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got a ticket and i wasnt driving!


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I just wanna know why you let a woman drive you around. For some reason that annoys me.



shes drives a better car than i do,and you must have some woman domination issues. i like to sleep in the car, not drive

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I had an HP officer clock me doing 65, I had a detector and 2 witnesses in the car. He pulled me over on 23 in Marion, said I was clocked doing 80. I said hell no, told him I was doing 65. He asked me to get out of the car, I did, he sat me in the front of his cruiser and started to write me for speed. There was a sign in front of me that read, you are being audio and visually recorded anything you say will be used against you. I said "Since I am being recorded, I want to go on record and state I had my cruise control set to 65 and I have 2 witnesses. I will be going straight to the Marion courthouse and will request your dash cam video for evidence as I will not be just paying this ticket." He stopped writing, looked at me, got out of the car walked all the way around my car and got back in the patrol car. Ripped out what he was writing, started a new ticket and informed me that he was no longer writing me for speed but for no front license plate. I said "well at least your crooked ass is writing me for something I really am guilty of doing." He finished I signed told me to "be safe" I responded "fuck off". And I went on my way and later paid it. This asshole saw an import with a big wing and just wanted to ticket me, how many people has he fucked over? Everyone knows not to speed in Marion that is all the HP does is run radar there. I wasn't speeding, he was a dirty cop, and I wasn't going to give him any respect, he lost it by lying. The fact that he didn't stick to his words told me he was dirty.



I had something similar happen to me a few years ago. He said he pulled me over because it looked like my seat was broken and then I said what a crock of shit and he said EWWWWWWW and walked to the front of my care to make sure I had a front plate which I did. Then he wrote me a ticket for a cracked windshield

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I will be fair and say I know a few Officers and I know they are good, so not all officers are crooked. If most for them would get off their soapbox when writing me or others a ticket, I wouldn't say a word. However when you walk up to my car like I just robed a bank for doing less than 15 mph over. You will get it right back, I don't have to listen to the officers shit/mouth. Respect me first and I will respect you. These officers speed in their personal life, don't look down on me like your shit doesn't stink. Hell that HP Officer and Gahanna Police officer were clocked doing 150MPH and was gonna skate until the officer's boss that wrote the ticket stepped in. Even then neither of them lost their job. Don't lecture me about 72 in a 65. Everyone speeds in America, hell I told a Judge in court to his face that I know he speeds on the freeway and if he said he doesn't he would be lying, right after I was lectured by him. It most likely cost me some $$ but I wasn't going to be his bitch, and I got applauded. He had to go home and and know when he looked down and saw himself doing 72-75 MPH he was owned. It was worth every penny. Again show me some respect and I will do the same. All that needs done is say I clocked you over the speed limit, it's against the law, here is your ticket, drive safe. Cars are better equipped these days and speedlimits should be raised, I was just in a 9 car accident on 270, I sprained my wrist, and one lady had her nose broke from her airbag, and that was it. As many accidents on the freeways as you see every day, a very very small number of them are fatal or serious. Drive 65 with the Cruise control on on 270, watch how bad you impede traffic, and create a bad situation.


Impeding the flow of traffic is also ticketable.

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Unless you are driving and are required to produce an operators license, all you are required to provide is your name and possibly your address or social to the officer. Law states that you do not have to offer an ID.


I didn't mean that it was the law, just common sense. You really should carry ID for a number of reasons. If one of which is to not be given shit by a cop during a traffic stop, then I count that as a plus. Maybe some don't and enjoy the drama. Me...I have enough drama in my life and don't need to draw attention to myself creating even more.


I had something similar happen to me a few years ago. He said he pulled me over because it looked like my seat was broken and then I said what a crock of shit and he said EWWWWWWW and walked to the front of my care to make sure I had a front plate which I did. Then he wrote me a ticket for a cracked windshield


The last sentence is all that really matters. Cracked windshield = you got a ticket. About as basic as not having a front plate.


most of you didnt even read the 1st post which makes this even funnier. for those of you saying " i was being disrespectful, being an ass, just answer the ?, dont talk back, blah blah blah. " you are just being argumentitive.


Not simply being argumentative. Didn't someone here quote the old flies and honey bit......again, you must like drama. Now where's that sound bite ?


when have you ever been pulled over and not asked why?


I've never ever had to ask why. They usually walk up and say "good afternoon, etc...the reason I pulled you over is......."


no where did i say omg we didnt do anything. i said " so you could see me not wearing a seat belt as we pulled out of wendys, but you couldnt see the plate which is directly in front of me??? i knew it was a legitimate question, then when he gave a bull shit answer, i didnt wanna argue, i said to give me the ticket so i could move the fuck on.


I don't think he needed to answer you with anything other than you're being pulled over for no front plate and your not wearing a seat belt. Plates don't belong in the windshield and you admitted that you put the belt on as you were going down the ramp, which means you weren't wearing your belt. Am I wrong?


so why didnt he just go back to his car, write the ticket and say have a nice day? why did he have to press the situation?


Because he's doing his job. He's reading your response, behavior and attitude. It's not like he's not been trained to do so and pick out other suspicious behavior. If he just robotically wrote tickets, think about all the drug dealing hoods that would just pass right through without being noticed. His job is to "notice" reactions that he can invoke.


so get off your high horse about cops put there lives at risk and want to protect people from criminals. most do, but some just wanna push people to see what happens, because they are bored with there day.


As noted above, yes, he's there to push buttons and read your reactions. Sounds to me like he did so within the law.

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After being arrested 2, maybe 3 dozen times I can tell you that pulling the rights shit/coping an attitude rarely works. Yea you can do it, but shit it usually doesn't get you very far (unless you look like you got some serious $, and even then). Act professional with them and they usually will act it back. If they don't just keep acting professional with them, and be careful not to make any guilty/conflicting statements. Usually works.


I will be cool until they are not cool and I am perfectly fine with getting a trip to jail over it. I have rights and I will protect them and I aint going out like that. I aint going out!!!!!

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most of you didnt even read the 1st post which makes this even funnier. for those of you saying " i was being disrespectful, being an ass, just answer the ?, dont talk back, blah blah blah. " you are just being argumentitive. when have you ever been pulled over and not asked why? i didnt bitch about the ticket. no where did i say omg we didnt do anything. i said " so you could see me not wearing a seat belt as we pulled out of wendys, but you couldnt see the plate which is directly in front of me??? i knew it was a legitimate question, then when he gave a bull shit answer, i didnt wanna argue, i said to give me the ticket so i could move the fuck on. so why didnt he just go back to his car, write the ticket and say have a nice day? why did he have to press the situation? the car doesnt smell like weed, we didnt smell like alcohol. the windows arnt tinted.its a black 06 ford explorer. wearing a hoody and jeans is dressing like a thug? funny part about that it, the hoody says ohio state, and my jeans werent even baggy. by no means was i wrong at any point, i didnt have to give him any info that did not pertain to the situation, how do i know that you ask??? my lawayer told me so. i never said this is racist, or that i knew my rights. but i do know enough that if your pulling me over, you have to give me the reason why you pulled me over if i ask. so get off your high horse about cops put there lives at risk and want to protect people from criminals. most do, but some just wanna push people to see what happens, because they are bored with there day.


Im not a lawyer but I know a little bit. Enough that you cant illegally search my shit!!!!:)

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I don't think he needed to answer you with anything other than you're being pulled over for no front plate and your not wearing a seat belt. Plates don't belong in the windshield and you admitted that you put the belt on as you were going down the ramp, which means you weren't wearing your belt. Am I wrong?




Because he's doing his job. He's reading your response, behavior and attitude. It's not like he's not been trained to do so and pick out other suspicious behavior. If he just robotically wrote tickets, think about all the drug dealing hoods that would just pass right through without being noticed. His job is to "notice" reactions that he can invoke.




As noted above, yes, he's there to push buttons and read your reactions. Sounds to me like he did so within the law.




so because im wearing a hoody that instantly makes me a drug dealing suspect???


and if i ask why im being pulled over , by law they have to give you an answer. and i didnt say he didnt do his job, but he fucked up when he stereo typed me as a drug dealing hoodlum. your missing that point. shouldi put it in big capital letters so you can understand that.






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so because im wearing a hoody that instantly makes me a drug dealing suspect???


and if i ask why im being pulled over , by law they have to give you an answer. and i didnt say he didnt do his job, but he fucked up when he stereo typed me as a drug dealing hoodlum. your missing that point. shouldi put it in big capital letters so you can understand that.







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so because im wearing a hoody that instantly makes me a drug dealing suspect???


and if i ask why im being pulled over , by law they have to give you an answer. and i didnt say he didnt do his job, but he fucked up when he stereo typed me as a drug dealing hoodlum. your missing that point. shouldi put it in big capital letters so you can understand that.







Brah you didn't get sterotyped, copper is trained to pick up on certain behaviors, IM SURE one of said behaviors is asking for the ticket/appearing to be impatient about the stop. Do some research on the TSA and how they are trained to spot terrorists...It's all about how you act when confronted.

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I just dont get how many people are ok with their rights being violated.


Im not a lawyer but I know a little bit. Enough that you cant illegally search my shit!!!!:)


Maybe you should actually know your rights before complaining about them being violated


A traffic stop is, for practical purposes, a Terry stop;[10] for the duration of a stop, driver and passengers are “seized” within the meaning of the Fourth Amendment.[11] In the interest of officer safety, drivers[12] and passengers[13] may be ordered out of the vehicle without additional justification by the officer. Drivers[14] and passengers[15] may be searched for weapons upon reasonable suspicion they are armed and dangerous. If police reasonably suspect the driver or any of the occupants may be dangerous and that the vehicle may contain a weapon to which an occupant may gain access, police may perform a protective search of the passenger compartment.[16] [17]


Without a warrant, probable cause, or the driver’s consent, police may not search the vehicle, but under the “plain view” doctrine may seize and use as evidence weapons or contraband that are visible from outside the vehicle.[18]


In other words, the US Supreme Court says that his rights were violated in no way.

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So I'm in the passenger seat and we get pulled over. Cop comes up asking the basic questions, then looks at me and says I need your lisence. I'm like ok whatever, he claims he pulled us over cause there was no license on the front of the car, she states the lisence is in the window, cop replies, well I can see that since ur window is dirty. Then says I noticed u didn't h ave on your seat belt wen u were getting on the ramp, and I said no I put it on once we got on the ramp cause we jus got out of wendys


To sum the above up:


Car has no plate mounted to the front = broken law, resulting in traffic stop.

Cop says to passenger he noticed their seatbelt wasn't on = again, broken law. Passenger admits to not wearing it and that he put it on once they got on the ramp = admission of guilt.


Am I missing anything thus far?


then I said funny thing, u can't see her lisence which is in front of me but u could see I had no seat belt on. He said well yeah your a biger obejct, and again reply, no you weren't looking for her license plate, you saw what you wanted to see, so please give me the ticket so we can move the fuck on. He asks me to step out of the car............




Passenger get's cocky and smarts off. Not illegial, but in the grand scheme, rather unusual and a-typical for a normal law abiding citizen. Officer responds and the passenger gets even more argumentative and then cusses. Again, not typical, adding to increased suspicion thus drawing the officer to tell the occupants to step out of the car.


Does the above really shock anyone? I'm confused as to why? Again, am I missing something here?


I laugh and kindly refuse. You didn't pull us over because there is no front plate, now that you see 2 young people in a nice car you want to question us. Sir give me the ticket and go on with your day. At this point I'm getting pissed


So now you refuse, which is your right, but again does draw suspicion. You're getting "pissed" which is also very likely obvious and once again, causing the officer to wonder why?


Does anyone not see what's happening here?


cause there is no reason for him to have even pulled us over.


Now I'm really fucking confused.....your front plate is incorrectly and illegally displayed, you admitted you weren't wearing your seat belt and yet the officer has no reason to have pulled you over? What the fuck did I just miss ?


He looks at me and asks why we were in mt gilead to begin with and my girl says , that's actually non of your buisness, that information does not need to be given to you for a routine stop on a front plate. Just write the ticket. He says she has a smart mouth and shit gets out of hand at this point. He radios in for back up, they show up 4 mins tops, they ask us to get out of the car on suspision of drugs.


So the officer asks you a legitimate question, that you in turn have a right to not answer; fair enough. He states the driver has a "smart mouth" I wasn't there, but IMO, you both were asking like smart asses aka dumb asses really, thus you got detained and delayed within the law. Suspicious behavior. Drugs? Hey, your word vs his. Dare him in court, don't argue it here. Too many variables on the internet. Don't tell us, show us, you have the right side of this argument. Again, where's the recording?


I bust out laughing, so I get out and he says he wants to check me for weapons, now mind you, I'm in a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and tims( boots) I'm like man profiling a bit much arnt we officer. He looks at me and says if I wasn't dressed like a gun toting drug dealer, this would all go over alit smoother.


So let me get this straight, the officer is going to check you for weapons as he removes you from the vehicle, which sounds pretty routine and safe if you ask me, yet you try and turn it into a profiling call......hmmmm.....would you say this if you weren't black?


Sounds to me like you're the one who is pulling the race card, not him/her. Since you brought it up, he replies with a comment that pretty much just feeds your shit right back at you. You brought it up, not him. Translated...if you weren't being such a combative smart ass, things would have gone a lot smoother. What you were given is the same treatment a hillbilly from Mt Giliad would have gotten if he reacted that way. Feel better?


I look at hime and say I want you badge number, your police station number and your full name. You jus fucked yourself cause "my lawyer" has nothing better to do besides rip apart a police station. They search the car , find nothing, and write us both tickets. I have my info and it the convo was recorded on my phone. Can't wait to get home now.


The above is actually pretty funny. That's the same stereotypical shit you here on COPS every week. I also love it when people say "my lawyer". You're lawyer? You have a lawyer on retainer? Really? Why? Who the fuck has a lawyer on retainer? My wife is a lawyer and I don't have one on retainer!


Great story man. Good convo too.

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so because im wearing a hoody that instantly makes me a drug dealing suspect???


You brought up man profiling not him. Not according to what you told us. He just fed back to you the cocky ass shit you tried to put on him.





He treated you just as he would my white ass if I acted like that dude. Don't play the race card here man....not on this story. Fuck, my silly suburban white ass in Mt. Gilliead is as off-base you as being there. Fact. Add in some smart ass behaviour throwing vinegar all over the place......yep, I'd draw flies just the same as you. In my wife's minivan even.

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Brah you didn't get sterotyped, copper is trained to pick up on certain behaviors, IM SURE one of said behaviors is asking for the ticket/appearing to be impatient about the stop. Do some research on the TSA and how they are trained to spot terrorists...It's all about how you act when confronted.


^^^ This.....you know who typically gets all twitchy and defensive when pulled over? Typically, people with something to get all twitchy and defensive about. NOT average folks just running around with a car minus plate and passengers not wearing seat belts who are about to get a couple simple traffic tickets.

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Brah you didn't get sterotyped, copper is trained to pick up on certain behaviors, IM SURE one of said behaviors is asking for the ticket/appearing to be impatient about the stop. Do some research on the TSA and how they are trained to spot terrorists...It's all about how you act when confronted.



i wasnt stereotyped???? the cop said if i wasnt dressed like a drug dealer. thats called stereo typing dumbass. if i was dressed in overalls and a straw hat and he said if i wasnt dressed like a john dear riding farmer this wouldnt be an issue. same shit, stereo typing:gtfo:

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I just dont get how many people are ok with their rights being violated.


Where? Maybe I missed that part of the story. You mean the part where Phil tries to imply the officer is profiling him? Isn't that the part in between the broken laws and smart ass remarks that pretty much increased the level of suspicion the officer had? You know, the same actions that even a purple guy from mars drawing attention would have done to result in pretty much the same treatment?

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i wasnt stereotyped???? the cop said if i wasnt dressed like a drug dealer. thats called stereo typing dumbass. if i was dressed in overalls and a straw hat and he said if i wasnt dressed like a john dear riding farmer this wouldnt be an issue. same shit, stereo typing:gtfo:


So let me get this straight:


You state that after he radio'd for back up and they, meaning multiple officers at this point, asked you to get out of the car on "suspicion" of drugs, you "bust out laughing" as you exit the vehicle. Upon a simple pat-down....again, typical, YOU, make the comment about him profiling you.


Am, I missing something here or did you accuse him of profiling before his reactive comment to you about your clothing? Hmmmm...seems to me like he was just doing a simple traffic stop that resulted in a whole lot of drama that normally wouldn't have occurred. YOU created that "profile" of an ass....in this case an African American Ass, that got you the subsequent behavior. The color of your skin didn't get you that treatment, your actions did. I don't even need to look at the stats....my guess is there are more drug using white people in Mt Gilliead that blacks.


Again, you could very well have been a suburban white smart ass like me or a straw hat wearing hillbilly from up in the stix. Either way your actions and attitude would have resulted in that shit. That's not profiling of your race, that's profiling of you being an ass. Sorry.

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i wasnt stereotyped???? the cop said if i wasnt dressed like a drug dealer. thats called stereo typing dumbass. if i was dressed in overalls and a straw hat and he said if i wasnt dressed like a john dear riding farmer this wouldnt be an issue. same shit, stereo typing:gtfo:


Im pretty sure he said that just to piss you off, mainly because he knew it was what you were thinking, looks like it worked - still waiting on the recording.

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