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Please Keep Yasmin in your thoughts & Prayers


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Something Ramsey pointed out which I did not mention is that Yasmin's cancer was caught at an early enough stage that she's got a 99% chance of coming through this with no worries of breast cancer downt he road based on the treatment we chose.


Thank God. Good luck to you and you're family, I'll keep ya'll in my prayers. I wish the best outcome for everything.

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Sorry to hear, man. Cancer's a nasty bastard. I'm curious about one thing though. Have they tried alternative treatments before jumping straight to the mastectomy?


Everyone, thank you again for the support and encouragement. One thing we've found about cancer is how many people's lives it's really touched in one way or the other. It's great to have a bunch of people like everyone here to rely on.


Austin: She had other options but they all involved Chemo. and or Radiation treatments. Her personal preference was to avoid those treatments unless they were absolutely necessary parts of her treatment. As stated earlier she still may require an oral chemo pill but that will not be determined until after the post-surgery biopsies have been completed. She also chose to take the second (cancer free) breast for several reasons....mainly to not live in fear of the disease and constantly be faced with Dr.'s visits to make sure it hasn't come back. Had she kept her "good" breast she would have had to go in for mammograms every 6 months and MRI's Yearly to check for cancer for the remainder of her life. In taking both she's makeing sure she's taken every precaution possible to fully treat the disease and then move on with life.



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damn, i just saw this--terrible news andy. i'm sure you guys caught it early enough to get it all removed. you guys will be in our thoughts. let me know if i can help--i still know many of the surgeons in columbus.



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I would highly suggest looking into implants....basically just removing ALL of her natural breast tissue and having implants put back in. It is a very popular procedure with young women. I know of a few girls who have a family history of breast cancer and went this route. My sons mother has actually thought about this since her mother died of it a few years back
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She's already in my prayers my friend. You know I'm in a simliar boat with my mom and will be happy to share/compare info once you're ready and if you need to talk. Keep me posted on the course of treatment. We're about 45 days ahead of Yasmin in terms of treatment so I can give you insight on what to expect.


V8KILR is right. My brother passed away in 06 after battling it for 12 years. I can't tell you how many times he was told the worst and beat it.


You have my info....call anytime.


My aunt was the same thing and she's still going. Not 18+ months ago they told us she would not make it a week.


2 months ago they wanted to send her home on hospice.

She fought and she's had one thing that seems to be key. She's one of the few chemo patients who gain weight.


Good Food = Happy body!


I hope the best for your wife.

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I would highly suggest looking into implants....basically just removing ALL of her natural breast tissue and having implants put back in. It is a very popular procedure with young women.


only good news about the situation is that this procedure is 100% covered by health insurance

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damn man really sorry to hear that..you and your wife will be in my prayers and i hope everything works out for the best. My great grandma was diagnosed with stomach cancer a few yrs ago, and it was pretty much too late to do anything. I watched her go from 160lbs and when she died she was only about 80lbs. one of the hardest scariest things ive ever had to go through and it still hurts to even think about it
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