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How many of you have 300+ WHP


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I havent posted much but I have been reading alot of posts and the bullshit that has been going on here and it seems the majority of people on here as of late have cars that arent even race ready/worthy (not implying that my mustang is, nor am I implying its the fastest car on here) I am just asking a simple question maybe even a poll would be nice, not that people would answer honestly anyways....


Does your car/truck/bike/suv/ or whatever have 300WHP???



Disclaimer I chose 300hp because I feel that is reasonable some may even consider that low in today's world of performance vehicles.


Yes or No?


I race my cars, 1/4 , Mud , autocross I don't care I just like going quick . I also only turn the boost down to 18 in the winter which still is over 300 at the wheels according to IPSs dyno


12.3 335awhp WRX (Current down but new motor is on the floor beside it)

high 13's ??? ~250awhp Outback XT (I know its not 300 but you better bet I will race)


My wrx is still being fixed from being massively over heated :( FAIL

My wifes car is the super sleeper though. It's chewed some stangs up and spit them out. it's over 300crank hp ;)

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Yes plus I even take my car to the track and *gasp* race it!


I agree there are a lot of people on here who talk a big game that either have shit that does not run or I have never seen them out.


I agree but you have to realize your in a sport where people put 20-30-40k into a car that does not happen overnight. Things break and people do their own work. I agree. I have not been out for a few summers, I come to CR because I enjoy reading peoples build thread's, and everything that goes along with car lifestyle.

anyone can run a stock car with bolt ons, I feel the sport has dedication when you have guys going 10.90's when 3 years ago it was a 15 second car. You have guys now building there own cars that could with the right money be a dedicated track car. This is a sport where guys are always trying to measure their dick and balls, so you will always have all the bullshit to go with.

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