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Cyrax : Did I hurt your feelings?


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I approve....


Excellent re-route of train-wreck into lulz.


until you came along, now it needs fixed again.


needs a good Audi pic


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Jones is a catholic preast on the weekdays and a full blown gay man during the week. He replaced his heated seats with multiple shafting dildos, and his stereo only plays showtunes. Just a typical audi driver.
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Jones is a catholic preast on the weekdays and a full blown gay man during the week. He replaced his heated seats with multiple shafting dildos, and his stereo only plays showtunes. Just a typical audi driver.


Great, the gayness is back. Welcome phil!!!

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I have been busy this weekend, and everytime I start reading this thread I end up having to leave and no time to reply. Once again Cyrax I am accepting your race at D42, but I'm also hoping you can accept a roll race. So that is 2 races. I think this is fair since your car was built for drag racing and mine was not. They have 2 different purposes therefore this seems fair. I saw your excuse before about not street racing blah blah, and I would just like to say that I can bet you break the law every single day while your driving, and I can assure you that there will be no cars around and you wont be putting anybody in danger. If you car cannot handle those speeds then you can say so and I will understand. And again I was not trying to disrespect you in anyway and I apologize if I did. I respect my elders but I just felt like you were attacking me with your comments and Im not the type of person to sit back and take it up the ass.
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I was trying to give you a hint at who did it. Instead you thought it would be a good idea to bring up "because you have met and seen me right?". My comment was hinting at the Mortal Combat character who banned you. As you can see from later in this thread it was V8Beast. Who used to be Jax....But at age 22 Mortal Combat may have been out of your age bracket. You would have been about 12 years old when Jax showed up. Maybe your parental units would not let you play the Mature games.


List time.


1. Maybe I have met you or seen you.

2 Maybe you have met me or seen me.

3. Dont be a E-Thug

4. I dont give a fuck who you are.


I was around for the mortal combat games for sure. Again not trying to be an E-Thug, if I talk crap online I back it up, if all is well I will show up to that race as long as he agrees to what I posted. I did not get your hint about who did it, and im sure nobody would who doesnt browse these forums all day long and doesnt know your Mortal Combat craze here.

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