeing to a 80-180 race and pulling out my jug of race gas to get my car ready. Guy flipped out on me and the race never happend.



Lol. I remember that. That was the guy who wanted to whip his dick out and prove it was bigger than everybody elses.

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What brought this back up? You know damn well you weren't the one who bitched up. Anyone who leaves power on the table is a pussy. Just don't understand what the big deal about what type of fuel gets used, about as dumb as bitching about someone have meth injection or nitrous.
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Lame. It would be no different if you had it in the tank and he found out afterwards. Either ask up front or no bitching.

just another excuse as to why he lost and isnt paying you. I ever hear someone crying about someone having or running race gas, im going to go over and kick them right in the fucking leg.



Just don't understand what the big deal about what type of fuel gets used, about as dumb as bitching about someone have meth injection or nitrous.


only ricers come up with shit like

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LoL oh the 240? Yeah I kinda know that guy. He's pretty crazy haha.


thats right it was brick.....fucking dude works at walmart.


come to find out that guy does fab work!

he helped in this from what i understand. i think he sold his 240.



and he always said he beat sams car :rolleyes:

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What brought this back up? You know damn well you weren't the one who bitched up. Anyone who leaves power on the table is a pussy. Just don't understand what the big deal about what type of fuel gets used, about as dumb as bitching about someone have meth injection or nitrous.



Im not bringingg it back up im saying and giving it as an example.



Rob bring your boots this summer and ill make sure your leg is hurt from kicking lots of nuts.






Now Im not trying to cause contreversory.


But still the fact that people freak out i think is due to there car not being able to win in the first place.

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thats right it was brick.....fucking dude works at walmart.


come to find out that guy does fab work!

he helped in this from what i understand. i think he sold his 240.



and he always said he beat sams car :rolleyes:


:lol: yeah i remember when he was on fisher. Dude was blowing coolant in his truck and Brick went in to investigate while the engine was running. There was no shroud for the fan and Brick leaned in and cut his hand lol. Almost got his head too.

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Im not bringingg it back up im saying and giving it as an example.



Rob bring your boots this summer and ill make sure your leg is hurt from kicking lots of nuts.






Now Im not trying to cause contreversory.


But still the fact that people freak out i think is due to there car not being able to win in the first place.


People don't like it when they talk shit and get called on it. I don't understand why people bitch up in those situations. I'd have raced like I agreed and paid when I lost. People have no honor anymore.

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People don't like it when they talk shit and get called on it. I don't understand why people bitch up in those situations. I'd have raced like I agreed and paid when I lost. People have no honor anymore.



You got that right, Maybe thats the answer maybe people walk tall and really have nothing to keep there balance and fall whenever a obstacle appears.




No honor = Fail.




I talk my walk with every word.

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I would want the other car to have race gas and running to its full potential so when I beat it.....You dont here all the fucking excuses about how "well if I had race gas and turned up the boost" blah blah....like Anthony said...."run what ya bring"....and like Rob said when you have your car out to race it should be ready to race....and Shanton in your situation you should have had race gas in the tank...but its not your fault the guy bitched out.
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But still the fact that people freak out i think is due to there car not being able to win in the first place.

if this is brick that we are talking about, he freaked out cause he realized he was going to get owned!

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