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argh. what a shitty night.


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long story short, get ready to go to bed, go to put my laundry in the dryer, what do i find in the bottom of the washer? my ipod. fuck.


im usually really good about checking my pockets, getting everything out, and tonight, i failed


got it sitting in a bag of rice now. how long should i let this sit in here before trying to hook it back up to my computer?

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long story short, get ready to go to bed, go to put my laundry in the dryer, what do i find in the bottom of the washer? my ipod. fuck.


im usually really good about checking my pockets, getting everything out, and tonight, i failed


got it sitting in a bag of rice now. how long should i let this sit in here before trying to hook it back up to my computer?


I feel ya. The one time I somehow left something in my pocket, it was my phone. I did this awhile back only it got thrown in the dryer, too. :(

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long story short, get ready to go to bed, go to put my laundry in the dryer, what do i find in the bottom of the washer? my ipod. fuck.


im usually really good about checking my pockets, getting everything out, and tonight, i failed


got it sitting in a bag of rice now. how long should i let this sit in here before trying to hook it back up to my computer?


I did the same thing a few years ago, tried everything but the thing was dead. Goodluck.

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I always manage to do laundry with things in my pockets -- thank goodness never electronics though.


I just washed a pack of firecrackers (where I got them I don't remember) with my whites and they turned everything red. That was not fun.

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well, being that im taking a trip to cleveland tonight, and i didnt want to make the drive without my music, i tried to fire it up, got nothing. i had a white screen, and i can press play and hear music, but no display. went into the store, they told me the water indicators had been tripped (i have no idea how that would have happened! lol). charged me $89 and gave me a replacement. my old one is gone, which sucks because it had some videos of my nephew on it, but all my music was on my computer, so at least i didnt lose out on that
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fried my blackberry in hawaii, i jumped in the pacific and it was in my pocket. so i went to walked 4 miles to the nearest "AT&T" store, which turned out to be a radio shack that sold go phones. FML, but at least i wasnt completely phoneless 30000000 miles from home.
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Guest tbutera2112
jumped into a pool with my phone in my pocket once...that sucked...


did that over the weekend and didnt realize it for a solid 30 minutes when i bumped my hand into it lol...my phone is waterproof though, so i guess i dont really feel your pain :p

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