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If you are thinking about getting the Thunderbolt...

V8 Beast

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Yes, flash it from recovery. I'm not familiar with that rom, or thunderbolt radios, but the developer should specify if it's it included, and if it requires a certain radio. If that's the radio you want, you can will flash it just like you would a rom. However, just make sure it won't mess with the rom you want to run. I'd flash the rom first, restart the phone, boot back into recovery and then flash the radio. Flash the radio first if it's a requirement for the rom you want to run. Be careful with radios, if you fuck it up, you will brick your phone. Remember to make backups before flashing.
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Alright, gotta bug you guys again hahaha. I wanna flash das bamf 2.0. From my understanding I put it on my SD card and use clockworkmod recovery to flash it, correct? Does das bamf 2.0 include the mr2 radio, or do I need to flash that as well? If so, how do I do that along with flashing the ROM?


You need the radio as well.


http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1115714 - radio, newest leak


http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1087617 - dbamf 2


Just read the threads there.. tons and tons of info. Im still testing the froyo stuff for some devs there, havent jumped ship to GB yet myself. As Chris said though, be careful with flashing the radios floating around, you could brick the phone for sure. Just read the threads of the ROMs you want to try and definitely be certain to make sure you flash the correct radio. if you stick to a 2.0 release of something or a rom stated as GB youll be fine with the newest GB radios.

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Radios are flashed via HBOOT and not Clockwork.


Rename the radio to PG05IMG.zip put on SD Card. Reboot into HBOOT, and select Bootloader. This will auto initiate the Radio Upgrade, Volume up to proceed. Reboot.


Rename your ROM to update.zip, place on SD Card. Flash Clockwork Recovery, reboot into Recovery mode. BACKUP YOUR CURRENT SETTINGS! Wipe Cache, Davlik, Data, Battery Stats 3 times each. Select Apply update.zip from SD Card. Wait....reboot.


Let your phone sit for 15 mins or so, so your davlik can recache itself. Have fun.


If you really need help or are nervous about doing it, I can help you out next week when I am back in Columbus.

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Thanks for the help everyone, I've got BAMF 2.0 loaded up! I was only getting 3G but I rebooted and everything is good now! This is very slick. Though the batter seems to be dying pretty quick, but I guess I have been on here nonstop since I flashed this ROM. Only thing that isn't working so far is Netflix. Anyone have any trouble with this? Edited by Ryan
Need to stop asking so many questions without thinking first lol.
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If the radio is packed into a zip it can be flashed via recovery, else if it's just a .img it has to be done through fastboot. I guess the radio you want to flash is an img so do what Kevin said.


Thunderbolts Radio can't be flahsed via Clockwork. The Radio in the T-Bolt is stored in eMMC, which means you have to do it through Bootloader....that is why he flashed S-OFF onto his phone when he rooted it.

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Thanks for the help everyone, I've got BAMF 2.0 loaded up! I was only getting 3G but I rebooted and everything is good now! This is very slick. Though the batter seems to be dying pretty quick, but I guess I have been on here nonstop since I flashed this ROM. Only thing that isn't working so far is Netflix. Anyone have any trouble with this?




See where it says "Netflix Update"


Download the update, rename it update.zip put it on your SD Card. Reboot into Clockwork Recovery. BACKUP YOUR CURRENT SETUP! Then go to Apply update.zip from SD Card. Lets it work it's magic and BOOOOOOM you has Netflix.


A little reading on XDA will go a long way for you ;-)

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Running BAMF GingerRemix 2.0 Beta 6 since yesterday.



Best rom to date easily!!!!


Jones, does your battery charge really slow? Mine seems to be with this ROM. And thanks again everyone that has helped me and put up with my noobness.

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Thunderbolts Radio can't be flahsed via Clockwork. The Radio in the T-Bolt is stored in eMMC, which means you have to do it through Bootloader....that is why he flashed S-OFF onto his phone when he rooted it.


What is this s-off you speak of...damn Nexus 1, :yuno: s-off

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Read XDA - you need to flash a new kernel.


Ahhh, got it. Charge to 100%, flash new kernel, wipe battery stats...profit??? Haha if I see the battery life some of these guys are talking about, I'm definitely going to do a a slight overclock.

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Ok, FML. I had my phone plugged in all afternoon because it was taking forever to charge, and the battery was dying really fast. I was going to attempt what I posted above. So I decided to make a backup just because I hadn't done so on BAMF yet. Once I rebooted the phone started rebooting every time the sync symbol came up in the notifications bar. I had it straight fucked for a little while and it wouldn't go past the screen that said "das BAMF the baddest". Thankfully I was able to figure out a way to get it into clockwork recovery and restore the BAMF backup I attempted to make. Now I'm back to square one with it rebooting after being on for about a minute.


Totally defeated here. I had PM'd Chris back when it was getting stuck on the BAMF screen. Don't know what to do now lol consider me a complete Droid failure. If anyone can help me I'll pay, buy beer, whatever. Just please help hahaha. I'm leaving it stock after this unless someone else who actually knows what they're doing can get it setup for me.


Edit: Could I potentially try reflashing BAMF and the MR2 radio and see if that gives me a clean slate on this ROM/Gingerbread?

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If it gets stuck on "das BAMF the baddest", I'm guessing thats the bootscreen for that rom, you're just getting stuck in bootloop, nothing a wipe and reflash wont fix.


It rebooting after a while might have something to do with the kernel. Is it an overclocked kernel? Phones will restart themselves if they detect something wrong, like overheating.

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If it gets stuck on "das BAMF the baddest", I'm guessing thats the bootscreen for that rom, you're just getting stuck in bootloop, nothing a wipe and reflash wont fix.


It rebooting after a while might have something to do with the kernel. Is it an overclocked kernel? Phones will restart themselves if they detect something wrong, like overheating.


It's just the regular kernel that comes with BAMF 2.0-6 REMIX. Just wiped and am trying to restore. If that doesn't work I'll wipe again and reflash the rom.


Jones, what kernel are you running with this ROM? The battery life was ass all day long, and it took HOURS on the charger to get from 70%-100%.

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And after wiping and restoring, I'm again getting stuck at the das BAMF screen. Will attempt to reflash and see how it goes.


Edit: So far the reflash seems to be working, obviously I haven't had it up very long.

Edited by Ryan
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If you have insurance. Go to the store and say it was lost/stolen. Pay 100 bucks and now you have a new Tbolt...that is worst case scenario.


Did you make a backup before you went to GB? If so wipe Data/Cache/Davlik/Bat 3 times each and go back to that. You will need to place a Froyo Radio on the phone via HBOOT.

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