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Do you like fish???


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sounds like there's gonna be a healthy group of OR kids here... should be fun.

Someone order Moose Juice from moose when you're there... its probably not what you think it is, and I'm pretty certain you won't be disappointed. :D:D:D

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well, I bet with a little convincing and a little more alcohol, we could probably get him to re-enact it... yeah?

Im giving up fun for lent... No more alcohol.

Ahh the juice of the moose! Pretty tasty stuff! I liked it!

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where is this place at like what street? When i tried to mapquest it i got like 3 different places all with the same name.

as stated by yota above.... at the corner of main st and yearling rd in whitehall...

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I'm gonna miss this one too :( My conference is on Monday and I just found out I have to test two more samples!!! ahhhh!!

Ok its not that bad... and I might actually just put the work off till tomorrow and show up for some fishy.

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I'm gonna miss this one too :( My conference is on Monday and I just found out I have to test two more samples!!! ahhhh!!

Ok its not that bad... and I might actually just put the work off till tomorrow and show up for some fishy.

well if ya do you can get some moosey too.... lol:cheers:

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