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Official pregame/drinking friday. Post what you are drinking.


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Once the neighbor's kids are home, and mine are in bed, I'll be sipping on this, in between beers.



By the way, what pregame?

PREGAMING basically means is drinks you consume at ur house or somewhere else before you go out. basically you do this to get drunk and to save money at bars so you dont go out sober and blow big wads of cash on drinks to get a buzz.
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What a bunch of pussies




NOOO fuxking thank you. :)


We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe. :(

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NOOO fuxking thank you. :)


We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe. :(


Shit is nasty

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NOOO fuxking thank you. :)


We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe. :(


Not to everyone's taste ..... but I'd bet you either had a cheaply-made version (lots of European spirits sold as absinthe are little more than anise-flavored vodkas), or perhaps didn't prepare the drink carefully (cold water needs to drip slowly into the absinthe to allow the essential oils in the absinthe to be released to emulsify with the water and create the "louche." This gives the characteristic flavor and fragrance.)


If you're ready to try it again, let me know and I'll loan you my absinthe fountain. :)

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NOOO fuxking thank you. :)


We tried every which way in our Vegas hotel room to make that crap taste good - including the whole pouring over a sugar cube on a special spoon - and none of the 8 of us cared for it. Kind of a waste since a military buddy snuck it from Europe. :(


Ask Doc for an education in absinthe. I had the same experience as you but there are so many reasons for it to be bad. Like not having real absinthe, no offence but just cause someone was sneaking it into the country doesn't make it real.


Doc you and I need to have a little absinthe sometime soon.


edit: Doc beat me to it.

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Yep, a lot of the problem is that there is no legal standard for what can be called absinthe. A lot of unethical businessmen took advantage of the myths and hype about absinthe and produced some really nasty drinks. Unless you take the time to read about absinthe, I would avoid the ones made in Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, or Spain. There are a few quality brands from those countries, but most are lighter fluid.


And don't light the damned sugar cube on fire ..... who wants chunks of burned sugar dropping into his drink? :p

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...but seriously, absinthe night at Doc's place. :D


Some of my past fav's.







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