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For all you smokers


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So should we put these on every car window at the dealership?




Maybe on every motorcycle?




You're such a bigot.

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We should put pictures of guys raping little boys when you log into the internet because sometimes that happens from it.


I explained it earlier. Any product that is inescapably unhealthy for all around it should have a meaningful warning. A car or motorcycle can be dangerous but for the most part is completely safe and is made for a safe purpose. If you purchase a gun, it isn't assumed that it will cause you harm if you use it, though it still can. However, if you buy cigarettes and use them, it's guaranteed to cause you and others around you health problems.

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However, if you buy cigarettes and use them, it's guaranteed to cause you and others around you health problems.


And that's exactly why smokers should pay a lot more for insurance premiums. No reason the rest of us who don't smoke should incur costs that are ultimately caused by their wrong doing and then having it passed on down stream to the healthy folks. Same with those who are over weight. Some states are gunning for this.

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You sure can tell who the smokers are in this thread. I laugh at the people you see wearing the Marlboro jacket that got from the miles program. It cost them hundreds of dollars for the smokes and a couple of years of life all for a $50 jacket.


I also find the proud smokers funny too. They are the ones that have the bumper sticker that says " I smoke and I vote." the car that the sticker is attached to has a tar film on the window that can only be cleaned with acidic concrete cleaner. They also have the zippo lighter and the Camels in a belt holster.





And of course everyone's favorite butthead....


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Hey, I'm honest. I don't give a shit what the health effects are for the smoker. As far as I'm concerned, the tobacco industry could lace their filters with ricin. But when I was a little kid, every restaurant, bar, theatre, mall, and 90% of stores and offices I would go to with my parents had a thick haze of foul-smelling smoke. Now they don't. I like it better that way.

You smoke as much as you want to, when it's JUST you to breathe the shit.

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LoL, and you made my sig. Grats.


I bought 2 packs of Djarum Blacks today. $18 and the guy didn't want to sell them. Twice he said he had none. When I asked where he knew I could get some he took some hidden from behind the counter and told me full price with tax before ringing it up. I said give me 2 I deserve it ! ;)

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Original, since you have nothing else to contribute....


Lotta people missing the point here, if you don't get it, you probably won't since your to stuck in your ways.


If it makes you feel any better before I quit I almost never smoked indoors. I never smoked in a place that served food that is disgusting. Smoke does not need to be around me when I am eating. If I needed a smoke I went outside, and not by the door I went to my car and smoked alone. But I almost always just waited until after I ate and left. I also never smoked in my car if I had non-smoking passengers.


Not every full time smoker is an ass about smoking near non-smokers...

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