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we need a consumption tax, you use more, pay more.


People who make more can afford to save/invest thus spending less of the income on consumption, and people who make little need to spend all of their income on consumption. This would have people who make less money pay even more of a percentage of their income in taxes than people who make more. That=one way ticket to third world country.

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The "me" approach to the common person. There is little to no consideration to others as a whole. Is it Mtv? Is it bad parenting? From this comes several other bad situations. Over spending. Poor planning, if any, for futures.


Probably not what you were looking for. But it's on my mind often.


I agree with you but, the "whole" with never care for others. Its easily done to look out for yourself than others.

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People who make more can afford to save/invest thus spending less of the income on consumption, and people who make little need to spend all of their income on consumption. This would have people who make less money pay even more of a percentage of their income in taxes than people who make more. That=one way ticket to third world country.


Good point. Sometimes I think a flat sales Tax would be pretty nice from the stand point of you earn tax from everyone, even people that earn money illegally. However,in a recession like we are now, when people save and are worried about spending taxes would shrink. Meh.



Healthcare and education.


Healthcare is a big burden on many people. So far in life I have been blessed not to have severe medical issues and I hope not to. But you can't hide from the fact that one of the leading causes of bankruptcy is from medical bills. The biggest bill I have personally had to pay was for a sleep study and a CPAP machine which ended up being around $3000. Not much but still a big chunk of change. I remember thinking to myself, at least I have money, but what about people that don't have that option or have much higher bills. People should not have to pick between their health or being able to put food on their plate.



Education prices will continue to skyrocket (College). Having a public college/university of some sort would be awesome. Instill hard entrance exams to qualify, this would weed out the people that don't want to study or have lack of drive. If we want to continue to develop as a country we need to have a higher level of educated work force.

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Going back to the values of the 40's and 50's would do wonders for this country. In my head that would fix all of the problems I have listend and put this country back on top.


I DO NOT want to go back to the "values" of the 40's and 50's, neither would most gays, minorities, immigrants, or women. It's easy to look at the good ol days with rose colored glasses, but life is better in America now than it was then.

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I DO NOT want to go back to the "values" of the 40's and 50's, neither would most gays, minorities, immigrants, or women. It's easy to look at the good ol days with rose colored glasses, but life is better in America now than it was then.


Well I would hope that some of the ignorance would not come back, oh wait it can't get much worse than now.


When I say values I do not mean the hate that era had. Back in that time Paris Hilton would be nothing but a whore and not rich and on tv.

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I personally believe the fact that we have career politicians in office is having the greatest negative impact on the US. Our system wasnt designed for this as a means of checks/balances. Political participation by the us public is on the decline by design. We have just allowed it to happen. I think once we are able to fix this problem, we are more likely to repair alot of the other issues that plague us.
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All good points.

Aside from pulling the rest of my hair follicles out worrying about that crap I just get pissed off that gas prices go up and down 30+ cents per G DAMN DAY.


hair follicles? ... :)


i'd have to say... MY pressing issue is doing what i can to stay happy with life. whatever that is, whatever path that takes me down. but it's a personal goal and not really anyone else can help but people can certainly hurt my chances.


and the economy.

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I agree with you but, the "whole" with never care for others. Its easily done to look out for yourself than others.


Not to be misunderstood. Yes, we need to take care of ourselves. Once that's in check, I don't feel people in general think of the situation, outside of themselves.


I'll add realistic to this. I like the entitlement comments. People think they deserve to have a certain lifestyle. Yet, they never get off mom and dad money or apply themselves to reach their mental image on their own. Its like they are wait for the insurance check from the hard work of their family members. And until then, they spend like they don't have to plan and then fall on their face. That's just not realistic.

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This....(sounds a little like Idiocracy),

Laws, Programs, and Political correctness protecting and enabling the general public to procreate and propogate the stupidity of the masses.


What ever happened to the survival of the fittest?

and this.


Anyone that doesn't have poor money spending/management by the gov't at the very top of their list, far above everything else, is an idiot. A budget in the black with money being used to paid down debt is the ONLY answer. Cutting spending on shit we really don't need, and run this country like a business.


Once THAT is cared for (and should be the only focus until that time):


- Flat tax rate. I'm willing to give up deductions in return for a flat tax rate. Everyone pays the same percentage, no matter how many homes, kids, and other BS you can put on a tax form.


- Dump the illegals. I don't care if my fruit and veggies will double in price, we need to care for our own. Deportation and border control are key. Punishment for those hiring and housing illegals should be severe.


- Focus on the US becoming more production oriented. Import tarrifs, creating fair trading, and making it viable for American companies to build things in the US. This includes getting the raw materials right here as well.


After all that is settled, then we can focus on health care, schools, social security, etc. And you know what, those problems would be far easier to deal with if the other issues were cared for.

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