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How do you get your "Man Smell"?


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After walking through the store today, I noticed that just about every brand of body wash and deodorant have some sort of a scent for Men.


How do you get your "smell"? Washes, deodorants or cologne? What do you use?



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I let the duck butter build up.


Duck Butter:The combination of sweat from the ballsac and anus that creates a buttery film on the grundle and butthole. occuring usually from an unwashed scrotum creating a smelly odor that worsens in thickness and odor by the minute. Also known as DB or Deeb.
Edited by HAOLE
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  HAOLE said:
I let the duck butter build up.


lol, nasty. I've never even heard of duck butter, but I'm fairly sure I won't be spreading it on anything anytime soon.


As for myself, I don't use any colognes. I'm not completely opposed to them, but my 'sniffer' is very sensitive and any strong smells will result in eyes watering, headaches, and sneezing. My deodorant and soap is either scent free or very lightly scented. Same thing with my detergent, etc.


I've never worried about it since even when I sweat, I'm not naturally a "smelly" guy and I've generally been told by women that I smell good and sometimes asked what I was wearing. To that question, nothing. I just smell like fucking man, bitches. My current girlfriend will attest to this, as well.

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For soap/shower I use Dial for men body wash, it's the one in the black/red bottle, don't know what the scent is called (Magnetic maybe?) but it smells amazing. Deodorant I use old spice swagger, or anything unscented, I hate the really strong deodorants that smell like soap. When I wear cologne usually it's A&F fierce, nautica island voyage, or curve (the brown/tan colored one I think). That "very sexy" stuff smells great too, I also like usher cologne and some stuff called "black" (kenneth cole maybe?)
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Axe "dark temptation" bodywash and deodorant, and body spray, sometimes I use the Victoria Secret "very sexy for him", the dark temptation has a faint scent to it, not over powering like some of the Axe product line.
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I usually don't share this type of personal information on a public forum, but it's obvious that some of you lames need some serious help in the grooming department. Here it is:




Product Description

A couple of dabs of this stuff and people will think you’re Snake Pliskin. Sure, you might think you’re studly, but if you hop off your steed and swagger into a joint (preferably with beard stubble and a sneer…) and smell like a field of synthetic daisies, well… you ain’t no manly-man. Ordinary cologne and scented soaps cover up that raw, manly scent. This stuff enhances it. It’s a scientific fact that real manly-men ingest cigars and booze 24 hours a day, so if you don’t (and shouldn’t) this stuff makes you smell like you do. Contains tobacco and hard whiskey smells and is a heck of a lot better for you than the real thing. 1 oz spray bottle.

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This is funny, does it really matter as long as you clean yourself regularly? I take a shower everyday after work, I use whatever my wife has for me, and put on deoderant in the morning. I don't feel the need to smell like some fucking fragrance, just to keep my B/O to a minimum.
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