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Can any of you play the piano


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I took lessons as a kid. I finally got to quit when I broke my hand. Had I known that would work I would have broken it sooner. Everyone wants to be able to play the piano, no one wants to learn to play the piano.


If you have already learned to read sheet music then yes, learning to play will be easier.

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Sam, I've been in music since I was like 10. I've played the trumpet and other brass intruments. And by far the piano was harder for me. The basics was ok, but actually playing a decent song is a bitch. Chords left hand melody right. You have to know major and minor chords. If your ammerdextrious(sp) then you'll have a better chance. And I'm serious I've been in jazz bands, orchestra, marching bands, and competition bands and the piano is hard shit to learn.
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My gf plays piano. My daughter also plays a bit. I learned when I was a kid. Self taught because it simply interested me. I tried my hand at guitar too, but never stuck with it as much. I really wanted a full size skeleton that year more than the guitar. But my grandparents bought me the guitar, so...


Anyway, my skills are not up to par, however.

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I played for a few years it was the easiest out of everything I tried. Reading sheet music isn't that hard. Once you learn playing I will give you a hint on stretching. If you have small hands it might be difficult to play Ninths on one hand. I would practice my normal music 30 minutes a day every day. Then after that I would stretch my hand on the keys. For your right hand of example put your hands in an octave. Take your pinky finger and stretch it over and hold for 30 seconds and rest. Do this every day.
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My wife plays. We bought a keyboard for about $200 or so from Best Buy a few years back for my son. It has an excellent book with built in teaching programs. Worked pretty well for me when I "played around" with it for a few weeks. It sounds remarkably good too.


Needless to say it's in our lower level with only occasional use, but we're going to begin with him and my daughter now again after Christmas.


might be worth looking into something like this for yourself.

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