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HB 191 Strret Racing Law, being debated today


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You mean more than the current number who abuse the Law now? I see Cops do illegal things all the time for no reason other than that no one questions them.


Yes, and I don't wanna be the guy who gets arrested and loses my car because Officer J.D. Douchebag decides that my car is too loud and I took a turn too fast

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So basically even if you get a speeding ticket, they can call if street racing if they want to? So that emans anyone driving even a remotlely modded car could be targeted for profiling? Or am I reading it wrong?


That is EXACTLY what I'm saying. This law seems to be deliberately written to allow exactly that.

If you speed, if you take off hard from a light, if you take a corner hard, if you drive your car in ANY manner that sets you apart from the normal flow of traffic, they can arrest you for street racing under this law. They could probably even nail you for braking hard.

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So basically even if you get a speeding ticket, they can call if street racing if they want to? So that emans anyone driving even a remotlely modded car could be targeted for profiling? Or am I reading it wrong?


In theory yes, will it happen doubt it same thing with the stop light theory.


There is WAY to much speculation going on here and the fact this bill could be changed.


People just need to calm down there is no second gunnman on the grassy knoll and we did land on the moon...

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You think that the public will vote against it?


All depends on what spin you put on it. If you approach it as a soccer mom in a minivan running a bit late to pick her kids up at school accelerating faster than normal gets a street racing ticket that ruins her life and the courts steal her minivan, yeah the public will vote against it.

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I personally think it will happen both ways, some cops will abuse while others wont care. All it will add is more harrassment for people with wheels or an exhaust....... guess only time will tell.



Just doesnt make sense that if I get caught speeding in my Milan that I could be street racing.

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That is EXACTLY what I'm saying. This law seems to be deliberately written to allow exactly that. If you speed, if you take off hard from a light, if you take a corner hard, if you drive your car in ANY manner that sets you apart from the normal flow of traffic, they can arrest you for street racing under this law. They could probably even nail you for braking hard.


This is the issue. There have been plenty of times in the past where I've been pulled over for nothing other than driving a loud, modified car. I'm sure there are plenty others on here that have dealt with the same BS.


There is WAY to much speculation going on here and the fact this bill could be changed.


People just need to calm down there is no second gunnman on the grassy knoll and we did land on the moon...


True, but the very fact that such a ridiculous idea could even be brought to fruitition is mind-boggling.

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In theory yes, will it happen doubt it same thing with the stop light theory.


There is WAY to much speculation going on here and the fact this bill could be changed.


People just need to calm down there is no second gunnman on the grassy knoll and we did land on the moon...


Unfortunately, going by evidence at hand, we can say that it absolutely WILL be abused as often as possible. Yes, there have been legitimate street racing busts recently, but we ALL know that even current street racing laws are abused on an alarmingly regular basis.

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Guest Removed
While they are at it, why not pass a law that prevents people from insulting each other, because that might lead to a fight and people will get hurt! INSULTING SOMEONE = AGGRAVATED ASSAULT!!!!!!!! 10 YEARS IN JAIL! :rolleyes:


So basically even if you get a speeding ticket, they can call if street racing if they want to? So that emans anyone driving even a remotlely modded car could be targeted for profiling? Or am I reading it wrong?


All depends on what spin you put on it. If you approach it as a soccer mom in a minivan running a bit late to pick her kids up at school accelerating faster than normal gets a street racing ticket that ruins her life and the courts steal her minivan, yeah the public will vote against it.

thisa is what i see happening!


the bill/law needs to be rewritten!


in some ways i am for it, but the way they have it worded, any one could lose there car.

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All depends on what spin you put on it. If you approach it as a soccer mom in a minivan running a bit late to pick her kids up at school accelerating faster than normal gets a street racing ticket that ruins her life and the courts steal her minivan, yeah the public will vote against it.

But the public will NEVER see it that way. 99% of the voting population will never even know the bill is on the ballot until they go to the booth, and then they will only look at the title of the bill, and they will see that it's a law against street racing. Street racing = bad. They'll vote for it without ever knowing what they're signing away. People are SHEEP. They'll follow the Judas Goat right up the ramp to the killing floor and never question the blood and guts on the floor til the knife goes in.

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Guest tbutera2112

all this bill says to me is:


if youre getting pulled over for racing, accelerating, spirited driving, etc: run


if you get caught, you lose your car

if you pull over and submit, you lose your car


chance to get away vs. surely being busted....no brainer to me



guess its time to leave the car at home and only drive it at the track, and when i wanna play around ill get a litre bike and they can work for their bust...let them catch me on that and they can keep it... 6k down the drain > 20k down the drain

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all this bill says to me is:


if youre getting pulled over for racing, accelerating, spirited driving, etc: run


if you get caught, you lose your car

if you pull over and submit, you lose your car


chance to get away vs. surely being busted....no brainer to me



guess its time to leave the car at home and only drive it at the track, and when i wanna play around ill get a litre bike and they can work for their bust...let them catch me on that and they can keep it... 6k down the drain > 20k down the drain




Tyler thats retarded, unless your on a bike ( which doesnt always work) you will never get away, Im sure that a radio and a helicopter are faster than you. Besides endangering innocent people would just make the 99% of anti street racing people even angrier. The spin off from this by the media would be even worse.




Basically this will hurt every type of car venue. From the old dude cruising in his hot rod to a show all the way to the ricer kid with a wing a fart can.

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Guest tbutera2112
Tyler thats retarded, unless your on a bike ( which doesnt always work) you will never get away, Im sure that a radio and a helicopter are faster than you. Besides endangering innocent people would just make the 99% of anti street racing people even angrier. The spin off from this by the media would be even worse.




Basically this will hurt every type of car venue. From the old dude cruising in his hot rod to a show all the way to the ricer kid with a wing a fart can.


thats the point i was trying to make...thanks for spelling it out lol


pushing this through would cause more potential for harm than it would for good IMO... and just because you usually cant get away in a car, doesnt mean people arent going to try....got nothing to lose really...ask linn lol


if somebody told you that you were being thrown in prison next time you were caught j-walking, would you not run from the cop who tried to stop you?


theyre pushing severe punishments for things that are not severe in nature....the wording on this bill is horrible...im not arguing for street racing, but accelerating from a light is subjective of whether or not its too much

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Tyler thats retarded, unless your on a bike ( which doesnt always work) you will never get away, Im sure that a radio and a helicopter are faster than you. Besides endangering innocent people would just make the 99% of anti street racing people even angrier. The spin off from this by the media would be even worse.




Basically this will hurt every type of car venue. From the old dude cruising in his hot rod to a show all the way to the ricer kid with a wing a fart can.

More than that. EVERY traffic pull-over will have the potential to cause you to lose your car, get jail time, pay heavy fines, lose a job due to lack of transportation, and face complete financial ruin. I'm not kidding when I say that you could literally lose EVERYTHING because of what would otherwise be a speeding ticket. Even if you hired a lawyer and fought and WON, you would still spend thousands of dollars on legal fees and bills, and you would still lose your license for the duration of a possibly years-long fight through appeals.

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This is the issue. There have been plenty of times in the past where I've been pulled over for nothing other than driving a loud, modified car. I'm sure there are plenty others on here that have dealt with the same BS.


I was dealing with the B/S on a weekly basis 2 summers ago.

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More than that. EVERY traffic pull-over will have the potential to cause you to lose your car, get jail time, pay heavy fines, lose a job due to lack of transportation, and face complete financial ruin. I'm not kidding when I say that you could literally lose EVERYTHING because of what would otherwise be a speeding ticket. Even if you hired a lawyer and fought and WON, you would still spend thousands of dollars on legal fees and bills, and you would still lose your license for the duration of a possibly years-long fight through appeals.


I agree, one of us will get pulled over for something like speeding 1 mile an hour over and all of the sudden we are street racers. Or we will leave a light ahead of traffic but not speeding or operating recklessly and BAM bye bye car and hello fines.

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all this bill says to me is:


if youre getting pulled over for racing, accelerating, spirited driving, etc: run


if you get caught, you lose your car

if you pull over and submit, you lose your car


chance to get away vs. surely being busted....no brainer to me



guess its time to leave the car at home and only drive it at the track, and when i wanna play around ill get a litre bike and they can work for their bust...let them catch me on that and they can keep it... 6k down the drain > 20k down the drain


Im down for an underground liter bike gang. I dont give a fuck ill go to the looney bin with you.

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Guest Removed
Tyler thats retarded, unless your on a bike ( which doesnt always work) you will never get away, Im sure that a radio and a helicopter are faster than you. Besides endangering innocent people would just make the 99% of anti street racing people even angrier. The spin off from this by the media would be even worse.




Basically this will hurt every type of car venue. From the old dude cruising in his hot rod to a show all the way to the ricer kid with a wing a fart can.

i think someone from here has tried this already.....maybe im wrong...

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If you're already going to jail you might as well take the chance and run. That's going to be the logic seen alot more often if this passes.


Yeah, and I bet the geniuses who came up with this law didn't think of that. If they did, apparently they don't mind dangerous high-speed police chases with the potential to hurt/kill the innocent. Nope, instead they would rather wreck the life of some car enthusiast who drives too spirited for an officer's preference :rolleyes:

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