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Weight Loss Thread "2010/2011"


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I bought some after glow today based on your recommendations. See how it works!


my after glow works really well. again im not trying to get jacked, but it tastes good and provides great recovery. honestly in the hour or 2 after i drink it, i feel like working out again. its kinda insane.


i do however, hate taking it in conjunction with the scivation xtend, made me feel like shit one time, not sure why.

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Yeah i like it so far. Im not trying to get real jacked either just trying to get lean like i was a few years back. It does surprisingly taste ok. Well as good as any of this crap can taste. I started at 257 a month ago. Been screwing around with P90x and i am down to 231 but have been kinda stuck there for a few days. Looking to get to 210-215 or so.
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Yeah i like it so far. Im not trying to get real jacked either just trying to get lean like i was a few years back. It does surprisingly taste ok. Well as good as any of this crap can taste. I started at 257 a month ago. Been screwing around with P90x and i am down to 231 but have been kinda stuck there for a few days. Looking to get to 210-215 or so.


just be consistent, and you will get good results.

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Decided Friday that I needed a few days off from working out and dieting so over the weekend I indulged a little. Drank to much and ate too much. Not a good feeling at all. To much fat and carbs had my stomach churning. Ate a burger and some onion rings and fries, and felt lazy the rest of the day.


I had planned on taking off through today but couldn't stand the feeling so I headed back to the gym and busted ass yesterday with some solid lifting for almost 2 hours.


Can't believe I actually lived off that crappy food. Not a good feeling at all.

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278.0. That's a cool 143 lost. Looking forward to 150. Talked to a recruiter. Very encouraged now.


EDIT: First pic is actually Nov. 2009.



Edited by Otis Nice
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Had a goal set in mind of 255lbs by today. Came into this week at 258 on Tuesday.


Official weigh in was 254 as of this morning. I'm officially lighter then I was my freshman year of high school. Also lost 1.5 inches since Tuesday. Two-a-days paid off but I won't be doing them to often.

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I've lost 13 pounds the last 3 weeks just by only drinking water and not eating fast food. I bought a new bike a few weeks ago to help me get some more exercise. Other than hiking on the weekends I don't really do much during the week, but I'm happy about the loss right now. I'm trying to get back to the size I was before my son was born. I have about 55 more pounds to take off. When I started getting to that 270-280 range I knew there needed to be a change.


I honestly don't even want fast food anymore. If I am running late, like today, and forget my lunch at home I don't even want to go pick up fast food. Previously I was eating 85% of my lunches at Wendy's.

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I've lost 13 pounds the last 3 weeks just by only drinking water and not eating fast food. I bought a new bike a few weeks ago to help me get some more exercise. Other than hiking on the weekends I don't really do much during the week, but I'm happy about the loss right now. I'm trying to get back to the size I was before my son was born. I have about 55 more pounds to take off. When I started getting to that 270-280 range I knew there needed to be a change.


I honestly don't even want fast food anymore. If I am running late, like today, and forget my lunch at home I don't even want to go pick up fast food. Previously I was eating 85% of my lunches at Wendy's.


Congrats on the loss. Yeah once you get used to eating a certain way you tend to not even consider the others as an option. I don't even consider pop a valid thirst quencher anymore. I may eat fast food once every 2 to 3 weeks but even then I go easy on what I order. I get the least greasy/fatty food possible. Greasy foods tear my stomach up anymore.

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I had a bunch of stuff happen to my family this week that is going to require some changes in all of our lives. The biggest one being that my mom is now an insulin dependent diabetic, and this moment I weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life. I really don't know where to begin, and would like some help from someone.
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Saw this thread, been feeling like a worthless shit lately, so its time to lose some lbs.


June 28 2011 ------------- 283lbs, 44inch waist, can't run to save my life.


Target ------------------- Don't really know; 220lbs, 36-38 waist?


Going to start leaving water jugs at work, at home, full at all times so i can just drink instead of eat. Also going to try to start waking up earlier to get my body running sooner and I want to get to bed earlier so I don't eat at night. I'm going to try to bring fresh fruit into my diet in a huge way.

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I'm down to 170 with 11% body fat from around 245 in January of 2010. I've recently got a dedicated body fat monitor rather than the one on the scale I was using, and the numbers are much different so I don't have a good starting BMI from 2010.


It feels fantastic. I've never been so confident in my life, and the best part is it has been a complete life style change. I still eat everything I love, just a more normal, human sized portion. Once I got past the "I need to shovel in as much of this food as possible to enjoy it" mentality, it became so easy. I never feel deprived, and still can go out and have fun whenever.

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Currently: around 148-150 (maybe 145 after a huge deuce)

Want to be: around 135

Height: 5'10" or so

Gameplan: start jogging (:dumb:), stop eating crap (:fuuuu:), maybe stop smoking


damn couldn't imagine being that light. I don't want to weigh under 220lbs. Of course being 6'1" on my build would be anorexic/dangerous at that weight.

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Congrats on the loss. Yeah once you get used to eating a certain way you tend to not even consider the others as an option. I don't even consider pop a valid thirst quencher anymore. I may eat fast food once every 2 to 3 weeks but even then I go easy on what I order. I get the least greasy/fatty food possible. Greasy foods tear my stomach up anymore.


Yeah the only places I've been actually eating out at this past month was Panda Express twice and Raising Canes' once. I'm not a great cook, but I've been working on it. I have a very bland sense of taste. I don't really like much.


I'm down another 3 pounds since the beginning of the week. I started this week in between commercials while I'm inside riding my bike on the travel trac trainer. A month and a half ago I was at 280lbs and now down to 257lbs. I'd like to get back to 220ish that I was before I found out I was having a kid. I gained 30lbs just while she was pregnant.

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