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How anal are you??


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I have given anal to my wife a few times, but Im honestly not a big fan, just the thought of my dick being right where a turd came out is a turn off. I cant understand what the gays get so excited about? I dont think I could make it as a gay just for this reason. My wife says she doesnt like anal much either, though you never can tell with a girl. I snuck the shocker in on her once and it was of course a shock... I then had to go and wash my hands immediately in fear that if I didnt, I would forget and may pick my nose later, and that would really stink.
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I have given anal to my wife a few times, but Im honestly not a big fan, just the thought of my dick being right where a turd came out is a turn off. I cant understand what the gays get so excited about? I dont think I could make it as a gay just for this reason. My wife says she doesnt like anal much either, though you never can tell with a girl. I snuck the shocker in on her once and it was of course a shock... I then had to go and wash my hands immediately in fear that if I didnt, I would forget and may pick my nose later, and that would really stink.


lol That's nasty and you guys aren't doing right. However, I do prefer a nice piece of snatch over a piece of ass any day.


And yes, say something to these people. If you bring it up to them in a calm, adult manner and they still get butt hurt, that's not your problem. That's an excuse to sign them off and at least a reason (that they'll understand) why they won't borrow something ever again. I'm very anal and OCD (they seem to compliment each other; like crazy and straight jackets), and I've had to learn the hard way about people borrowing my shit. However, at least you got your shit back working or at all. lol Like I said, at least it's working and this could be the event that leads to them never asking to borrow something again, if nothing else.

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Well, it's safe to say these motherfuckers are crazy. I had to stop conversing with them over it because it would have escalated. What I got from the convo is i'm too anal, i'm always over there(my yard) cleaning something, I am overreacting, I didn't give them the time to remove anything, since I took it early and to top it all...There is no way they got stain on it. If there is stain on it, no way they did it.

This incident has officially turned me into a "dont fucking ask me to borrow anything" kinda guy. Simple as that, period!

This conversation continued to text today while I was at work that I had to leave the building to go call and scream in the phone..The fucking nerve of people to not even take responsibility when they fuck up. A simple "sorry, i'll do my best to clean it" would have been enough for me. The fact that my washer began to stay outside for a few days while they had it and the fact that the blow-back from their stain sprayer covered my washer means they have no concern for other peoples shit.

Her last message to me was something like "your washer can stay brown, you can stay pissed and i'll just go rent one to finish, since this is what you want anyway".

I simply replied "just return my shit in the condition I gave it to you in..Why is that so hard to understand".

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Dude..this has been on my mind all fucking day. I simply can't believe the way this is being handled. To think I am getting attacked for making light of a situation I am unhappy with "too soon", since I took it before I gave them a chance to correct any issues.

I don't have patience for dumb fucking people. I have to walk away and punch pillows and shit cause i'll get myself in trouble...especially when someone is trying to take advantage of me and think i'm not smart enough to realize it.

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You are such a pussy. Sending angry texts? LOL. walk over to they're house like you got a pair and have them clean ur shit or else.


And if they say NO? what then?


Just because you walk over there and demand it to be fixed doesn't mean it will happen. A simple NO will either force you to shut up and drop the subject, or yell and scream like an idiot which in turn will just force you to shut up a few minutes later.


He already explained the type of person they are, claiming they had nothing to do with the dirty/stain covered washer when they obviously did.


Your solution will solve nothing.


Chalk it up as a learning experience and as Putty already said, don't lend anything else out except to close friends who understand the implications.

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And if they say NO? what then?


Just because you walk over there and demand it to be fixed doesn't mean it will happen. A simple NO will either force you to shut up and drop the subject, or yell and scream like an idiot which in turn will just force you to shut up a few minutes later.


He already explained the type of person they are, claiming they had nothing to do with the dirty/stain covered washer when they obviously did.


Your solution will solve nothing.


Chalk it up as a learning experience and as Putty already said, don't lend anything else out except to close friends who understand the implications.


You do know he was referring to they either clean his power washer or dude gets his ass kicked right?


Yes fighting does solve things.

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BTW...go over there and tell them how you overreacted and are very sorry. Let a week or two go by. Go over there and ask to borrow something of value or importance to them. I.E. grandmother's ashes, their pet, a car, etc.


Return it fucking trashed.


You win.

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So I got home and tore it apart. I had to go this far to get all the stain off. You can still see some of the brown. All the pieces are soaking.





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