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What would you do if some one dumped sand into the crankcase of your mothers vehicle?


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I guess I would decide if I really wanted to do something about it or just make sure the nonsense stops. If I wanted to do something, I would probably kick his ass. If I couldnt prove it enough to convince a court to order them to repair the damages, I would file a police report and have the cops discuss the matter with them so at least they know they are a suspect. This may be enough to get them to stop. If I could prove they did it I would find a legal resolution to the matter.
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I guess I would decide if I really wanted to do something about it or just make sure the nonsense stops. If I wanted to do something, I would probably kick his ass. If I couldnt prove it enough to convince a court to order them to repair the damages, I would file a police report and have the cops discuss the matter with them so at least they know they are a suspect. This may be enough to get them to stop. If I could prove they did it I would find a legal resolution to the matter.

She filed a report but he said he's not gonna be able to do anything with it

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Tough call. What lead to this in the first place?

Something would have to be done to end it all. You do something to them and they might do something back so the cycle continues. Confrontation of some kind needs to happen where the end result is the end. Ass kicking or a healthy verbal bashing with some serious threats topped with a piece (to get peace!). You are on the radar already if your mom filed a police report should something happen to him.

You could kidnap him, toss him in a trunk, drive 4 hours to the middle of no where and leave him in his underwear so he has to find his own way home.

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That sucks. A feud like this never ends well. Yeah, there are a lot of things you could do to the person, or his car. My problem with this is law enforcement won't do anything about it. If you retaliate you may get caught. If you don't then he will retaliate back. This is already going to cost you money. How much is it worth to you to "win" this feud?


I guess there are things you could do that are not destructive, but would drive him crazy. Dead fish under his seat, or better yet inside his door panel. Something nasty smelling on the exhaust manifold. In theory not offensive enough to warrant retaliation on his end, but still nasty to deal with.

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Make there life a living hell


I would delete this thread and starting thinking hard about how to get back at them.


Stop being a pussy and handle your business.


tuna fish juice in their cabin air ducts


Ball bearings in the motor. Eye for an eye.



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Does he have a wife/gf? Get someone with good photochop skills to chop him into a pic of him hand n hand with another man coming out of a local bar.


Is he younger and living at home? Get one of his father. Be sure the mother finds out, too.


If you're able, you could even plant a little 'evidence' around for the significant others to find to further the illusion of gayness.


If you have their number, you could even leave a little anonymous message from a strange number to even further push the illusion.


Done correctly, this works wonders. I know, because I did this to get back at a guy who cock blocked me (fucker wouldn't get the point and leave, plus he was a little prick). He lived with his aunt and she and him were both devastated.

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Never thought about trying this in fresh air vents of a car in additional to contact transfer. Hmmmm......


Regardless, this works and is well worth the time and effort to make. Very easy time of year to spot Ivy too.



HAHA. This is your answer to everything.


What made this guy do this? Usually stuff like that is NOT unprovoked, especially when it happens multiple times.


You're not going to have any luck with legal action. It's not going to happen. Have your mother get in contact with her insurance company though. It should be a comprehensive claim and they may cover costs. Long shot, but worth it. If they aren't able to anything then get the shit to stop. Like I did with my neighbor I set up anti-douchebag-in-the-yard lighting etc and made it known to him that my neighbor and I both know he did it and are keeping an even closer eye on his ass. He's quieted down a lot since then.

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