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How are these tough times affecting you?


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Anyone suffering from these tough economic times? Are you watching your spending? I know some of you have been layed off but anyone running out of unemployement? I am kinda worried myself being off on disability. If I was actually working I would be insuring my position within my company but with things going bad, I wonder what it will be like when I am able to return. My wife hasnt worked in 10 years but I am afraid she will have to go back and try to find anything to make ends meet. I have already had to dip into a chunk of my savings to make ends meet while I have been off. I wont lie, I am worried.
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So far people are still spending money on their toys. I have managed to grow my dyno business even with the local competition. I will say that I am saving my earnings instead of building my mustang. I want to have a nice cushion should things turn for the worse.
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I got a new job, took a 60% pay cut.


That has to be rough. It takes one hell of change in life style when you take that kind of pay cut. Been there and done that.


The dyno has made me humble. I am now extremely thankful for the business I now have.

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Dont say that. It does seem like people arent taking it as serious as its turning out to be.


My friend you are speaking the truth.


Like I said there is a reason why there is not a new motor in my turbo mustang or a twin turbo kit on the vette.

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Its times like this I am glad I have been so frugile(sp) with my money. I have put off buying big ticket items that I would have years ago. The toys I do have where payed for in cash and bought with the expectation of making a nice profit on when its time to sell.
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I for one am not really feeling it too bad...now that's not to say that I take this for granted. I am VERY thankful to have my job right now, but I'm still having fun. I can say that I don't go out as much as I probably could/used to. I would rather cut back on drinking than this hobby though.
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It's kinda affecting us, but moreso I worry about the near future.


I went back to school full time to finish up my last year(took time off for kids) and hope there is a good job available when I'm done. We haven't reallly cut back like we probably should be doing, but so far nothing really affecting us. Her job is pretty secure we think, being one of 7 workers, but who knows. I did refi the house, lowered the payment a good bit and sold my newer car for an older car and bike and put the rest in the bank for a rainy day. But we're still doing home renovation projects I'd been planning...

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I know starting a new bus, i should be struggling, but i'll have to say, i have been steady. infact i am working a deal on the building next to mine! cause after 3 weeks i am out of room! i have 9 cars stuffed in the shop. granted a few are long term sort of project's, but stuff just seems to keep coming in the door! i cant complain thats for sure. but i take care of everyone just the same weather it be a $20 checkout, or a $2000 job.i have plenty to do thats for sure.
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Chase. Everybody in my training class got fired/laid off from their last job and is there as fallback. The RR hired everybody right at the peak of business booming then it took a sharp downturn. People with years and years of seniority got laid off, they cut deep. The good thing is starting July I'll be getting RR unemployment on top of my Chase wages :)


what part of the shit-hole to you work in now Brian? I've been over at 350 McCoy for about 2 years an a total of 7 years almost 8 with Chase. If you're up at Polaris I'll be up there starting Monday for 3 weeks if you wanna grab lunch somewhere.

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Right on, I'm at the north end by the parking garage. Place is fucking huge.


Yep. I was there for 5 years until I move to 350 down on Cleveland. I'll be down in the B wing for the next two weeks. I used to support 3N which was about 500 peeps. One wing of one floor. :)


When I was there 2 years ago they had 10k peeps there. From one end to the next is about a 1/4 mile long.


Srt4turbo (paul) works there too.. Along with Casey I belive (the trans am/firebird dude).

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I have not changed a thing because I want to do my part to help the economy.


Think about this... If you are over saving your money for a rainy day you are partly responsible for that rainy day. Money has to circulate in order for our economy to be strong. The money you are holding on to could have helped keep someones business afloat or kept someone from being laid off. Dont get me wrong, saving a little more is ok. The problem is people all over the U.S. are going overboard and making a bad situation worse.


Before... Buy from jegs --> Jegs employee gets a paycheck --> The employee purchases products from the company I work for with their paycheck--> My company can pay me


Now.. I dont go to jegs --> that employee gets laid off --> does not buy from my company --> I get laid off too.


The hole we have dug is so deep that its going to take a very long time to fix it.

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Yep. I was there for 5 years until I move to 350 down on Cleveland. I'll be down in the B wing for the next two weeks. I used to support 3N which was about 500 peeps. One wing of one floor. :)


When I was there 2 years ago they had 10k peeps there. From one end to the next is about a 1/4 mile long.


Srt4turbo (paul) works there too.. Along with Casey I belive (the trans am/firebird dude).


My brother just transfered from 370 to Polaris. Dont ask me where in Polaris, i had a meeting there one time 2 years ago which took me literally 30 min to park and walk to the actual room where the meeting took place. fucking rediculous.


Back on topic, I really havent had to tighten any spending or watch anything closer than usual. In fact im getting more OT and more money that i did this time last year with less bills so things are pretty positive for now.

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I have not changed a thing because I want to do my part to help the economy.


Think about this... If you are over saving your money for a rainy day you are partly responsible for that rainy day. Money has to circulate in order for our economy to be strong. The money you are holding on to could have helped keep someones business afloat or kept someone from being laid off. Dont get me wrong, saving a little more is ok. The problem is people all over the U.S. are going overboard and making a bad situation worse.


Before... Buy from jegs --> Jegs employee gets a paycheck --> The employee purchases products from the company I work for with their paycheck--> My company can pay me


Now.. I dont go to jegs --> that employee gets laid off --> does not buy from my company --> I get laid off too.


The hole we have dug is so deep that its going to take a very long time to fix it.


I agree, the wife and I are fortunate that Health Care and Education are not really affected by what is going on. We have been paying off bills and next and last is the cars, both should be done by the end of the year. We have been eating out more, I have bought a few big purchases. I am thankful we played it smart a decade ago and bought a smaller house than what my wife wanted. We refinanced and saved a good chunck of change. We didn't even really need to do that, it was just smart. Now we have a house payment under 1k a month. No CC payments. We are saving more now and spending more on "fun" things.

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I witnessed 30% of our group get laid off yesterday.


The wife and I have been preparing for this over the past year or two anyway though. If I make it through Dec with employment, we'll be debt free except for our house payment and regular bills. We've been living on Ramen Noodles and generic food for the past year scrambling to pay off all of our debt.

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