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Worst physical pain in your life?

V8 Beast

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natural childbirth....that fucking sucked big time. 9lb baby...ugh...i kept screaming to get the fucking kid out of me. lol. but after it was done, i felt fine!!


had epidural with my first kid and it wasn't too bad...


i'd say my kidney infection i had years ago was way worse than medicated childbirth...i couldn't get dressed or crawl to the phone...i was doubled over in pain


...and migraines...makes me want to shoot myself

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natural childbirth....that fucking sucked big time. 9lb baby...ugh...i kept screaming to get the fucking kid out of me. lol. but after it was done, i felt fine!!


had epidural with my first kid and it wasn't too bad...


i'd say my kidney infection i had years ago was way worse than medicated childbirth...i couldn't get dressed or crawl to the phone...i was doubled over in pain


...and migraines...makes me want to shoot myself


how torn up were your woman bits?

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having mono so bad my tonsils swelled up together. couldnt eat anything.


Mono plus strep, and swine flu at the same time while having an allergic reaction to the meds they gave me. I was swollen and red couldnt eat sleep or drink for about 2 days then was just swollen and in a shit load of pain for a month.


That or breaking 2 bones in each arm at the same time and having both arms in casts sucked too

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how torn up were your woman bits?


lol. natural is actually way better on a girl's "woman bits" because you can actually feel how hard you are pushing. if you are medicated, you don't realize you are pushing too hard which then can result in hemorrhoids, larger tears, pulled muscles, popped blood vessels (even in your face)...all sorts of crazy stuff


i felt fine right after doing it naturally...got up and walked around just fine....would totally do it again. it's just the worst pain in the world when you are going through it.

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lol. natural is actually way better on a girl's "woman bits" because you can actually feel how hard you are pushing. if you are medicated, you don't realize you are pushing too hard which then can result in hemorrhoids, larger tears, pulled muscles, popped blood vessels (even in your face)...all sorts of crazy stuff


i felt fine right after doing it naturally...got up and walked around just fine....would totally do it again. it's just the worst pain in the world when you are going through it.


hmm. nice. did you get the extra husband stitch?

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grew up with migraines, horrible shit. thankfully I've mostly grown out of them.


worst was probably the 2 inch piece of wood that was shoved into my thumb under the thumbnail during the start of a rowing race. Rowed the entire race with it, blood pouring out of my thumb. Coach was a retired ER doc, did surgery with an exacto knife after the race.

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recovery from reconstructive ear drum surgery. Also had a cyst in my inner ear by the drum. Couldn't walk straight for over a week, constant throbbing in my ear and just about any noise was enough to drive me crazy. didn't help that I had a long rope gauze thing in my ear I was supposed to pull out little by little to trim. Day 3 or so I realized the only relief I could get was pulling on that gauge, which resulted in me pulling it all out at once.
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I hear some women have to lose their grundle to just get the baby out. Goes right from vagina to asshole...


:yuno: try watching it happen. i thought watching the placenta and all that shit be pushed out was bad....not even close. I left the room at that point.

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:yuno: try watching it happen. i thought watching the placenta and all that shit be pushed out was bad....not even close. I left the room at that point.


:lolguy: I have a queasy stomach...i would either pass out or throw up on her.

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This is by far the worst thing I ever felt. Would have rather pulled by ball sack over my head.


I was trying to power through it, but it just kept stabbing, and then I started throwing up from the pain. Went to ER eventually passed.



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I was trying to power through it, but it just kept stabbing, and then I started throwing up from the pain. Went to ER eventually passed.




I was balled up on the ER's floor, I didn't even notice when they stuck me with the IV. I didn't even feel it pass because once it got into my bladder it never hurt again. Not a pleasent memory.

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