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Please Keep Yasmin in your thoughts & Prayers


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My wife, my best friend, my everything in life was recently diagnosed with Breats Cancer. She will be going through a bi-lateral Mastectomy on Monday at Riverside. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers as the coming weeks will be rough on her.


Also, if you can take anything out of this please have your loved ones checked. Go feel some boobs tonight at home and if you find anything suspicious have it checked out by a professional. Yasmin is 31, lives a clean and healthy lifestyle, is a fitness nut and meets none of the criteria for women that would be at risk. No family history, genetic testing was done and she's not a carrier of gene mutations that lead to cancer. Nothing can explain it but none the less cancer is present.






Edited by AudiOn19s
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sorry to hear this. my best friends mom(practically raised me) was diagnosed with brest cancer in april an had her sergery on may 2nd everything went well got 90% out with the surgery an the remaining is being taken care of with kemo. just defentally do exactlay what the doctors tell you to do. goodluck man again sorry to hear this.
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Sorry to hear this. This is a touchy subject for me. I watched my mother go from a vibrant person to death, due to breast cancer and the treatment she received. Mostly the treatment. I will give you one bit of advice, don't believe everything the guy in the white coat says. Do your own research and look into nutritional therapies to support the body while doing the other treatments.
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Guest tbutera2112

wow im sorry man, i hope it works out ok


if you dont mind me asking, what does it feel like? my gf is only 19 so im not all that worried about it right now, but if i feel anything weird in them i wanna know what im looking for?

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She's already in my prayers my friend. You know I'm in a simliar boat with my mom and will be happy to share/compare info once you're ready and if you need to talk. Keep me posted on the course of treatment. We're about 45 days ahead of Yasmin in terms of treatment so I can give you insight on what to expect.


V8KILR is right. My brother passed away in 06 after battling it for 12 years. I can't tell you how many times he was told the worst and beat it.


You have my info....call anytime.

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Sorry to hear this. This is a touchy subject for me. I watched my mother go from a vibrant person to death, due to breast cancer and the treatment she received. Mostly the treatment. I will give you one bit of advice, don't believe everything the guy in the white coat says. Do your own research and look into nutritional therapies to support the body while doing the other treatments.


Something Ramsey pointed out which I did not mention is that Yasmin's cancer was caught at an early enough stage that she's got a 99% chance of coming through this with no worries of breast cancer downt he road based on the treatment we chose. She had the option to save her breasts and go through radiation. However in looking at the growth that was present, despite still being early it was considered agressive based on her age and the size of the growth(s) (There's two locations of cancerous growth on her left side). Because of that and the fear of radiation and chemo she elected to have both breasts taken. As long as things go as planned at this point with the complete removal of both breasts she will not have to go through radiation or chemo with a slight possibility of an oral chemo pill. However there will be further biopsies of the removed tissue prior to that being completely determined.


Thank all of you for the support.

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wow im sorry man, i hope it works out ok


if you dont mind me asking, what does it feel like? my gf is only 19 so im not all that worried about it right now, but if i feel anything weird in them i wanna know what im looking for?


Small Lumps. Like a bb might be burried in there.

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Guest tbutera2112
Small Lumps. Like a bb might be burried in there.


deep in or near the surface? you can PM me if this isnt the place, dont wanna shit in your thread man...best of luck to both of you, and its good that you caught it early

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WOW Andy, I am sooo sorry to hear this. You are correct about the finding it early and so wise in going with the mastectomy. I don't know if you remember from the times you have been over, but this is what my wife specializes in. If you need anything or have any questions, PLEASE, let me know. Or if Yasmin wants to talk to someone, I'm sure my wife would love to talk to her. I'm so glad they found it early.


Everyone, just like Andy said, if you ever feel even the slightest difference...have it checked out.

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This is a horrible subject for me. I still tear up or cry at least once a week and probably will while posting this.


My mom had breast cancer for 19 years, pretty much my entire life. She was only 54 years old and she was taken away from me and my 1 1/2 year old son (at the time). She went through just about every different type of treatment they had out there. Last September they finally said there was nothing left to do and that we'd be lucky to have her until Christmas, and we weren't that lucky. She went from being the crazy mom on the sidelines to being unable to even shower herself within a few months. She past away October 23th, 2008.


The sadest part of that entire night was while she was suffering, she had repeatedly asked everyone (besides me) where my son was. I didn't think she was going to go and didn't want him to be around all the depression. Well when I got wind of it, I told his mother that he better get here within the next 15 minutes or I was going to go crazy. He showed up and kissed grandma when he got there. Not 5 minutes later she pasted away. My son kept going up to her and kissing her. Now he has to grow up with the person who he loved more than his parents and he won't even remember it.



Yes, now I'm crying at work.



I really hope everything goes good and she turns out well.

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Guest Eye_of_the_Beholder
I will keep her in my thoughts and send her strength. I am getting together with a few other people to do a fund raiser for Breast Cancer Awareness that involves cars. Cars and parties!
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