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Worst physical pain in your life?

V8 Beast

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oh geeze idk where to begin..


ill pick 4;


1) Getting the rocks,dirt and wood scrubbed out of my elbow after flipping down a very steep hill only to be stopped by a tree at the bottom.


17 stitches to fix that gaping wound.


2) Manualling down a hill in my neighborhood on my bike. I started loosing the ability to pump as i gained speed. The front wheel came down into a nice little crack in the side walk. Went over the bars and cracked my right eye socket onto the pavement. Spent the entire night in the er, couldnt see shit for days. Luckily some road rash and a few stitches was the result of that accident. The er doctors were pretty sure i broke my face lol.


3) Getting a deep tissue massage from the freaking amazon woman at massage envy. She spent the entire hour on my chest,shoulder and traps. Needless to say i had 8 years of knots built up from power lifting.


4) I was at my aunts in welston painting with my cousin during the summer when i was young. I had one of the worst cases of exema the dermatologist had ever witnessed during my adolesent years. My hands were always raw with several deep cracks all over my right hand. When we finished painting my aunt( who is a er nurse) decided to pour paint thinner on our hands to clean the paint off. She forgot about my exema, i didnt think anything of it. I have never screamed so loud in my life.


There are so many more stories.

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Kidney stone had me laying on bathroom floor. Plus I had to pee thru a strainer to catch it when it came out. It looked like a really spikey ball of calcium.


I made mistake of thinking I could pass it without pain pills. Wont make that mistake again.

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I feel old as shit so everytime I get injured it is the worst pain in my life. The most recent is my ankle. I tore all the ligaments in my ankle and broke one of my cubeoid bones. I decided to take my daughter to Sky Zone for her 9th b-day about 5 weeks ago. I didnt even make it a full minute. I am still in a little pain but I am getting around much better.
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Undisclosed location somewhere over former Soviet Union many years ago - pulled my own infected upper canine tooth with a hemostat and a surgical sponge to soak up the blood. Couldn't abort the mission for something so minor.
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I dunno what causes kidney stones but it seems like there are a lot of young guys getting them. Sounds like a diet change is needed in a lot of you.


Doctor told me that soda, especially Mountain Dew, was a likely cause. Of course I quit drinking it, for a couple months.

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i always love threads like these. i've seen nearly every variation of every broken bone/muskuloskeletal injury known to man----they are indeed, painful. i always find it interesting when a young man (18-35 years old) tells me they have an extremely high pain tolerance (please don't tell doctors this), all the while moaning like a bitch in heat and screaming. the same injury in a 65-70 year old lady and she doesn't make a sound. face it men, when it comes to pain, we are collectively a bunch of pussies. trust me on this one. and for the record, i'd moan like a bitch too if i broke my arm or had a kidney stone.
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2 kidney stones, about a year apart. Enough to make you want to die. Mine were caused by malnutrition from crohns. Luckily havent had any since. Atleast I know what it feels like if I were to get another one, Id be able to pop some pills.
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I dunno what causes kidney stones but it seems like there are a lot of young guys getting them. Sounds like a diet change is needed in a lot of you.


They can tell you the composition of them. My guess is many here are from caffeine.

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Had my trucks radiator hose explode on me . The temp gauge said 280 + . That gave me real bad burns from my neck to the middle of my back. I had bubbles on me the size of baseballs from that. pain level 7



Broke a femur playing football . Tried to get to stand up and walk after I heard the snap , my thigh bent in the middle when I tried this. pain level 6



Had a kidney stone . I was in a fetal position for 10 minutes before I called the squad . I did not know what a kidney stone felt like at the time . I went to the er and was told it was going to be a 5 hour wait.I refused to wait that long and went home and laid in the fetal position for the next 12 hours . pain level 9

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Had a kidney stone . I was in a fetal position for 10 minutes before I called the squad . I did not know what a kidney stone felt like at the time . I went to the er and was told it was going to be a 5 hour wait.I refused to wait that long and went home and laid in the fetal position for the next 12 hours . pain level 9


damn dude!!

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