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What Really Scares you???


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Women. Can't live with them... That's it. Can't live with them.


In addition, those fucking old dolls. Especially, the old porcelain ones. I just wanna smash the damn things to pieces when I see them. Tiny little pieces that can't get up and get me when I'm not looking.

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Well, this email I just got here at work kind of scares me.


As you may have heard in the news, if a continuing resolution to fund the government is not passed by Congress, the possibility exists for a government shutdown. Many factors are still unknown concerning this possibility. However, DLA HQ and OSD are currently working the exact details of what the current budget situation will mean to DLA employees if a shutdown occurs. We expect more information by next week. We will release this information as soon as it is made available.

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We were hunting on the back side of alumn creek when the reports of a mountain lion being loose around the area. Well we go in set up and sit down awaiting the sun to show itself. As the sun starts to show itself i hear something come right through my feild of vision yet i never saw anything.


Fast Forward an hour, we decide to get up and do a field drive. Well on our way through the woods i walk up to were i heard the noise, low and behold there was tracks in the damp mud that resembled the exact size and structure of a very large feline.


We packed up and left. I have heard several stories from people elk hunting in the west and having encounters with mountian loins. NO THANKS.




Being from the lower part of ohio, i go home and visit family from welston ohio often. While on a fishing trip we were set up at camp for the night, we start hearing noises coming from the tree line. A few minutes later a momma black bear and her cubs come walking through our camp. If it had just been a black bear it wouldnt have been that bad but being with her cubs in tow made the situation very unnerving.

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