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monday - legs - equipped squats low volume and heavy

tuesday - chest, back, calves, abs - raw benching heavy reps and some heavier triples doubles or singles, lat pull downs & chinups or pull ups, weighted situps, various calve exercises.

thrusday - legs & lower back - squats heavy reps raw atf and some heavier doubles and singles, hamstring curls, heavy deadlifts varying rep ranges each week from 1-5 reps for probably 4-6 sets.

saturday - arm and shoulders and or equipped bench, heavy shirted bench full range and some board work, some triceps exercises, or some triceps exercises including low volume close grip benching, skull crushers, some form of curls or chinups, some shoulder presses or shoulder raises, and light ab work.


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why train tris on day1 then do shoulder which include tris (military press) right after?

Might work for you but doesnt work for me


Because the main focus of Military Press is not on your tricep so if you happen to have a weak tricep I guess it would be difficult then... :rolleyes:

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Because the main focus of Military Press is not on your tricep so if you happen to have a weak tricep I guess it would be difficult then... :rolleyes:


Even though its not the main focus it is still a secondary worked muscle. Not just Military press but most types of presses would also tear at your tris. As you know after working out and breaking down each muscle group a big important part is the healing. If you kill your tri's one day and then work them out as a secondary muscle the next, there is a good chance you will be overworking that muscle group and not giving them enough time to heal all in one shot. I personally like to seperate sections of the body as much as I can so I give one section of my body as much time to heal while destroying another.


There are so many different opinions and styles to working out that I hate even talking to most people about this stuff. There are very little methods that have actually been proven BEST that it leaves everyone in a pissing match about what they have learned and why it is better and who told them. Everyones bodys are different and the only way to find out what is good for YOU is to try. If something works, well then it works for you. I try to keep my advise to myself because 2 out of every 3 years I get fat and Im not a good walking example anyways, but if I was going to give someone advise it would be to never be closed minded and listen to 100% of what everyone says(only taking 5% to heart) and be willing to try most of everything. It will take quite some time to learn your body and learn whats right for you. I have my favorite workouts but I am always willing to switch things for 6 weeks to try something new.





P.s. Dover, I love listening to your voicemails while sitting on the beach. I can be getting yelled at and have a smile on my face all at the same time.

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Smith Machine Shoulder Press 12,10,8,6

Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12,10,8,6

Dumbbell Reverse Fly 12,10,8,6

Dumbbell Shrugs 12,10,8,6


Lying Tricep Extension 10,8,6

One Arm Cable Extension 10,8,6

One Arm Dumbbell Extension 10,8,6




Wide Grip Pull Up 12,10,8,6

Close Grip Pull Down 12,10,8,6

One Arm Dumbbell Row 12,10,8,6

Bent Over Barbell Row 12,10,8,6


Weds- Off


Thurs -


Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 12,10,8,6

Barbell Bench Press 12,10,8,6

Incline Dumbbell Flys 12,10,8,6

Cable Crossovers 12,10,8,6


Incline Dumbbell Curl 10,8,6

Preacher Curl 10,8,6

Standing Hammer Curl 10,8,6


Fri -

Quads, Hamstrings & Glutes

Squat 12,10,8,6

45 Degree Leg Press 12,10,8,6

Leg Extension 12,10,8,6

Stiff Legged Deadlifts 12,10,8,6


Seated calf Raise 10,8,8

Standing Calf Raise 15,12,10



Sat - Off


Sun - Off

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Yes I understand the premise of how the muscle system works Christopher, but the tricep is such a small muscle working it to complete failure one day, it can easily recover for the second day. Especially when the next day you aren't primarily focusing on it.


And fuck you and your beach.

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Yes I understand the premise of how the muscle system works Christopher, but the tricep is such a small muscle working it to complete failure one day, it can easily recover for the second day. Especially when the next day you aren't primarily focusing on it.


And fuck you and your beach.


Piss on you, no wonder your triceps are severely underdeveloped.;) There is no way of full recovery in 24 hours even with a constant flow of glutamine in your body could it even help become 100% by then. Just my opinion. My body really doesnt heal on the faster side of things. Especially when I am taking certain products.

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Piss on you, no wonder your triceps are severely underdeveloped.;) There is no way of full recovery in 24 hours even with a constant flow of glutamine in your body could it even help become 100% by then. Just my opinion. My body really doesnt heal on the faster side of things. Especially when I am taking certain products.


You have in Latin "Pussyitisbitchness" which translates to you being a big fat vagina in English.

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Yes I understand the premise of how the muscle system works Christopher, but the tricep is such a small muscle working it to complete failure one day, it can easily recover for the second day. Especially when the next day you aren't primarily focusing on it.


And fuck you and your beach.


Although I do agree with doing the military presses (with correct form) as a shoulder exercise NOT a tricep exercise, your statement just isn't correct. You're not allowing the muscle enough time to recover if you only allow 24 hours. You are risking injury in the future depending on how you structure the workouts.

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Because the main focus of Military Press is not on your tricep so if you happen to have a weak tricep I guess it would be difficult then... :rolleyes:


24hours is not enough time at all to repair the muscle. but what would i know i have weak tri's... dumbbell military for $ :ninja:

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whats it matter i have weak tris according to you :p

It'll take you more than a couple weeks.

powerlifting for years>you


Powerlifting for years + record benches + invited to train at Westside > *




Dover - I would suggest not placing money on this one.

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Powerlifting for years + record benches + invited to train at Westside > *




Dover - I would suggest not placing money on this one.




Come on let the retard play. :p




BTW I go to the GYM as much as possible. Been doing allot of cardio to cut my water weight down Howeverthe only thing I do is focus on every thing from my lower pelvis and up. Sam always made fun of me he called it the "playboy " workout.


So are you saying If I work out everyday I cannot give my muscles time to recover they will never get bigger and or stronger?

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Powerlifting for years + record benches + invited to train at Westside > *




Dover - I would suggest not placing money on this one.


Real question is when are you going to get your ass back into that kind of training routine? Why waste the talent that you have for powerlifting? Quit being lazy and get back in the gym. That is all.

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Real question is when are you going to get your ass back into that kind of training routine? Why waste the talent that you have for powerlifting? Quit being lazy and get back in the gym. That is all.


Lol - Ashley and I just got a new gym membership. It's going to be a hard year getting back into any real shape.

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Powerlifting for years + record benches + invited to train at Westside > *




Dover - I would suggest not placing money on this one.


I was never invited to train at westside. Although i do know a couple there. I utilize some of their methods.

Just to clarify.



O and dover when do you wanna lock in my call out?

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I was never invited to train at westside. Although i do know a couple there. I utilize some of their methods.

Just to clarify.



O and dover when do you wanna lock in my call out?


I figured, I was saying I was invited lol.


They have some really good methods, and some I just don't like at all. Bands and chains really work though, I love them. /thread jack

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Cardio everyday, run 2-3 miles, bike 30min, sometimes "run" on the eliptical, sometimes like hitting up hockey drop-in's during the week but thats definitly more of a cardio workout than anything else and games on sundays.


Havnt hit weights yet, little intimidated to get back into it after so much time off and no lifting partner this time.

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I figured that you wouldn't take it too hard, but seriously get yourself back in and get it done. Where are you guys going?


Westerville rec center right now. I need to get some cardio out of the way, and some basic muscle memory. I'll probably go back to using my basement gym after that.

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So explain this to me there superman when you have complete fatigued tris wouldn't you be isolating your shoulders more an working them harder hence shoulders as a major on that day? Hmm there's food for thought


ford_351 let's talk stats there buddy congrats your powerlifter that's cool how much do you weigh are we going lb for lb or are we going tradional rules like you know in actual power lifting comp. Age, weight, and weight completeted? Since your such a badass an I won't need longer than two weeks. You sound like suuuuuuch a badass let me tell you :rolleyes:

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So explain this to me there superman when you have complete fatigued tris wouldn't you be isolating your shoulders more an working them harder hence shoulders as a major on that day? Hmm there's food for thought


ford_351 let's talk stats there buddy congrats your powerlifter that's cool how much do you weigh are we going lb for lb or are we going tradional rules like you know in actual power lifting comp. Age, weight, and weight completeted? Since your such a badass an I won't need longer than two weeks. You sound like suuuuuuch a badass let me tell you :rolleyes:


Dover, he said earlier he weighs 250. You need to look up the calculations that NASA (IIRC) uses in their competitions for age/weight.

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