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Was just wondering how do you all do this, is there a special way for special types of waste? So how do you...


Shave your Balls


A - from front to back


B - from back to front


C - both ways to be sure you get it all


D- side to side


E - in a circular motion


F - dont Shave'em... All Natural

Edited by Rhett
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Sweet, well since you asked C...


I start with the electric shaver typical using a clipper guard. Then once I have all that bushy alphafa sprout shit outta the way I then hit the edges so that I form a nice V with my cock right in the middle. Now comes the tricky part I lather my balls with shaving cream and carefully start to shave away the nut hairs. I don't stop till they're as smooth as eggs. Then end result is really something to be seen...



PM me for pics.
































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i use a beard trimmer with the lowest gaurd. depending on how good of a job i wanna do and how much time i have to spend will determine how good it looks... well how good it looks to my girl anyway.


I dont use a blade... fuck that shit. no way i could nic my balls while trying to shave them that shit would hurt way too bad. At least with a trimmer you dont run the risk right?

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i use a beard trimmer with the lowest gaurd. depending on how good of a job i wanna do and how much time i have to spend will determine how good it looks... well how good it looks to my girl anyway.


I dont use a blade... fuck that shit. no way i could nic my balls while trying to shave them that shit would hurt way too bad. At least with a trimmer you dont run the risk right?


This. For the most part.

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